Topic: Chapter 10 The Last Demon War
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Fri 01/09/09 03:42 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 04:09 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 10 The Last Demon War

The eight hundred cyclone old black wizard lies on his bed staring at his collection of skulls hanging on the dimly lit black stone walls. He is most proud of his demon skulls that hang in front him. They were after all the most difficult to defeat in his long life. He is disturbed knowing that he is the last black wizard of the dark elves. He is of the highest order that any wizard wishes to attain.

The rest of the wizards who roam his halls are mere apprentices under his nose learning the basics of dark elfin magic. They have yet so much to learn and he knows that they could not survive in the undergrounds against the ever growing hordes of the Demon Urigish let alone its leader Mora****ar. Life on the surface is a different story for his kind, as they will rule it without fear. That is why he urges his apprentices to curse the human kingdom.

It is rumored that Pythonian the snake lord is dead, as he remembers seeing the ancient god when he was a mere child. Lord Pythonian had built an army of orcs, goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins, and last but not least influenced his race to fight the demons.

The time had come one hundred cyclones ago to advance into the lowest levels of earth to finally annihilate the demons and rule forever. Yet oddly, Lord Pythonian disappeared the day he was supposed to advance.

It had troubled many of the senior wizards who have now either passed away or fallen victim to a demon horde. They have lost practically every war since then and have grown fewer in numbers. If only the lord of the snakes could have fought on their side. Unfortunately, the disappearance of the snake lord remains a mystery. One day he will find out why it happened, as he sits up.

He gets out of his bed and sits on an old and comfortable chair, planting one elbow on the worn arm and dropping his head sidelong against his hand.

What was it about Ald’Seran today at the meeting? He noticed that he had changed over the days.

He then raises his head looking at the special items in his room. The many trophies he has collected including his most prized watchful eyes of Anogish.

Perhaps he should activate the magical crystal ball and see what Ald’Seran is up to. He then shakes his head dismissing the thought. For what reason must he spy on his own kind and even so why would he.

He is after all the most powerful dark elf to live, let alone his items of power from a lifetime of work. He has such items that could destroy anyone who stands in his way. He knows not to underestimate the ancient warrior equal to his age, as he ponders in thought of his strange behavior earlier.

He waves his hands, as a blue aura barrier ensures no entrance to his front door. He gets out of his comfortable chair and lies back on his bed, as suddenly a shadow appears.

The dark creature stares at the black wizard floating harmlessly in the middle of the room.

It waits patiently for its master to acknowledge its presence. The black wizard narrows his eyebrows disturbed to be interrupted.

“What is it shadow of no end?” he says quickly.

“The demonssss comess to attackss,” it hisses.
He gets up from his bed and waves his hand dismissing the messenger that suddenly disappears.

The shadow’s watchful eyes have helped keep him alive for many centuries now. And once again the time has come to fight demons who have found him so quickly. He sighs, as he knows there is only one level left to retreat to. He scowls at the thought of living side by side with such cowardly and impudent creatures that roam those caverns.

“It will not be today,” he mumbles as he gets out of the bed.

He walks to the end of the room and looks at his wide assortment of staffs. He takes the larger one with a gargoyle skulled shaft. He waves his hand and hisses sounds as eight goblins appear in front of him.

“Gather my belongings and bring it to the next level!” he orders in their language.

The dull green skinned and lanky creatures nod their heads. Adjusting his robes he walks out of his room dismissing the magical barrier that had separated his room from a hall.

He walks down it into a chamber where dark elfin wizards continue to feast on unicorn blood. Clapping his hands the apprentices stop to look at him.

“The demons have found us. Prepare for war!” he screams.

The red robbed wizards drop their glasses and run in every edge of the huge room guarding entrances that leads inside. Staffs suddenly appear in their hands.

A rumbling occurs, as the temperature rises indicating that demons are near. A gargoyle screeches an eerie sound and flies in quickly.

“Remember what I told you wizards! Cast your heat shields!” the black wizard reminds them.

A gargoyle spits black muck before landing upside down on the ceiling staring at a red wizard awkwardly. He then jumps suddenly trying to claw and bite its victim to only be burned on the newly cast defensive heat spell.

It screeches in pain and jumps instantly away to fly in circles before turning into ashes. Three more gargoyles enter with long and thin steel spears. They throw them, as they easily are deflected with a wave of hands, except for an apprentice wizard who didn’t react fast enough.

The long sharp weapon pins him against the wall. Blood gushes out of his mouth shocked. The black wizard’s eyes narrow, as he watches helplessly one of his students die. He remains patient feeling the presence of a huge demon yet to enter his chamber.

He reserves his magic for the big beast trusting his apprentices can manage the others. He wonders where Ald’Seran is, as he usually eliminates the minor demons alone saving magic and energy for his apprentices.

He becomes nervous as the warrior isn’t around. Fireballs shoot diagonally from three red robbed wizards demolishing the weak demon pets. Fire basilisks enter next, as they exhale huge amounts of fire in every direction enshrouding the chamber into fire.

The wizards stand patiently unaffected by the attack. The fire basilisks walk slowly enjoying the unbearable heat wave knowing that they have found a quick victory for their master. When the fire resides they roar loudly amazed that the wizards are still standing. The wizards shoot bolts of ice out of their staffs hitting the surprised basilisks.

One by one they turn over and die from the sudden frost. Eventually the big demon comes in. It bends it horned head into the entrance staring at the dark elves. It squeezes through the entrance and roars revealing a mouthful of flames. Its fire inflamed wings stretch out knocking over a handful of wizards squashing them against the wall.

Their defensive heat shields proved no match, as they instantly dissolve from the greater heat. The black wizard steps back knowing he has finally found his match. He has never seen such a huge demon before with such powers.

He points his skull staff at the demon as a huge sonic ray burns a hole in the demon’s chest. The demon roars, as it covers its body with its wings deflecting the rays, which hit a long table crushing it into pieces. The apprentices try to aid their master shooting lightning bolts at the huge demon.

It only ignores the small stings and waves its paws secretly behind its protective wings chanting a spell. Dozen of reapers appear. Their sharp beaks snapping in every direction, as their strong legs jump high into the air, and attack a red wizard who falls to the ground. His shield proves useless, as they tear him to pieces.

Torak realizes that the demon knows of the defensive spell and casts quickly a more powerful one. The reapers then turn to attack him and bounce off his body shrieking in terror. They flee down a long corridor away from the chamber.

The demon roars in rage at his loss, as a flame sword suddenly evolves out of its huge claws. It swings at the black wizard who deflects it with his staff. The static between the two weapons kills a nearby apprentice, as he falls to the ground electrocuted.

“Asha-kaaaa!” roars the demon.

“Never shall I serve you!” screams the black wizard acknowledging the bargain plea
“Then you shall die in the honor of my Lord Mora****ar,” it replies.

It grips its flame sword with both hands and swings with all of its might downwards hoping to split the wizard with staff in half. Torak jumps to the side falling onto his body. The wings of the beast begin to flap rapidly, knocking over burning chairs and tables. The wizard flies unwillingly backwards hitting his back against the wall.

He tries to withstand the unbearable heat wave that even his magical shield is struggling to withstand. As the heat resides, he falls to the ground and gets up quickly at the approaching demon. Torak throws his staff like a spear hitting the demon square at its chest. The demon roars as it sinks deeper.

“Now you shall die!” the demon roars as it begins to run towards Torak unaffected by the staff implanted inside of him.

“No you shall die mighty one!” Torak screams.
“Arantakolarim!” he chants.

The staff explodes as the demon falls back. Torak ducks behind a burning table trying to avoid various demon body parts from scorching him. The heat rises and gets unbearable seeping onto his skin.

Torak begins to scream with agony. His robes set on fire, as he quickly summons an ice imp to help aid from an ultimate heat wave by covering the black wizard’s body.

The large creature melts and eventually blows up. It had sacrificed its life to help protect the wizard who was surely to die otherwise. Finally, the shadows of the demon shrivel and turn into ashes. The room is silent, as the wizards robes are steaming.

His eyelids are burnt as the rest of his body steams. His robes are shredded and hanging on threads. He tries to concentrate through his pain and casts a mental spell. It is a spell he had learned from an old book of high elfin magic and had aided him many times in war.

A green mist surrounds his body healing his wounds slowly and allowing his eyelids to function again. His eyes open slowly reclaiming vision.

He finally stands up after a long pause regaining his strength. Piles of ashes and debris hinder his walk as he steps unwillingly on them barefooted.

“Dor’Saniy! Atoonak! Sillank’Ren!” he screams.

No one answers, as he notices he lost everyone in this battle.

With much effort he slowly walks partially staggering out of the hall chambers and into a cavern leading towards Ald’Seran’s domain. Passing it he limps slowly down the dimly lit corridor.

He cannot stay long, as he knows more demons will soon come. He has no strength to challenge them and he must go to the next level immediately.

His plan to destroy the human civilization has failed. His apprentices were right, as there was no time to wait for the human population to decrease. He notices his mind has dulled for the past decades giving poor judgment.

He cannot understand how demons can track him so quickly. He sobs falling to his knees frustrated and disappointed for his loss today.

A whining is heard across the corridor. Torak looks eagerly in the direction. He then gets up to walk towards the soft whines. He stumbles a little and finally approaches.

“Maer’Dan.” Torak whispers.

The apprentice looks up shocked with tears looking at his master.

“I am sorry master,” but I couldn’t withstand the heat,” he pleads holding onto the black wizard’s shredded robes fearing he may smite him for his decision.

“You have done the right thing,” Torak replies after a long silence.

“We are but the last that exist of dark elves. It will not be long until they have reached the woman and children.

“You are not disappointed master.” Maer’Dan says questioningly.

“I am too weak to think anything young one. We have little time and must flee to the next level.
Do you remember how to cast the teleportation spell Maer’Dan?” Torak asks falling to his knees struggling to stay conscious.

“I need to rest,” he manages to mumble before falling on his back.

Maer’Dan looks at his master in shock seeing the many burned markings throughout his body and face.

He realizes that his breathing grows heavy, as the master wizard slowly falls into a deep sleep. Without hesitation, Maer’Dan closes his eyes and takes the wizard’s hand.

“Movintilukom!” he shouts. They disappear.

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dreamboat1974's photo
Tue 05/19/09 01:18 PM
here it clearly shows that evil destroys its own. Torak has met his match. He wants power and now he is staring death in it's face.He caused ill to befall a village and now the same magic which he used against the village has now proven to be his downfall. Mora****ar has sent his hordes of gargoyles and demons to destroy them all.

Power, corruption greed are our major downfalls in life.

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 12:10 PM
Vivid battle! I wonder what Torak will do when he catches up w/Ald’Seran, who deserted him...?

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 06/24/09 09:36 AM

Vivid battle! I wonder what Torak will do when he catches up w/Ald’Seran, who deserted him...?
Deserted him or saw the reality first hand and acted accordingly on what the wizard came to realize in rather painful hindsight?