Topic: Making the call
creationsfire's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:42 AM
It’s hard to open up
To those you hardly know
To show them what’s inside
To what is truly so

Where and when is part the key
Should, or not
Or just keep it for me?

If I show what’s deep inside
Will I be ostracized?

Sometimes happy.
Sometimes sad
Sometimes dark
Sometimes bad

But I am here
Living with you all
Should I open up?
I can’t make the call

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:46 AM
flowerforyou :smile: nice

Raindrops's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:54 AM
Very beautiful.

And of course you should open up. That's how you grow and evolve in the


PetiteKitten's photo
Thu 04/19/07 11:57 AM
Yes, creations......You should open up to us....We're a family here.
Everyone's wonderful and I've made some good friends so far. The poem's
great!! flowerforyou

creationsfire's photo
Thu 04/19/07 01:58 PM
Thanks, that is sweet of you all. Might take some time. But eventually I
will. Seems sometimes people don't want to open up or I don't. Could use
to friends to talk to, but I'm somewhat in a negative mood, so I don't
want my first inpressions to people to be that, ya know?

Thank again,



welshboy's photo
Thu 04/19/07 02:15 PM
great poem!drinker

LAMom's photo
Thu 04/19/07 04:40 PM
(((((((((( Karen ))))))))))))
When ever your ready I am here flowerforyou
Very Beautiful

Gryphyn's photo
Thu 04/19/07 06:08 PM
There are several here who will keep your secrets safe. They are truly
friends if you let them.

flowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile


Tameka's photo
Thu 04/19/07 06:11 PM
thanks for sharing... very beautiful... you can just be yourself here
with us... we love everyone!!!flowerforyou

bibby7's photo
Thu 04/19/07 07:31 PM
"It’s hard to open up
To those you hardly know
To show them what’s inside
To what is truly so

Where and when is part the key
Should, or not
Or just keep it for me?

If I show what’s deep inside
Will I be ostracized?

Sometimes happy.
Sometimes sad
Sometimes dark
Sometimes bad

But I am here
Living with you all
Should I open up?
I can’t make the call"
by It’s hard to open up
To those you hardly know
To show them what’s inside
To what is truly so

Where and when is part the key
Should, or not
Or just keep it for me?

If I show what’s deep inside
Will I be ostracized?

Sometimes happy.
Sometimes sad
Sometimes dark
Sometimes bad

But I am here
Living with you all
Should I open up?
I can’t make the call

It’s hard to open up
To those you hardly know
To show them what’s inside
To what is truly so

Where and when is part the key
Should, or not
Or just keep it for me?

If I show what’s deep inside
Will I be ostracized?

Sometimes happy.
Sometimes sad
Sometimes dark
Sometimes bad

But I am here
Living with you all
Should I open up?
I can’t make the call"

By Creationsfire


What a lovely poem..I really enjoyed the sentiments that flowed from
your pen to paper...Chapeau..flowerforyou

(signed) * Bibby7..laugh(at my name, not the write)laugh

creationsfire's photo
Fri 04/20/07 03:49 PM
(((((thank you and hugs to all)))) And bibby, you made it sound like a