Topic: Who wants a business In IOWA?
Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:41 PM

ok, i know where your talking about ...drinker

Its not the big tan building, thats a friend that builds all the racing motors for the hobby stock guys here in town..... But I'm close to him.

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:43 PM

aawww.. i just dont want to see anyone take advantage of you..
try getting a realestate agent and selling the properties and such.. but dont just give it away!
frown just doesnt seem fair:frow:
you must have worked so hard..

Honestly it come second nature to me. I've always loved building cars and building businesses. I don't know why, it draws so many people that only what what you have, And they will lie, steal,cand cheat to take it away from you and I'm just sick of dealing with it anymore.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:44 PM
kewl, i know the area...
i used to live in keokuk ....
i worked for eagle nest motor and machine..and few others when i lived there !

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:45 PM

kewl, i know the area...
i used to live in keokuk ....
i worked for eagle nest motor and machine..and few others when i lived there !

O.K. I know of the places your talking about.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:46 PM

aawww.. i just dont want to see anyone take advantage of you..
try getting a realestate agent and selling the properties and such.. but dont just give it away!
frown just doesnt seem fair:frow:
you must have worked so hard..

Honestly it come second nature to me. I've always loved building cars and building businesses. I don't know why, it draws so many people that only what what you have, And they will lie, steal,cand cheat to take it away from you and I'm just sick of dealing with it anymore.
i have been ther to many times my self !
so, i dont tell them what i have or what i do ...then go from there!

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:46 PM

aawww.. i just dont want to see anyone take advantage of you..
try getting a realestate agent and selling the properties and such.. but dont just give it away!
frown just doesnt seem fair:frow:
you must have worked so hard..

Honestly it come second nature to me. I've always loved building cars and building businesses. I don't know why, it draws so many people that only what what you have, And they will lie, steal,cand cheat to take it away from you and I'm just sick of dealing with it anymore.
well.. if you are determined to give it away.. i recomend chev... hes a good guy and will take good care of it.. and i cant think of a more deserving person for such a gift..

however.. please be sure to think it thru before you do..

it just seems sad to me..

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:48 PM
nah im not looking to take his business ....
just maybe help him rethink this out !smokin

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:50 PM

aawww.. i just dont want to see anyone take advantage of you..
try getting a realestate agent and selling the properties and such.. but dont just give it away!
frown just doesnt seem fair:frow:
you must have worked so hard..

Honestly it come second nature to me. I've always loved building cars and building businesses. I don't know why, it draws so many people that only what what you have, And they will lie, steal,cand cheat to take it away from you and I'm just sick of dealing with it anymore.
i have been ther to many times my self !
so, i dont tell them what i have or what i do ...then go from there!

See I don't tell People, but you know the people around here. Everything is their business, or so they think. Not to mention I have a life style that really makes it obvious that I have money. I don't mean to I just picked u living like that in Dallas and I haven't been able to get away from it.

speedbug72's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:50 PM
dude i know the feelin im 19 an im the second best custom gas mechanic in town. i get used an craped on alot i get tweaked off at some one i charge more the next time an i make them wait a day or sayin im buisy. right now it is all i have. some one broke in to my storage an stole most of my electrical testers an some wrench sets. thankfuly i had every thing else. i only lost 1300$ of tools. i cant get them back but i made the pple who stole them verry miserable.

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:52 PM

nah im not looking to take his business ....
just maybe help him rethink this out !smokin
((chev)) me too.. it just doesnt seem right to me.. but if he keeps sayin that he HAS to do it.. then im pickin you..
at least someone honest will have it and not someone like the people he seems to keep encountering..

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:54 PM

nah im not looking to take his business ....
just maybe help him rethink this out !smokin

I know your not.

Theres just only so many times I can be lied to, stabbed in the back Over no nothing bull$hit before I blow my top.

And I've about hit my limit.

Ya know, I left Dallas for several reasons, and I'm starting to find the very same reasons here.

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:58 PM

nah im not looking to take his business ....
just maybe help him rethink this out !smokin

I know your not.

Theres just only so many times I can be lied to, stabbed in the back Over no nothing bull$hit before I blow my top.

And I've about hit my limit.

Ya know, I left Dallas for several reasons, and I'm starting to find the very same reasons here.
words of wisdom from my best friend before he died. perhaps they apply here.. perhaps not..

sometimes we end up in situations not for us to alter the situation.. but for the situations to alter us..
i do wish you the best of luck.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:59 PM
close up shop for a week and go some where and relax and enjoy life !

take a week off wont hurt and you will get a better look at thing's too !drinker

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:00 PM

dude i know the feelin im 19 an im the second best custom gas mechanic in town. i get used an craped on alot i get tweaked off at some one i charge more the next time an i make them wait a day or sayin im buisy. right now it is all i have. some one broke in to my storage an stole most of my electrical testers an some wrench sets. thankfuly i had every thing else. i only lost 1300$ of tools. i cant get them back but i made the pple who stole them verry miserable.

I understand where your comming from, but $1300 isn't much really, when it comes with tools. The shop I had in Dallas was fairly large, and it was full of tools, lifts, parts, full motors, blocks countless number of heads, and much much more.

and I gave it away.

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:02 PM

close up shop for a week and go some where and relax and enjoy life !

take a week off wont hurt and you will get a better look at thing's too !drinker

I can't. I own several vending machines too. I take a week off and leave, then I'll loose the contracts with where I have them.

Eather way I'm gonna loose something.

izzie's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:03 PM

close up shop for a week and go some where and relax and enjoy life !

take a week off wont hurt and you will get a better look at thing's too !drinker

I can't. I own several vending machines too. I take a week off and leave, then I'll loose the contracts with where I have them.

Eather way I'm gonna loose something.
hire someone for a week or 2 to take a bit of time off..
try a temp agency or somethin like that

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:05 PM

close up shop for a week and go some where and relax and enjoy life !

take a week off wont hurt and you will get a better look at thing's too !drinker

I can't. I own several vending machines too. I take a week off and leave, then I'll loose the contracts with where I have them.

Eather way I'm gonna loose something.
hire someone for a week or 2 to take a bit of time off..
try a temp agency or somethin like that

Keokuk Is kinda little, I don't think we have a temp agency around here.

speedbug72's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:13 PM
oh im a small timer compared 2 u. all my tools come to 5,00 dollars. i have a chain lift, trany jack, bering presser, electrical testors, wrenches, socets, various jacks, body tools, strut tool, valve press, an a bunch of odds an ends. wat gets me u can do a turbo or a tune up an then they decide they dont have the money to pay you. an the shops here they hire good ppl but they dont get paid good so they just do a shoty job i lost a trany to this effect. many others have had a similar issue so naturaly i get some buisiness. i can work on most gas vehicles 1950 to 1996. on deisle i do oil filters and cooling an fuel systems.

chevylover1965's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:15 PM
Edited by chevylover1965 on Wed 01/07/09 11:16 PM

close up shop for a week and go some where and relax and enjoy life !

take a week off wont hurt and you will get a better look at thing's too !drinker

I can't. I own several vending machines too. I take a week off and leave, then I'll loose the contracts with where I have them.

Eather way I'm gonna loose something.
hire someone for a week or 2 to take a bit of time off..
try a temp agency or somethin like that

Keokuk Is kinda little, I don't think we have a temp agency around here.
sure they do's called adeco
but i would try and find some one you can trust to take care of it for ya !

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:17 PM

oh im a small timer compared 2 u. all my tools come to 5,00 dollars. i have a chain lift, trany jack, bering presser, electrical testors, wrenches, socets, various jacks, body tools, strut tool, valve press, an a bunch of odds an ends. wat gets me u can do a turbo or a tune up an then they decide they dont have the money to pay you. an the shops here they hire good ppl but they dont get paid good so they just do a shoty job i lost a trany to this effect. many others have had a similar issue so naturaly i get some buisiness. i can work on most gas vehicles 1950 to 1996. on deisle i do oil filters and cooling an fuel systems.

I don't touch Diesles. Nor do I do trannys. But I do Custom stereo systems, Fiberglass, paint and body customizing, custom interior including dash forming and molding, and performance motor buildingincluding super / turbo charger systems, nitrous, and I port and polish all my heads, intakes, throttle bodies ect. inhouse.