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Topic: What moves you?
Jess642's photo
Sat 06/09/07 10:20 PM
Over this,
Over that.
Under this,
Under that.

Sun comes up
Sun goes down.
World turns
Waits for none.

On and on,
Round and round.
In and out
Life goes on.

Make a mark,
Leave a thought.
All becomes dust,
With or without you.

Looking back,
Looking forward.
Not looking at all.
Blind is blind.

Done is done.

LAMom's photo
Mon 06/11/07 12:31 AM
Incredible,,,, Life moves me
Beautiful Post flowerforyou :heart:

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 06/11/07 01:27 AM
I am moved
By the sight of you
Lying homeless in the street

I am moved
By the sound of you
Cooing a baby to sleep

I am moved
By the oppressed
Just trying to find their way

I am moved
By the innocent
Facing another day

I am moved
By your art
That speaks of your very soul

I am moved
By your poetry
Depicting terror and cold

I am moved
By a sunset
A reflection of the day

I am moved
By a child
Who’s been led astray

I am moved
By all of nature
And its sweet embrace

I am moved
By humanity’s
Ever changing face

I am moved
By the sparkle
In your dark brown eyes

I am moved
By your laughter
Which you can’t disguise

I am moved
By the elderly
The infirm and the weak

I am moved
By the spirit
That doesn’t need to speak

I am moved
By compassion
Of tolerance and love

I am moved
By the character
That always rises above

I am moved
By the reflections
In all who cross my path

I am moved
To disgust
By ignorance and wrath

I am moved
By the brilliance
That I see in you

I am moved
By the lessons
You help me to move through

I am moved
By your colour,
Your texture and your grace

I am moved
To tears and laughter
By the whole human race

It is through you that I am blessed to know me. flowerforyou

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