Topic: Reporting of an accident at work
uk1971's photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:37 AM
Dear Sir,
I would like to report an accident which occured to my new bar
cellarman, Mr Joe Tucker.

As you well know, owing to the refurbishment of the White Lion public
house after the recent fire, a great deal of new equipment has been
installed. The tragic accident to Mr Tucker during the tapping of a new
type of barrel for the first time.
A brief description of the incident is as follows:-

The first thing he had to do was to see that the bunghole was clear so
that there would be no trouble in setting the corkhole and bunghole on
the same level.
To achieve this, he bored an eyehole near the corkhole on about the same
level as the bunghole.
Unfortunately, there was a pothole near the manhole in the cellar floor,
and in trying to drill the eyehole, he slipped, and instead of inserting
the bung in the bunghole, he drove the bunghole up his arsehole. He was
bending at the time and the bunghole went clean through his arsehole,
and out through his earhole.
You will gather, I am sure, that the poor chap was in somewhat of a
dilemma. He could either, put his arm in the corkhole and draw the
barrel through the bunghole, or, put his foot through his armhole, and
pull the barrel through his arsehole.
He decided to do neither, but to cut a new hole near the corkhole,
which was blocking up his arsehole. The eyehole, which you might term
the peephole, enabled him to see his earhole through his arsehole, but
preventing him from tapping the barrel because in putting his foot
through his armhole, he caught his bollocks in the bunghole. So, in
desperation, he stuck a pipe in the corkhole near the bunghole, laid the
barrel on the manhole near the pothole, drove a wedge between his
bollocks and the bunghole, and pulled the barrel backwards through his
He was then able to tap the barrel with little or no

ccrzyolfool's photo
Wed 04/18/07 11:55 AM
what da hole ??? omg

joe1973's photo
Wed 04/18/07 12:34 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
confusious says what?laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Raindrops's photo
Wed 04/18/07 12:34 PM
laugh laugh laugh
That was too funny Tom. Made me laugh outloud. Thanks.