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Topic: Have you ever?
MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:23 AM
:heart:Have you ever been in a relationship with a pessimist or a very negative person?:heart:

bigsmileWhat did you do?bigsmile

happy Any ideas on how to change their perspective?happy

misstina2's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:26 AM
lots of sexsmokinthe cure all:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:35 AM

lots of sexsmokinthe cure all:heart:

drool nicesmitten

misstina2's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:37 AM

lots of sexsmokinthe cure all:heart:

drool nicesmitten

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:52 AM


lots of sexsmokinthe cure all:heart:

drool nicesmitten


s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:55 AM
they may be depressed. sex will likely help.
but they might also benefit from professional treatment!


misstina2's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:55 AM
I'm getting turned on by this threadblushing blushing blushing

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:57 AM

I'm getting turned on by this threadblushing blushing blushing

smitten me2drool

alisha07's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:57 AM

I'm getting turned on by this threadblushing blushing blushing

im getting turned on by your pictureblushing blushing

misstina2's photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:01 AM

I'm getting turned on by this threadblushing blushing blushing

im getting turned on by your pictureblushing blushing
flowerforyou now I'm really turned on where's the off button?

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:06 AM

:heart:Have you ever been in a relationship with a pessimist or a very negative person?:heart:

Yes, and for too long.

bigsmileWhat did you do?bigsmile

Emotionally distanced myself, ultimately.

happy Any ideas on how to change their perspective?happy

You can't. It's a form of misery that is incurable, until they're ready to change.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 08:55 AM
I say, that there is nothing like a good licking to cure all that is ticking, but then, thats just me!

Sign: Viva

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:19 AM
smokin I'm negativesmokin & my wife had serious issues before I met her, that just added to my negativety

s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:23 AM

:heart:Have you ever been in a relationship with a pessimist or a very negative person?:heart:

bigsmileWhat did you do?bigsmile

happy Any ideas on how to change their perspective?happy

prozac on their cheerios?

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:31 AM
that's horrible s1ow... lol... i'm a negative person sometimes... but all it takes is a little effort from someone to show me that they care...

s1owhand's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:35 AM

that's horrible s1ow... lol... i'm a negative person sometimes... but all it takes is a little effort from someone to show me that they care...

for you, mutual support, a loving environment, fun,
and affectionate touching...and a nice smile...



SilentlyScreaming's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:37 AM
that's better than drugging my cheerios! hahaha

cityblues21's photo
Sun 01/04/09 09:46 AM

:heart:Have you ever been in a relationship with a pessimist or a very negative person?:heart:

bigsmileWhat did you do?bigsmile

happy Any ideas on how to change their perspective?happy

Yes, it is very trying. At first I would say and do everything I could think of to raise their spirits... you know... "hey, you can do anything, you are special and talented, etc...." Of course their answers and attitude would be even more negative responses and actions. It got to the point where it was seriously affecting my outlook. That is when I decided that I needed to step away and just be a friend. Until they are ready to look up once instead of always looking down, it is nearly impossible to change them. It is their life pattern and really only they can choose to change themselves... even though one stands helplessly by. sad2

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/05/09 02:06 AM

:heart:Have you ever been in a relationship with a pessimist or a very negative person?:heart:

bigsmileWhat did you do?bigsmile

happy Any ideas on how to change their perspective?happy

Yes, it is very trying. At first I would say and do everything I could think of to raise their spirits... you know... "hey, you can do anything, you are special and talented, etc...." Of course their answers and attitude would be even more negative responses and actions. It got to the point where it was seriously affecting my outlook. That is when I decided that I needed to step away and just be a friend. Until they are ready to look up once instead of always looking down, it is nearly impossible to change them. It is their life pattern and really only they can choose to change themselves... even though one stands helplessly by. sad2

bigsmile good pointflowerforyou

Engraven_Image's photo
Mon 01/05/09 02:18 AM
Making them Positive is never going to help; aids hasn't ever helped anybo...spock...oh look, a kitty!

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