Topic: To a friend.
no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:07 PM
:heart: Its been about 16 years ago that I lost a bud.
His name was Alan and so full of love.
Born with some problems that made his mind slow.
But always polite and a big smile to show.
He got a government check each month to pay his way.
Then he met a young lady who smiled and said hey.
They got to be good friends and he thought she was GREAT.
But she was only playing with his heart, and his fate.
One night her boyfriend told her to go see Alan.
Tell him you want to get a motel room, I got a plan.
So Alan got the room, she said lets have a party.
In comes her boyfriend with some more friends,big and hearty.
They talked him into getting some wine and beer.
And partied they did, until it turned to Alan's fear.
The lady's boyfriend was not mentally sound.
He started knocking Alan around.
As everyone laughed and pointed.
Alan was a very small and weak 24 year old man.
All of THIS was this lady's boyfriends plan.
After they all helped choke him with a phone line.
They beat him with the phone, as they downed their wine.
They took him out on the balcony of their fourth floor room.
Looking down on the ground they tossed him down to his doom.
YES, Alan's now with GOD and the boyfriends in prison.
And I live to never forget his kind heart and his person.
This should never of happened, But no-one watched over him.
Just thinking about the many friends who are not here.
But their all in my mind and hear:heart: t, EVERY NEW YEAR!

Rest in GOD'S GRACE my friend,
Alan Rohm, 1970-1993.:heart:

Always missed but NEVER forgotten.:heart:

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:16 PM

Redsoxfan1's photo
Wed 12/31/08 05:41 PM
:heart: flowers I'm so sorry, (((Terry))), That is a horrible thing to have happen!!flowers

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:33 PM

:heart: flowers I'm so sorry, (((Terry))), That is a horrible thing to have happen!!flowers
flowerforyou Its been a long time now. But thank you.
And Alan was also born with a bone marrow problem where if he bumped something a bit to hard it would break his bone.
So THIS,,,,,,had to have crushed all he had..
Its just a shame that ANY HUMAN BEING could find THIS, 'SPORT'!
Makes me want to go kill a few...:heart:

Redsoxfan1's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:37 AM

:heart: flowers I'm so sorry, (((Terry))), That is a horrible thing to have happen!!flowers
flowerforyou Its been a long time now. But thank you.
And Alan was also born with a bone marrow problem where if he bumped something a bit to hard it would break his bone.
So THIS,,,,,,had to have crushed all he had..
Its just a shame that ANY HUMAN BEING could find THIS, 'SPORT'!
Makes me want to go kill a few...:heart:
You are welcome!! I kinda know how you feel, cuz I lost my mom to drunk-driving almost 5 years ago now!!:heart: It still hurts!brokenheart

njmom05's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:46 AM

:heart: Its been about 16 years ago that I lost a bud.
His name was Alan and so full of love.
Born with some problems that made his mind slow.
But always polite and a big smile to show.
He got a government check each month to pay his way.
Then he met a young lady who smiled and said hey.
They got to be good friends and he thought she was GREAT.
But she was only playing with his heart, and his fate.
One night her boyfriend told her to go see Alan.
Tell him you want to get a motel room, I got a plan.
So Alan got the room, she said lets have a party.
In comes her boyfriend with some more friends,big and hearty.
They talked him into getting some wine and beer.
And partied they did, until it turned to Alan's fear.
The lady's boyfriend was not mentally sound.
He started knocking Alan around.
As everyone laughed and pointed.
Alan was a very small and weak 24 year old man.
All of THIS was this lady's boyfriends plan.
After they all helped choke him with a phone line.
They beat him with the phone, as they downed their wine.
They took him out on the balcony of their fourth floor room.
Looking down on the ground they tossed him down to his doom.
YES, Alan's now with GOD and the boyfriends in prison.
And I live to never forget his kind heart and his person.
This should never of happened, But no-one watched over him.
Just thinking about the many friends who are not here.
But their all in my mind and hear:heart: t, EVERY NEW YEAR!

Rest in GOD'S GRACE my friend,
Alan Rohm, 1970-1993.:heart:

Always missed but NEVER forgotten.:heart:

That is just a rotten, awful thing to do to someone. Thank goodness Alan is in heaven now, safe from the cruelty of this world. You know, he's up there watching over you now. Hugs and prayers sent your way.

frankfk's photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:47 AM

MrsKaters's photo
Thu 01/01/09 01:19 PM
((((((Terry)))))My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry you are going through alot of pain but remember you WILL see him again.

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 04:00 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thanks for all the nice words...flowerforyou