Topic: It's me
sir_drink_a_lot's photo
Wed 12/31/08 08:50 AM
I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 08:54 AM

I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

Just show em your unit. They'll love that.

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 08:58 AM
Hmmmm, just your profile moniker will have them coming at you in droves!! noway laugh

Anyway, best wishes and Happy New Year!! drinker

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:04 AM
Edited by SimplyElla on Wed 12/31/08 09:06 AM
noway noway laugh wow..

Welcome and best of luck! Be yourself, huh

Hmm, very cute bunch of boys there on your photo site laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:19 AM
Edited by stylishdotcom on Wed 12/31/08 09:22 AM

I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

Just show em your unit. They'll love that.

That's so Naughty...he will be on Google now looking up the word Unit...If we see pictures of Kitchen cabinets from him I shall blame you slaphead

Begrüßen Sie, haben Sie Spaß und genießen Sie die Richtung der Stimmung an hier flowers

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:23 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/31/08 09:24 AM

I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

Uhh, the "women's philosophy" here? huh I think it would be to not make grand sweeping generalizations about the women who are members of this website and assume that we all adhere to one distinct philosophy.

Anyway good luck and you need more photos.

sir_drink_a_lot's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:35 AM
Hy Guys!

Thanks for writing back...

Haha, i had to laugh out when i read

"just show them your unit"

i heard that the american girls are very shy??

i want to spend my time @ time square, but its to cold outside so i am thinking of staying @home...

My someone knows a good location?

See ya...
Chris :heart:

7z3r05's photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:46 AM

I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

try to be as creepy as possible

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 09:58 AM
Stare at their love b(.)(.)bs love all night. Never make eye contact.

sir_drink_a_lot's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:04 AM
just watching boobs?

that's not very difficult - i like boobs :)

omg, just kidding

american women are not different to european ones :) i think

sad tears

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:11 AM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 12/31/08 10:11 AM

just watching boobs?

that's not very difficult - i like boobs :)

omg, just kidding

american women are not different to european ones :) i think

sad tears

think By George, I think he's got it!! :thumbsup:

Think about how you'd like men to treat and approach your sister or any other female in your life. There's no magic success formula. Be yourself unless you are an asshole then try and be a better person...

Ruth34611's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:13 AM

I am from Austria, loocking for some nice girls :)

But i don't know the womens philosphy here, so just tell what to do to meet one :)

with best reguards,

Just show em your unit. They'll love that.

laugh slaphead

sir_drink_a_lot's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:36 AM
haha, great

i love it :D
