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Topic: What I know about you...
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Thu 01/01/09 08:13 PM
Yes fntsy, don't we find exactly what we are looking for?

Sometimes my posts have typo's, I'm on mobile web and can't edit, but I'm confident that those with depth will get my communica...

Best regards

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Thu 01/01/09 08:24 PM
Hey fntsy, break down the wirds that touch your heary and why. When you know you, it is easier to find him.

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Fri 01/02/09 01:27 PM
I'm still giggling at my typo's in my previous post. Lol.

But on a more serious note....

Your friends are same as family. Your word is important part of your moral fiber.

Fakes & phonies are a turn of for you as much as for me.

You are romantic in your own way. It reflects your attention to the little things and nothing escapes you.

I strongly suspect your ring finger and index fingers are almost the same lenth. As mine are...

As a matter of fact we share a number personal traits, and enjoy those we don't.

What I don't know yet is if you have big plush slippers, or prefer thick heavy winter socks around the house?

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Wed 01/07/09 07:16 AM
You hear that there will be music in the park Thurs night, but you know I have to work and class Friday AM. You send a quick text and tell me if I get my homework done early, there will be a surprise waiting for me if I take the night off. Knowing that I don't take time off, I know this is important to you and I assure you to count on me!

When I get home from class and finish my work I get another text.

The surprise dress code for the evening is jeans,long sleeves, comfy shoes. I shower, dress, give attention to 4 legged loves until you arrive.

(I know, I give strong impression of obediance to the novice eye giggle)

Ah, your key in the door alerts me of your arrival.

When we are in the car you advise we are picnicking in the park and who is playing.

I know that your dinner selection is a surprise, so I wait patiently. We talk about our day.

We park, I get our "going to the park gear" from the trunk, and hand you the basket, a hint of it's contents doesn't go unnoticed, you give me your "don't even think about it" look.

We are in luck, our fav spot is open,we set up, set down, and you unveil our meal, complete with a split of wine,linen napkins of course, and even a candle.You advise that desert is on me, with a wink...

What I don't know is which of your fav deserts that will be?

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Sun 01/11/09 10:29 AM
You can relate to "we meet what we bring"

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Sat 03/14/09 01:47 PM

You like walking and talking...

You have a strong serious side that isn't warm &fuzzy to most, and are a strong minded woman...

Your sense of humor is sometimes different,& when you laugh your eyes are most captivating but you probably don't realise it...

You would enjoy sharing your fav places in down on Main...

What I don't know yet if it's coffee, expreso or tea?


mine is expresso mocha.... yours? maybe hazelnut or french vanilla? someone once told me, your eyes are the way to your heart.. I believe its true mine are brown finley park, brevard, ashville all have great concerts in the park? your fav?
I enjoyed your poetry... very passionate, sensual,expressive

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Fri 04/24/09 09:34 PM
Greetings. Rich full bodied Haawain coffee, Ihave yet to walk Falls Park, or drift lazily down a river in a kayack.

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Fri 04/24/09 10:05 PM
Still dealing w/mobile web and on 4th verizon phone that shuts off .. but I digress

Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea the shores of your souls....

Can you feel the rhythmic tide ? Do you remember that aha moment.. you came to know love's boundless presence , it's flow like the tide, gentle wave on wave rising to reveal life passions from its depths?

Jess642's photo
Sat 04/25/09 01:15 AM
This is the most beautiful ongoing letter to whoever she is, that I have ever read... and I know that she will hear you, and she will know she is the one that is meant to be with you....

Tabbs...simply stunning. flowerforyou

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Sat 04/25/09 09:02 AM
Thank you Jess.

When I quoted the part on tides I could see the water and overwhelmingly feel the truth in those spoken words. She is Anam Cara, which is Gaelic for Soul Friend.

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Sat 04/25/09 09:38 AM
"As the first glance from the eyes of the beloved is like a seed sown in the human heart, and the first kiss of her lips like a flower upon the branch of the tree of life"

You smell that fragrent flower, a memory that is yet to be. A reunion of hearts, not by chance but a homecoming dance the written word can not define.

Next month I make my way to a white sandy beach on the Gulf. Content ly, I await Your first glance

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Sat 04/25/09 09:56 AM
iam your friend if you don't

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Sat 04/25/09 10:16 AM
Your letter here has brought tears to my eyes several times...you write beautifully and I wish you the best of luck and the brightest blessings so that you will find her soon :heart: flowerforyou

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Sat 04/25/09 12:57 PM
Thank you Kindred, may you receive blessings in kind.

The quotes I did not write, rather they leap of the page from a collection of Kahlil Gibran. I am not as talented in written word. I can recognise the truth in his words. I wrote the comments after.It's as close as Iget.

The rhymic tide I wrote about keeps flashing thru my mind the last couple of days. Perhaps our paths draw near? As peck this post with my stylus a sense of quietness comes a gentle tide. Amaingly I have been drawn to the seashore all my life.

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Sat 04/25/09 01:09 PM
A smile as warm as your heart Isend to you, Anam Cara. Temptation befalls me now. Tempted I am to lay my head upon my pillow and drift into your dreams.

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Mon 05/04/09 04:13 AM
I wrote the following last week before my finals. This is my first chance to get online since then. I've traveled up North since, and have busy every minute since I've gotten here.

....As I prepare for a mountain of work to prepare for semester finals and exams I turned on music, and listen to “our CD”. I must finish 2 wks early to journey North, and a long over due visit with my family. Tomorrow is my “big” day.
So I will pull you close to me, and energize for my hike up the mountain!

“The closer I get to you, the more you make me feel”
and I think, oh so far I’ve come! This life’s journey is nothing less than amazing! The sorrow of the past plowed the fertile ground for today’s plantation of joy. Your presence is the sun that shines across my landscape, inside, and out.

The music plays on…

“Sometimes when we touch, the honesty’s too much and ….

I take your hand to dance along with my heart. This rhythm, yours, mine and ours, my lips fail to form the words. Just listen to my eyes.

You make me feel brand new…

Just like my first new pair of sneakers. I can run fast, jump high, and be everything you desire!

And so the music plays…

“I honestly love you”

Your eyes glimmer like the reflection from the singing brass sax. Captured, enraptured

And I need you

Follow the notes, as the sax plays. The notes, as they dance, the twirls, that is my head, my soul, since the moment your eyes first kissed mine

“Giving you the best of my love”

it’s only the beginning, to fathom’s depths greater than this, I can not. As I greet each day, I watch it bloom’s grow beyond measure. Float with me and the clarinet, feel the vibration of ebony and ivory, the exclamations of the string, and feel the setting sun give way to starlight twinkling it’s code that it’s time to drift from this day dream to and into my arms. Feel the song written upon my heart.

The Dance

Oh yes, I though I should have missed the pain, the err’s of my youth. Had I missed the pain, I would have missed the beauty of this dance with you.

Mmmm, yes, I know. To the mountain I must go. Thank you for your indulgence, and your confidence. I shall return

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Mon 05/04/09 04:39 AM
Edited by Tabbs on Mon 05/04/09 04:44 AM
Here I sit, in the middle of a Thomas Kinkaide picturesc cabin in the woods . The pond outside the window is quiet, the early morning business among the critters that skip thru the tree's beginning their day. Three deer paused briefly wondering who I was. ... The resident cat gave me his blessings this morning, I can stay but only a few more days. He'd also appreciate it if I chose to feed him before his other pet human gets up for work in the morning.

Tests are over, they were brutal, but I chose to do them early in order to take this trip. The drive was long. 12 hour drives have been a cake walk, but this time, the miles seemed to tick away slower.

I must confess, it was nice to be greeted like a celeb. 6 of my grand young people surrounded me. BBQ, Bonefire, Smores, and then bed time.

It's been two years so there was much to update on. Sunday my oldest returned home, we made rounds together to 3 soccer games, 3 different fields, same game time. It was alot of fun. I don't know how their mom does this ever week!

Time will fly bye and I hope I don't leave anyone out this trip. A full schedule every day for sure. Mother's day is the coming fast, and then I turn my vehicle south again.

6:00 am - Coffee, peace and quiet on the deck, email check,

10 am - Vehicle maintence

10:30 Repair property damage at my place.

3:30 pick up 3 grand kids, have a magical time

5:30 return grand kids

6:00 dinner with best friend and family

8:30 Jump over a mountain, visit son for 20 minutes, return home

10:pm set down and watch the news with friend, get the run down from the cats, sleep.

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Sun 05/10/09 06:25 AM
A whirl wind week has passed. So much love, warmth and blessings has been bestowed upon me. I am a very wealthy woman, mother, grandmother and rich with friends.

Finalizing the closing of chapters here in NY has gone well. Repairs and business is done.

Today I pack up the jitney, afternoon is mother's day with sons and families. Tonight I sit with a wonderful friend on the porch, listen to the peepers one more time.

Tomorrow early, I leave for home. The miles may tick away slowly again, but it will give me time to savor the best of this trip and renergize for the path before me.

It's all good!

Happy Mothers Day!

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