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Topic: HOw does a single mom find time to date?
tocco's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:13 PM
It seems with so many things to do and mom not being anything other than "mom", no needs, wants or desires, lol ends up spending more time with 5 year old daughter. It seems, woman who are married want to keep you away from their husbands or do playdates with kids, and if your single without a kid, the child is the extra?
Where do we fit? HOw do we fit it in?:heart:


ledi180's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:14 PM
O, if I could find a man to date, I would SO find the time bigsmile flowerforyou

IdAngel's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:15 PM
LOL I agree. Its hard to imagine having the time, but if I could find someone I would make the time

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:24 PM
one word...


njmom05's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:25 PM
I agree, I have always been able to find time for dating if I found someone to date.

justinc1431's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:29 PM
Hmmm... ask my girlfriend, so far so good for her. :wink:

Giocamo's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:31 PM
lost never found again...:smile:

rlynne's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:44 PM
I feel ya in some respects, but I think its true if you found some one worth making time for you would..if you aren't finding anybody at all maybe its because you haven't really been for friends, I dunno depends on the people I guess

freeonthree's photo
Sun 12/28/08 04:48 PM
Edited by freeonthree on Sun 12/28/08 04:50 PM
I dunno, if I really liked someone, and they were in your shoes, I wouldn't have a problem hanging out at your place, or bring the kiddo, and hang out at my place. If your child can't go, I don't think we would need to go either. Just my opinion... Hey, you guys are a package deal...

I don't think it's very fair to the child to make them deal with mommy takin off with a stranger suddenly... Maybe im just weird...

tessa68's photo
Sat 01/10/09 04:14 AM
"time management"oops oops oops

no photo
Sat 01/10/09 09:45 AM
Hi waving newbie here

I am a full time Mommy and full time college student. However, when I find the right guy, there will be plenty of time for him. When I am happy, my kids are happy too. They understand that Mommy needs friends. Besides, my kiddos are young enough that bedtime is early and there's always school days.

prisoner's photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:01 PM
:smile: i have dated several single moms and as a true gentleman i find it is best to let a woman be a mother first and a lover second a man should never come between a mother and her child be seeing you

Flippenout101's photo
Sat 01/10/09 02:22 PM
I'm a single father and my parrents and my ex's parents watch my daugther for me when I have dates.

luckyguy2008's photo
Sat 01/10/09 03:27 PM

It seems with so many things to do and mom not being anything other than "mom", no needs, wants or desires, lol ends up spending more time with 5 year old daughter. It seems, woman who are married want to keep you away from their husbands or do playdates with kids, and if your single without a kid, the child is the extra?
Where do we fit? HOw do we fit it in?:heart:


My girlfriend brought her youngest on our first date and we had a ball. If you can find the right guy it shouldn't be that big of a problem!flowerforyou

moonandstars's photo
Sun 01/11/09 05:31 AM
Edited by moonandstars on Sun 01/11/09 05:32 AM
We simply fit in by finding folks we have something in common with -- do you know other single moms/parents? I'm friends with a couple and not only do we get our children together to hang out, we do it too. And, if we have dates or emergencies, we babysit for each other if our regular sitters are unavailable.

Your "friends" who are married and don't want you around -- their issue, move along.

Get a good babysitter, join a babysitting co-op, join forces with other single parents... whatever it takes. Sure, spend time with your child/ren but give yourself the time to enjoy life a little too. It's a balancing act, but you can do it!

Cristina4fun's photo
Fri 01/23/09 01:03 PM

Hi waving newbie here

I am a full time Mommy and full time college student. However, when I find the right guy, there will be plenty of time for him. When I am happy, my kids are happy too. They understand that Mommy needs friends. Besides, my kiddos are young enough that bedtime is early and there's always school days.
I absolutely agree with this. Plus there's sleepovers with friends or cousins. Planning comes largely into play, it's a juggling act.

melanie57's photo
Wed 07/06/11 06:01 PM
I agree with you,I do not want to date someone who could not tolerate my children, or being around them. If they still want to date you when you have to plan the time around your children, then you know that one is worth your time and they will help you find the time together.

no photo
Wed 07/06/11 06:08 PM
What do i win if i guess correctly? Only kidding. Find the time in your schedule somewhere. I'm sure there's at least SOME free time :)

TWONEFN's photo
Sun 07/17/11 04:19 AM
wow, old post but I couldn't resist. plus it seems to be an eternal theme. to answer the original questions from a dads perspective: where do we find the time? it definitely is a 'package deal' the first few years. i felt if the suitors couldn't hang with me and my offspring @ a playground, amusement park, camping or a dinner, what should 'we' expect down the road? its a long road.... as the little ones got older, they made friends and sleepovers became windows of opportunity....a tad older and i could trust them to tell me if the sitter was an evil, demonic, freak once i left. older still and my son has the grass cut by friday afternoon, and his little sister keeps us all in check by making sure we don't mix lights with darks. "where do we fit in?" its the other way around. we are the norm....'we' are a family and outsiders must fit with us. in a few more years they will all be off to college and on their own, and i hope they have learned through/with me, suitors must fit with them; don't settle. then, i will have nothing but time..... enjoy them while you can :)

s1owhand's photo
Sun 07/17/11 10:17 AM
3 Words

Let's Hang Out!


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