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Topic: tell me ladies, please....
AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:34 AM
<---- Not any kind of boy!

To some I am bad.

To some I am good.

How you take me I reckon depends on you.

Kens_Barbie's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:38 AM
<---- does not want a "bad boy" noway Loves her very "good boy"!
:heart: blushing

irishlass's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:48 AM
Bad boy, a guy that lives on the edge. Lives for excitemtent, doesn't
think of the consequences or thinks things all the way thorough. Does
things his own way without reason or regret.

Good boy, thinks of the consequences, only does what is a sure thing.
Doesn't do things on the spur of the moment. Like to have things stable
in both family life and career. He never takes risks. Hard worker and
tries to please everyone.

I think you get the idea.

prussia's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:53 AM
That's a perfect definition who is who .... Irishlass :^)

But how it is possible to live without taking a risk?

Sometimes we have to do to hit a nail on the head and get life moving

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 04/16/07 10:59 AM
I agree to an extent, Irshlass. I think "good boys" can be risk-takers
-- but hopefully are not so stupid as to do things to endanger their
lives or anyone else's, or to make a spur-of-the moment decision that
could mean financial ruin, for instance.


Don't use the word "bad?" Okay...

abominable, amiss, atrocious, awful, beastly, blah*, bottom out,
bummer*, careless, cheap, cheesy*, crappy*, cruddy*, crummy*, defective,
deficient, diddly*, dissatisfactory, downer*, dreadful, erroneous,
fallacious, faulty, garbage, god-awful, gross*, grungy*, icky*,
imperfect, inadequate, incorrect, inferior, junky*, lousy*, not good,
off, poor, raunchy*, rough, sad, scuzzy, sleazeball, sleazy, slipshod,
stinking, substandard, synthetic, the pits*, unacceptable,

Don't use the word "good?" Okay...

acceptable, ace*, admirable, agreeable, bully*, capital, choice,
commendable, congenial, crack*, deluxe, excellent, exceptional,
favorable, first-class, first-rate, gnarly*, gratifying, great,
honorable, marvelous, neato, nice, pleasing, positive, precious, prime,
rad*, recherché, reputable, satisfactory, satisfying, select,
shipshape*, sound, spanking*, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super,
superb, superior, tip-top*, valuable, welcome, wonderful

And with that, we'll conclude the object lesson for the day.


Mystique42's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:05 AM
<Doesn't want ANY kind of BOY. Already has 3 teenaged boys and one baby

prussia's photo
Mon 04/16/07 11:09 AM
OMG LMAO I just re-read my post OMG

What i wmeant to say is

Sometime we have to take a risk ... to hit the nail on the head, to help
life to move ( changes)

Sorry about :^(

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