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Topic: Inspired by Shadow "Question" thread
prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:52 PM
TheShadow was wondering about a quite interesting question

Shadow I hope you do not mind me to quote you question :^)

Shadow said "If you like someone and I mean really like someon How do
you handle it as far as not jumping into it to quick"

Though i would divide it in two categories

1. "Jumping in" in Real Life setting

2. "Jumping in" in a pipes of a Syber place

What do you all think, is there a difference how to handle a "Jump in" ?

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:55 PM
You look for commonalities, treat as a friendship, harvest the
friendship, hold the friendship close, make sure all is place as friends

Covet that friendship and let it blossom.

prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:02 PM
yes ... that's true ... but it is a Corner stone for all relationships:
in Real Life and here On Dating Sites.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:06 PM
I don't wanna jump into anything, either way...

For me, it takes time. If we click, or get along, and one can put up
with my way of things...

I doubt it'll happen, though.
Meantime, I have gotten to know so many beautiful people!happy

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:08 PM
well you have to get a feel for the person.In real life you can tell if
the vibe is good in cyberspace a little harder.I would say jump in when
you feel comfortable.If the other person is on the same page greaat if
not keep the communication going until they feel ready.There is no set
answer on this,sometimes you misconstrue things but all and all if the
time is right you'll feel it in your gut.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:09 PM
what I said applies to cyber as well.

you jump in to quick the bubble bursts .

because there were not enough bubbles to begin with.

Cyber is no different in fact it is harder all the more reason to
accumulate info and comminalities first.

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:10 PM
All I know that I am not rushing anything
If I mess this one up I will kick myself so hard they will have to
remove my shoe from my ass
It does seem, to me however, that you can get on a deeper level with
someone by writing them for a while
Me being shy around people I don't know and all
Not everyone talks like their brain transfers thought into writing
Did that make sense at all
LOLlaugh laugh laugh

nusalor's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:12 PM
I have severe vertigo when it comes to jumpimg into relationships. It's
much more interesting and fun to take the long way and enjoy the view.

prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:15 PM
you see ... what i'm trying to explore is

We see a picture and we go like "Hmmm ... I like him/her" then we read a
profile and we go "Oh yea, she/him is what i am looking for" Let's
call it introduction lol

But the worst part is, we do not have that Real life luxury to get know
a person in a different settings.

prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:21 PM
yeah guys thanks for replies

Nusalor with you sever vertigo problems you could stay single forever.
Do you know a song "Too Long" by Anouk? lol

Chris .. I even do not want to hear anything from you now ... sheeesh,
you are in a pre-shock state, little one LMAO

Jax ... well said x0x

Thank you all :^)

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:21 PM
In a real life setting you at least get a feel of the person, you get a
physical eye contact, you see the behavior, the manners, etc. Moving
fast in a cybespace "relationship"? I won't even comment on that one.
There's a real danger in both cases, though. People are living a 'high'
that is physiological in nature, like a drug running in their blood,
according to some interesting theories. Expectations keep it alive. The
chemical in the blood eventually dies out and, hopefully, a genuine
appreciation for the person replaces the 'high'. Such a shame, isn't it,
to see all those three-month relationships that end up with people
feeling 'disappointed' in one another...

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:24 PM
Yeah. makes sense.

For me? Again takes time. I won't go into anything based on a few photos
and some type...

Things will progress as it goes along..from forums, to emails, to phone
(if not skype...), then onward...

depends on the people, really. and the circumstances of each one.

We have to throw in an error measure, too. Occasionally signals get
mixed, or other folk try and cloud things... it happens.
Then, we gotta remember real life happens offline... so sometimes folks
jump to conclusions when we have day to day stuff happen.. then it goes
to suspicions...
these are the ones to watch out for, LOL!

prussia's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:24 PM
Absolutely ... Thank you Cat

bulldog66's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:27 PM
jump in the deepend and both feet first ,that way if the
pools empty ya can hit the ground runn in

dazzling_dave's photo
Sun 04/15/07 05:28 PM
In real life and in cyber space, the reason most people jump in too
quick is because of the heart and the emotions. I am sure that the brain
is trying to tell you to slow down and take it easy, but far too often,
we ignore our heads and blindly follow our hearts, which gets us into
trouble most of the time.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 04/15/07 06:56 PM
No Prussia I don't mindbigsmile It's always good to see different
views on thingshappy

I agree with dazzling at times we want something real bad we don't pay
attention to what is right for us

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:41 PM
In space, you can't read the inflection of the voice and or facial
expressions. In person/phone it might easier, but in no case should
anyone jump in until they are damned sure that the other person is on
the same page.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/15/07 07:44 PM
I would rather take a chance that could result in a broken heart than
play it safe and turn my heart to fossilised stone.

Besides its been broken before...

It heals.

mnhiker's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:48 PM
If you jump in, look before you leap...

oldsage's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:00 PM
I have been knocking around these sites for 5-6 yrs. & I think
experience teaches. I treat cyber same as I would physical, lay back,
take it slow, get to really know someone before I start to really
commit. If you chat enough on line, asking qusetions in different
manners, you can ck. a person's answers against themselves. I talk to
other people, asking their impressions of that person, see if things
match. Same for physical contact, just a little bit easier, for if
there is much physical contact, they have to be close & easier tock. up

Biggest thing either way, go slow/take time/be sure before any major
moves or commitments. Just my way.

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