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Topic: Discouraged or Skeptical?
JaneBond's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:43 AM
Do you get discouraged or skeptical of the possibilty of meeting someone
online if you see people bounce from one person to another in online

While I see the many great connections being made and actually working
out, which is great to see and hear about, I am wondering though....if I
see something like that online. Is it no different than dating in real
life and is the same thing? Wondering what other's thought's are on the

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:44 AM
I didnt do it Jane...

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:49 AM
No, I don't get discouraged about people online who bounce from one
"relationship" to another; in fact, I think they're being far too

And I even wonder sometimes if some of them just like giving people the
impression of "Look at me..I'm in love...I've found someone and you
haven't! neenerneenerneener!" type of attitude.

I am a bit discouraged by this "online dating" thing, but it's no
different from real life, really. I've been on dating sites for nearly
eight years and haven't found "the one" yet, and I will not settle for
anything less even if it it takes the rest of my life.

I'm not about to go flitting from one man to another ...not at my age.
And I simply don't have the patience for it.


BigGlenn's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:53 AM
If it's only online, are you really dating? Isn't the reasonof online
"dating" to shop around(so to speak) and see who's out there?
I'm flirting up a storm here. I hope one of my friends doesn't get upset
when they see me flirt with another. But then again, nobody lives close
enough for a relationship anyway. I wish a couple of you gals did.

...or did I miss the ntire point? I'm still in a fog from last nights

oldsage's photo
Sun 04/15/07 08:58 AM
Wonderful topic Jane.

I treat these sites as simply a place to meet people, when I thought I
was looking for a relationship, I bounced around meeting people in my
area, traveled to meet twice & paid for plane tickets for 2 ladies. I
allowed people to use me, my fault, just had to get my head straight.
Since I pulled out for awhile & realized, all I want is friends. I look
at it all different. All this caused me to think & realize, so many
are looking for a fast fix to our lonelyness. Need to come to grips
with the fact, anything good, takes time to find. Now, if a
relationship is to come, we will meet. Otherwise, I am making a lot of
friends & will cherish that.
Just my thoughts.

starryhopes's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:00 AM
Hi Jane, Yes I get a bit discouraged because I know I'd like to find one
special man to share my love of life with but not because people go from
person to person...I think people take the time to get to know me and
the compatibility question gets answered by one or both of us and we
cannot be friends with a million people so we move on As the song goes
"searchin' searchin' for my baby yes I am searchin' searchin' for my
love" and "Momma said there'd be days like this..." chin up.:wink:

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:01 AM
Nice post Sage,
I'm glad to call you friend. That goes for everyone I've met here. If I
never find "HER" here, That's O.K., because I've made friends.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:09 AM
I am not discoraged.

As the poster above stated I have been doing some flirting.

Seems that flirting gets you ignored.

Like there is a secret underground between you ladies and you decided if
a guy is flirting with several of you you all going to drop him.

Can't a guy just have some fun.


flowerforyou <---- that is for anyone who just wants a nice flower.
flowerforyou <---- this one is for those of you that are special.
(All of you).

Ms_Scorpio71's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:15 AM
I think that's just healthy to bounce from one person to another on-line
because u can narrow it down to the one that really catches your eye
(just what u want) and the relationship works out much better because u
got exactly what you wanted. :wink:

JaneBond's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:19 AM
Sage I loved your posted and found so much truth in it. Such a dear man
you are. And you're right. I will take baby steps, not in any hurry to
fill that part of my heart. Along the way, I will make many dear and
genuine friends flowerforyou

BigG...It's not the flirty good nature fun we all have in here, amongst
friends, I think sheila hit the nail on the head as to what I was
meaning, in regards to "online love/relationships".

I love seeing and hearing a true love story, one's that are the real
deal, lol. That's what shows me it can and does happen for
realflowerforyou :heart: :heart:

BigGlenn's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:21 AM
:wink: flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:22 AM
Well yes, I am a bit apprehensive of online dating. After actually
meeting someone online. We talked personal and day and night for months.
Then we met. He was wonderful...or so I thought. Turned out to be a cad.
Meeting and dating many. Que Sera Sera... It has made me a bit more
fearful of this type of relationship. But, to be truthful, in the back
of my mind I am sceptical anyway. I try to get in front of my mind and
keep it open to new ideas and fresh and open to trust. It isn't easy to
do that, but I do try.
I will be willing to give it an honest try.
I do after all have a past life that was hard and made me untrusting of
men. I have many years of re learning behind me. I think I am capable of
giving it a go.

jeanc200358's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:22 AM
I had the impression jane's talking about actually having met the
person, claiming they've found their true love, only to find out a week
later, they were wrong, to find someone else the next week..and so on
and so on.

Or if not actually met them, at least talked to them long enough to
believe something was actually going to transpire.

i don't consider that dating either, much less a relationship.

JaneBond's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:24 AM
AB! Have always seen you be a gentleman....nothing wrong with flirting
at all, lol :tongue: happy

Lil_Luvr_75's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:25 AM
I get discouraged. I have a very hard time telling apart the "real" from
the "fake". I have met a bunch of great people, don't get me wrong. But
sometimes I wonder about how true people really are.

no photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:26 AM
Not discouraged or skeptical. Not worried about the success or failure
of finding someone though. I figure there is more of a chance on line
than sitting in my living room, so that's good. Who knows? Someone might
just have the perfect spark to match your own and then the magnetic
effect takes over.

The tough part is knowing when you have the right person.

Some news show I saw recently said that on-line dating has taken over
many other forms of meeting new spouses.

Personally I prefer meeting people on line where you can get to know
them without the necessary bravado and polished turkey-strut that makes
you successful in the bar scene.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:29 AM
I'm not discouraged.If I meet a man on here great-if not thats ok too.
To me being on line is much different than real life. In real life-there
is no way I would meet this many people. Espeically from other areas. I
really dont consider this dating- just a way to meet and interduce
yourself.If latter you get to meet someone then that would be considered
dating I guess. I haven't been out in the dating scene for years so I'm
a bit clueless...people tell me its changed alot.:smile:

Mrunderstood's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:30 AM
I've had the chance to bounce around from one relationship to another
online because someone always finds something wrong enough with me to
never give me a chance... I'm just being me and I'm a very nice guy!

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:30 AM
i see nothing wrong with flirting online. It loosens the springs and
gives us more and better response reflexes. I think it is good. s far as
someone flirting with many, nope; see nothing wrong with that. If there
is a green eyed monster lurking in the background, we will know it then.
I hate jealousy.

JaneBond's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:36 AM
MsTeddy, very true....I have to agree with you hunflowerforyou

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