Topic: Inspired by the "Respect Or Fear" thread
Mr_Music's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:45 AM
We'll call this one Bad Behaviors.

Did you or any of your siblings have any bad behaviors as children? What were the repercussions?

My two female siblings (I won't call them my sisters) both used to have a thing about screaming. The oldest one, especially, as she would just stand out in the middle of the road and scream (don't ask me why, she ain't right). Mom's favorite remedy? Soap in the mouth. They curbed that particular little behavior in short order.

My brother had a bad habit of biting. Mom would be standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes, and he would sneak up on her and bite her in the leg! Mom tried the soap-in-the-mouth trick with him, too, but being the defiant little smartass that he still is to this day, it didn't work. He'd sit in the bathtub and suck on the bar of soap!

That is, until Mom got out the Fels-Naptha and switched soap bars on him (it has lye in it). He stopped biting.

I never really did anything that warranted punishment such as that, however, I did get in a very huge sh!tload of trouble when I was caught smoking at 10 years old.

Anybody else wanna share?

Moondark's photo
Sat 12/20/08 07:53 AM
If I got in trouble, I got sent to my room. This was horrible horrible to me. I thought everyone hated me and didn't want me around. It was effective in correcting bad behavior.

I was only spanked twice. Spanking is effective if a parent almost NEVER has to use it. It was appropriate. In both instances, I had disobeyed an instruction and put myself in danger. One involved messing around with a huge pile of stones that were going to be used to make a wishing well. I was a 6 yr old the size of a 4 year old (I was short early on) and the pile was as big as me. The other incident involved me and a friend getting bored and leaving the school where her dad was coaching football without telling anyone and walking home.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:10 AM
:smile: My dad never had to spank me:smile: I always did what he said.:smile:

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:10 AM
Edited by angelindarkness on Sat 12/20/08 08:11 AM
I usually got shamed, sent to my room, ignored, (or my ass kicked) for whatever they thought was bad behavior. But, in retrospect, they admit I was a really, really good kid. My bad behavior was just trauma reactions to the perceived (or real) abandonments, rejections, and emotional/mental abuse.

Mr_Music's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:25 PM
Only four of us were ever held accountable for our actions as children? That speaks volumes.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:30 PM
I was a Ritalin baby

drove my mom crazy till she gave me a Ritalin and I would zone out at the TV

then I became a pot head and didnt need the Ritalin anymore

Ron1218's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:30 PM
I got slapped when I talked back and, being the hard headed kid I was, my mother would take the wooden spoon to my behind. I'd get grounded and confined to my room as well after that. My mom was a cop and had a short temper so yea...she'd beat my ass pretty good. I always deserved it though.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:30 PM
I was spanked a lot, I spent a lot of time in my room, all kinds of stuff.

The famous story of me.

I was 4, I crawled through the bars on my window, walked about 2 miles opened the barn and tried to play with the horses.

cityblues21's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:37 PM
I was whipped with a fishing pole with the eyes removed whenever I was doing something that the parents thought was "wrong". It would cut into my flesh and bleed. My uncle did the same thing with his boys and one actually had to go to the hospital after a beating.

I got my last whipping at age 10. From that point on I figured out what their "twisted" ideas of mis behaviour were and conformed. The one time I truly believed I deserved the beating was when I was playing with matches.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:55 PM
My Mother used weapons on us (belts, hair brushes, wooden spoons, switches, flip-flops, etc...) & Dad was a lecturer. He could almost convince you into suicide. I'd rather take the whipping.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:00 PM

....& Dad was a lecturer. He could almost convince you into suicide. I'd rather take the whipping.

frown flowerforyou