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Topic: Russia Bails Out Automakers
Lynann's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:29 PM
Must be those damned Russian auto unions that caused this hahaha

MOSCOW (AFP)--Prime Minister Vladimir Putin unveiled plans Friday to encourage consumers to buy only Russian-made cars, in a bid to help struggling domestic automakers overcome the economic slowdown.

On a visit to Naberezhniye Chelny, home to Russian truck maker OAO Kamaz ( KMAZ.RS), Putin said he expected both Russian motorists and state companies to buy locally made cars, as imports were "absolutely inadmissible" in times of crisis.

"The most important task is to resuscitate consumer demand in the population. We need to support people," Putin said in Naberezhniye Chelny, in comments broadcast on state television.

The government plans to subsidize loans for consumers buying locally produced mass-market cars, Putin added.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:16 AM

Must be those damned Russian auto unions that caused this hahaha

MOSCOW (AFP)--Prime Minister Vladimir Putin unveiled plans Friday to encourage consumers to buy only Russian-made cars, in a bid to help struggling domestic automakers overcome the economic slowdown.

On a visit to Naberezhniye Chelny, home to Russian truck maker OAO Kamaz ( KMAZ.RS), Putin said he expected both Russian motorists and state companies to buy locally made cars, as imports were "absolutely inadmissible" in times of crisis.

"The most important task is to resuscitate consumer demand in the population. We need to support people," Putin said in Naberezhniye Chelny, in comments broadcast on state television.

The government plans to subsidize loans for consumers buying locally produced mass-market cars, Putin added.
Of course they are! Sounds like a better bailout and one that would actually work!!

"The most important task is to resuscitate consumer demand in the population. We need to support people,"

adj4u's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:21 AM
it would help if there was an american made car

might as well get any car assembled in the states

parts for all of them are imported any more

but yes interest free gov loans to the people to buy them

that would be a good idea

and to get the loan the car assemblers has to cut the price

but that would help the people cant have that mad mad

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:31 AM

it would help if there was an american made car

might as well get any car assembled in the states

parts for all of them are imported any more

but yes interest free gov loans to the people to buy them

that would be a good idea

and to get the loan the car assemblers has to cut the price

but that would help the people cant have that mad mad
eres what I dont understand. The manufacters can not get the banks to Loan them the money. Well wasnt that the purpose of the bank bailout. I talked to my sister who just sold a million dollar home in San Deigo and bought one in Tenn. She has perfect credit and had alot of equity in the she sold. She said she had a hard time closing on her new home. WTF???????

adj4u's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:39 AM

it would help if there was an american made car

might as well get any car assembled in the states

parts for all of them are imported any more

but yes interest free gov loans to the people to buy them

that would be a good idea

and to get the loan the car assemblers has to cut the price

but that would help the people cant have that mad mad
eres what I dont understand. The manufacters can not get the banks to Loan them the money. Well wasnt that the purpose of the bank bailout. I talked to my sister who just sold a million dollar home in San Deigo and bought one in Tenn. She has perfect credit and had alot of equity in the she sold. She said she had a hard time closing on her new home. WTF???????

go watch the video again

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 06:16 PM
I guess those commies do care about their people!

madisonman's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:23 AM

I guess those commies do care about their people!
Like our government they care about themselves. People are easier to control after 8 hours of work. Imagine millions and millions of unemployed from China, accross Europe to America, all hungry and homeless. How long do you think they will be passive?

Delsoldamien's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:26 AM
So what is your solutions to the current problem?? Do you support the government bailout of private companies??

madisonman's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:29 AM

So what is your solutions to the current problem?? Do you support the government bailout of private companies??
Of course I support the bailouts after all we all cant starve. I think its rather hypocrytical though the way the auto bailouts are being handeled compared to the banks. you can read all about it in another thread

madisonman's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:30 AM

So what is your solutions to the current problem?? Do you support the government bailout of private companies??
Of course I support the bailouts after all we all cant starve. I think its rather hypocrytical though the way the auto bailouts are being handeled compared to the banks. you can read all about it in another thread
here is the link

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:36 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 12/21/08 08:37 AM

So what is your solutions to the current problem?? Do you support the government bailout of private companies??
Here's mine. If your going to pay to "Retool it". Do it right. Take oil out of the equation. First retool all truck manufacturing to natural gas. The infrastructure wouldnt be that hard to convert since most places have it for heating and cooking. You could even have mobile refuelers. That alone will cut on oil dependency huge.. As the infrastructure( Creates jobs to switch over) gets more capable of servicing natural gas wein the car into production. Get off of the oil!!! It is limited and controls our economy. So instead of send trillions to the middle east it will stay right here where it should. It is quite simple. " T Boone Pickens Plan"!!!!

Delsoldamien's photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:44 AM
Those are good ideas...but do you think it is right for me to have to pay for their bungling of their business...and what business are next..airline companies..fastfood companies, retail stores that can't sell their goods?? I bought a turbine windmill..but unfortunately couldn't find a place in the USA that made them for homes..It works on 4mph winds and supplies most of my electrical needs..

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:56 AM

Those are good ideas...but do you think it is right for me to have to pay for their bungling of their business...and what business are next..airline companies..fastfood companies, retail stores that can't sell their goods?? I bought a turbine windmill..but unfortunately couldn't find a place in the USA that made them for homes..It works on 4mph winds and supplies most of my electrical needs..

I didn't not agree with bailing out the banks but we did and since we did we should bail out the Autos and it will keep going until????? Companies do fail and so do governments. If you dont think our government has failed us all you have to do is look around. The Constitution protects us form the government failing. Surprise I do know a little about the constitution!!

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 08:57 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 12/21/08 08:58 AM

Those are good ideas...but do you think it is right for me to have to pay for their bungling of their business...and what business are next..airline companies..fastfood companies, retail stores that can't sell their goods?? I bought a turbine windmill..but unfortunately couldn't find a place in the USA that made them for homes..It works on 4mph winds and supplies most of my electrical needs..

I think we pay for the blunders of the goverment all the time. So why not!!!

Delsoldamien's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:04 AM
So what would keep a dishonest person from forming a business and letting fail, just so they can get you to pay higher taxes to bail them out..remember your cry for equal and fair treatment??

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:20 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 12/21/08 09:21 AM

So what would keep a dishonest person from forming a business and letting fail, just so they can get you to pay higher taxes to bail them out..remember your cry for equal and fair treatment??
Fair and equal treatment!What about the dishonest goverment. Does it not have control over the money. Why not bail out the dishonest business. Is that not fair and equal?Im have never said I agree with it, Im just stating what is happening. Im sorry if I have misled you..

Delsoldamien's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:25 AM
We have nobody but ourselves to blame for the goverment, we as a people don't get involved with the voting process..and when we do, we vote in people that are dishonest and cause lots of problems...How many out of some 300 some odd million people in this country vote?? Then complain because of the way things are going?

For those that feel that the government is corrupt and cannot be me a government that is not filled with dishonest people...then move there...or work to change the standards of our politicians here..

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:53 AM

We have nobody but ourselves to blame for the goverment, we as a people don't get involved with the voting process..and when we do, we vote in people that are dishonest and cause lots of problems...How many out of some 300 some odd million people in this country vote?? Then complain because of the way things are going?

For those that feel that the government is corrupt and cannot be me a government that is not filled with dishonest people...then move there...or work to change the standards of our politicians here..
If it keeps going like it is I dont think we are going to have to worry about it anyway. Either it will go bust and fall or the people will step in and take it over. I really believe thats not far off. You are preaching to the wrong person about getting involve arnt you. I believe I am and show it on here...Hey I want to say no hard feelings about what has been said between us. I am hard headed sometimes. On the Auto issue we really need to think long and hard on this matter. We could let it fail, we could bail it out and it still fails, or we could turn it into something that will benefit us all...JMO

Delsoldamien's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:07 AM
I have no hard feelings about you and hope that you have none to me..My belief is a total collapse, not just of our country, but of the whole world economy..Then out of the dust will rise a one world ecomomy, one world government.. But that is only based on my knowledge of what the bible says will happen, I do not expect or think others will agree with that.

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:11 AM

I have no hard feelings about you and hope that you have none to me..My belief is a total collapse, not just of our country, but of the whole world economy..Then out of the dust will rise a one world ecomomy, one world government.. But that is only based on my knowledge of what the bible says will happen, I do not expect or think others will agree with that.
I dont think man will allow a World Goverment and hate to say it but because of religion. We cant agree between us here in the US and I dont see the world agreeing to anything!

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