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Topic: I would like some advice
squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:28 AM

yeah - well now let's be kind to the dog...
a dog can only take so much walkin y'know!


see i used to walk the cat!

did you ever see "Big Daddy" when Sandler has the
kid pimpin him?


Psh sandler's a dork when it comes to pimpin 5 yr olds. I had a 4yr old nephew and a 5 yr old nephew *he grew a whole year this year he turns 6.*

Here's the deal. He walks with me and the dog around the all girls college *oh yes*. He isn't allowed to talk to fat chicks *ok I'm harsh but I'm getting somewhere with this*. I explicity say no fat chicks. He goes uncle charlie look A FAT ONE! at the top of his voice. Man this kid was ****ing hilarious and made me to be such a douche. Anyway, he would bring pretty girls really nice stones and fat girls big ugly rocks. He would play with them and when they least expected it, he totally grabbed the titty and showed me. He was the bomb yo!

I actually had to refrain myself from taking this one girl down though. She was sun bathing with this white see through bikini and I was like oh my god full snatch and he walks over to her and gives her a flower. Who do you think taught em to give every hot girl a flower? Although he started giving em to the fat ones...

The best was when his father was in his public and he goes daddy look a fat one. His dad got such a rude remark it was ridiculous! Of course he always blames me for the fat one remark and of course I always blame him for the fat one remark but you know it probably really hurt some of these girls to hear that. I didn't know he was going to point them out and yell it.

Seriously though, how the **** do you resist a kid who runs all the way up to you and gives you a flower he picked? Totally bonus points for me.

The problem was the bugger was way too smart. I was having fun with my girl and I can't remember exactly what the conversation was at this particular moment all I remember was saying uncle charlie doesn't dig chocolate milk and he totally understood that meant I wasn't putting it in her butt. I don't know how the **** he understood that when that's all I said. Now mind you my girl and I totally cracked the **** up but seriously how does a 5 yr old get that joke?

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:46 AM
Rap is the scourge or our society. laugh
and Marilyn Manson.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 03:54 AM

Rap is the scourge or our society. laugh
and Marilyn Manson.

You know I used to really really really despise rap. Then when I got my convertable, my exhaust became really loud. I already had a 240sx but the convertable had this custom exhaust and with no way of keeping that sound from drowning out the speakers, I had to like find a new kind of music to bump to.

I turned on the radio and I came across a few songs that I really dug mainly because I could actually hear them, I no longer had a headache and well it was fun to start dancing to.

Now mind you, I don't dig most rap still to this day but there are a couple of songs that I can actually say I like.

Bojangles sounds amazing in my car.
Gold Digger sounds amazing in my car.
and then I listen to some r n b as well now because the beat and the vocals are tuned up enough to drown out the exhaust. It's really hard to listen to a band because most of the instruments don't ever make it above the exhaust. Remember I have no top, exhaust is ****ing loud, plus wind and other car exhausts... So I go with what I can do and what I found appealling. Just because I find it fun to listen to doesn't mean you will. There are only about 3 total cds that I made that I listen to, that's it. Some of them have repeating songs :). Just know, I grew up a metalhead from 3 till I was about 13. Then I found punk, hardcore, and I have always liked some pop rock and classic rock like the stones, the beatles, and even such sad bands as matchbox20 sorry I have a wierd taste in music. I think as long as I can relate to it and have fun with it, I dig it.

SamaraNJ's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:18 AM

hang a sign around the dogs neck that says [will you give my master your number he is too shy to ask]

omg.. that is such a cute idea...

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 04:25 AM

hang a sign around the dogs neck that says [will you give my master your number he is too shy to ask]

omg.. that is such a cute idea...

How don't you see it as a crazy wierdo? I can't imagine like walking down the street and seeing something like that... Unless it was like very small writing or something.

squonk's photo
Sat 12/20/08 02:25 PM
Bumpity bumpity bum bum bump... I would like some more advice before I go out tonight. *if I go out tonight since it might rain*

beauty314's photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:05 PM

yeah - well now let's be kind to the dog...
a dog can only take so much walkin y'know!


see i used to walk the cat!

did you ever see "Big Daddy" when Sandler has the
kid pimpin him?


Psh sandler's a dork when it comes to pimpin 5 yr olds. I had a 4yr old nephew and a 5 yr old nephew *he grew a whole year this year he turns 6.*

Here's the deal. He walks with me and the dog around the all girls college *oh yes*. He isn't allowed to talk to fat chicks *ok I'm harsh but I'm getting somewhere with this*. I explicity say no fat chicks. He goes uncle charlie look A FAT ONE! at the top of his voice. Man this kid was ****ing hilarious and made me to be such a douche. Anyway, he would bring pretty girls really nice stones and fat girls big ugly rocks. He would play with them and when they least expected it, he totally grabbed the titty and showed me. He was the bomb yo!

I actually had to refrain myself from taking this one girl down though. She was sun bathing with this white see through bikini and I was like oh my god full snatch and he walks over to her and gives her a flower. Who do you think taught em to give every hot girl a flower? Although he started giving em to the fat ones...

The best was when his father was in his public and he goes daddy look a fat one. His dad got such a rude remark it was ridiculous! Of course he always blames me for the fat one remark and of course I always blame him for the fat one remark but you know it probably really hurt some of these girls to hear that. I didn't know he was going to point them out and yell it.

Seriously though, how the **** do you resist a kid who runs all the way up to you and gives you a flower he picked? Totally bonus points for me.

The problem was the bugger was way too smart. I was having fun with my girl and I can't remember exactly what the conversation was at this particular moment all I remember was saying uncle charlie doesn't dig chocolate milk and he totally understood that meant I wasn't putting it in her butt. I don't know how the **** he understood that when that's all I said. Now mind you my girl and I totally cracked the **** up but seriously how does a 5 yr old get that joke?

I got it...they run up to you because of your dog...see that you're a tool...and run away
Solution: Don't be a tool...:banana:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 12/20/08 08:26 PM
My dog has yet to meet someone he didn't like...lol

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:41 AM
Hah I am not a tool at all.

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:11 AM
So lastnight I went out again. This girl came over and talked to me. I got an awkward feeling by her so she might have had someone and definately had friends at the place. She wanted to knows my dogs name and even went to continue the conversation. I looked towards new people coming in, she bent over put her cig out and walked away. Did I bore her? She even related to herself of her own dog... I don't know. I probably blew this one away.

I also blew a chance with another girl. She was sitting there yawning not talking to anyone including her other 2 friends. I didn't notice a ring but she did speak of marriage somehow. She didn't talk to me though rather just kept trying to get my dogs attention and my dog totally ignored her. We kept making eye contact but I never said a word :(.

Those were the only 2 potential ones I had tonight. It was very slow and I'm not exactly sure that is the best place for me but I was given a new place to try out which is more like a college atmosphere. I don't know how that will go since I can't seem to approach and keep the conversation stimulating enough.

I'm starting to think that's my total lack of interest in people. I think this is caused by meeting to many people online and having soo many discussions that I begin to assume the person has nothing worthy of talking about. The only conversations I ever joined in were the ones where I was invited to. I never once approached anyone or did anything to help my cause tonight. I'm guessing because I'm just so used to people seeing my dog and then beginning a conversation but then again I show no interest back... Except googley eyes of course.

beauty314's photo
Sun 12/21/08 12:21 PM

Hah I am not a tool at all.

dude...if I'm reading this right..
you encourage a six year old kid to sneak up on women and assault them so you can see their tits...and thats just the beginningsick
And you are right..on second thought...
tool isn't the proper word ill

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:23 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa there. I didn't teach him to grab the girls titty, that was my sister and his father. The fact that he does it, totally ****ing hilarious :). He's not my kid I don't care if he's pulling down some shirts and shows me some nipples. You're too uptight.

I taught him to bring flowers to girls. I just tried to eliminate every single girl based on my preference and it backfired to some extent. Is it so bad to try and teach a kid about prferences?

He turned 6 yesterday, he was doing this when he was 3-5. I haven't seem him in about 6 months or so.

All I have ever encouraged him to do was to be social around girls my age. I help him pick flowers, he did the stones and rocks thing all by himself. I didn't even mention how many times he would ask a girl to come sleep over and play video games all night long.

special_guy's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:41 PM

So here is my problem. I meet a lot of women, a lot of women approach me. They do this because I have a dog, they love my dog and it's like a magnet. Now I know that talking with all of the women is impossible sometimes not even pheasable. However, I would like to move past the initial part of hi *bends down to pet dog as I stare at their breasts* what's your dog's name... Answer she's really cute.. answer yeah she is or so... I might get to ask what is your name? Now comes their friend who doesn't want her friend to pet dog or move along now... How do I stop that? Or before she goes away because she clearly had enough balls to stop and talk before all of a sudden it hits her maybe she's uncomfortable *most of the women I like are rather young probably between 18-23* how I do elongate the conversation? It happens so fast, so frequent, and so often that I actually lose track of how many names I get in a night. I've tried a very few times to get a number to no avail but I'd also like to move on in the conversation or at least make it longer than 20-50 seconds or so. I am not granted with a huge amount of time but I know this. If I was a total creep to them they wouldn't approach my dog. I also know that if they were afraid or insecure or even shy they wouldn't talk to me.

Here's another example as well. I took my dog to a dog park for the very first time. A beautiful girl came over to me *mind you my dog is off leash and she's wandering around and I do like to watch her because she could potentially get injured by another dog.* It's kind of like watching your kid on a playground. ANyway, she invited me to a dog park she frequently visits because she never comes to this one. I'm thinking total hit on must bring dog to other park but then again maybe this isn't true? I honestly don't know.

It's really wierd around certain people I become extremely comfortable but when on the spot in public I become really shy like not myself and for some reason I can't take off the shock collar get up the nerve to speak or hit on back. I'm getting better I think but not good enough. Sometimes I don't even get to say any words because I'm just in awe of how beautiful the girl is that approaches me and before I know it they're on the move.

Quit using your dog as a crutch... quit trying to read something into everything.

Somtimes petting the dog is just petting the dog.

Breathe and just talk and go with the flow the rest will follow... talk and smile most woman will come around again or keep the conversation going if they are interested

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 01:44 PM
Why should I quit using the dog if the dog is leading me to beautiful women?

beauty314's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:01 PM
so your whole family is teaching this 6yr old that women are things, fat chicks are dirt, and to tell your dates that you won't be "doing them in the butt"....
Most women know a sicko when they see one...
I feel sorry for your dog sad

squonk's photo
Sun 12/21/08 02:36 PM

so your whole family is teaching this 6yr old that women are things, fat chicks are dirt, and to tell your dates that you won't be "doing them in the butt"....
Most women know a sicko when they see one...
I feel sorry for your dog sad

Hahahaha my dog is awesome. She loves life.

I didn't say fat chicks are dirt. I simply requested that he not go up to them when we could be talking to people my size. Maybe if I was oversized I would think differently, but I am 130lbs and a woman who weighs more than me just doesn't suit well with me. It's a preference, you can judge me all you want because of it. I just think of it not only as awkward but more importantly if I can't pick them up or do things I love to do it just isn't going to work nearly as well.

I never said anything about the butt or doing anything. I just said I won't be making chocolate milk. Which to older people they should get it for a 5 year old to understand I don't get it hahaha.

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