Topic: Do you think your parents did a good job raising you? | |
Do you think your parents did a good job raising you? Biology doesn't make a parent. Did your adoptive parents and/or whomever your caregivers were do a good job? You seem like a well adjusted intelligent adult so i'd say whomever had an influence upon you as a child must have done a reasonably well job. |
Do you think your parents did a good job raising you? Biology doesn't make a parent. Did your adoptive parents and/or whomever your caregivers were do a good job? You seem like a well adjusted intelligent adult so i'd say whomever had an influence upon you as a child must have done a reasonably well job. well kuddos to you for raising yourself then.........I'd say you did a pretty good job in spite of of your childhood. |
I think its been a vicious cycle of adults screwing kids up whether they/we mean to or not, makes me think what henry the 8th's mommy was like lol. Me personally I didnt turn out too badly in spite of the necessary screw ups of my parents and I have already apologized to my own son as
Do you think your parents did a good job raising you? Absolutely. WE had a loving, kind, caring home with lots of laughter and great memories. Very balanced discipline & good moral character lived out by them for us to follow. Holidays especially were the bestest!! And I appreciate that more every day as I meet people across my journey who suffered sad broken homes, dysfunctional relationships and even horrific situations. (((((((((( DADDY )))))))))))) (((((((((( MOMMY ))))))))))))) THEY ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
My father died when I was 4 or 5 years old.
My stepfather and I have never had a familial connection. I won't go into that. My mother did IMO the best job any mother ever could of raising my brother and I, and later my half brother and sister. I don't fault my parents, they raised me right. Unfortunately I now live in a world in which morality, principles, judgement, reason, and logic are kicked to the curb in favor of cheap thrills and mob mentality. So I have to say my parents raised me right, but this world is not right for the way they raised me. |
My parents did a great job with me, my brother and my sister. We never wanted for anything, but were also taught that the only way to have what you want is to work for it. Both my parents worked 50-60 hours a week. I think my parents raised three strong and independent kids. We rarely were in trouble, but if we did get into any trouble, we knew we could go to them for help and to work through whatever bonehead stunt we pulled. We always had chores and when old enough we all had jobs, they taught us how to manage our money, taught us how to handle tough and sticky situations. I am proud of the person I have become and its due to their parenting skills.
I'm the youngest of 6 brothers and sisters. I have to say that my parents did an exceptional job raising us. So many times I hear other people talking about their families and there is always one brother or sister that is looked down on or considered the "black sheep" of the family. I am amazed when I hear this because my family is so close and everyone really loves everyone else. Even the in-laws are really considered family and I've never heard someone bad mouthing or disliking someone. I really have a great family and wouldn't trade any of them for the world.