Topic: What's the Biggest....
kojack's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:23 AM
What's the biggest thing you ever had to give up to do or get something you really wanted?

I had to sell some of my baseball cards when I was younger 25ish so I could go and see my girlfriend who lived in a different state. I had the money for everything but the plane ticket.

bgeorge's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:30 AM
i've put my life on hold for the last 20 yrs so i could be the mom i want to be...and spend every free second nurturing them and nudging them toward realizing their goals and dreams for the rest of their lives...

good q...and happy holidays kojack

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:30 AM
I left most of my belongings behind to get peace of mind...

bgeorge's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:33 AM

I left most of my belongings behind to get peace of mind...

lol...santa's got a brand new bag

I_need_a_smoke_break's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:33 AM
Gave up my virginity to try and keep a guy. He only stayed for another month or so.

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:33 AM
Edited by smiless on Thu 12/18/08 09:34 AM
stop drinking alcohol excessively to stay with my wife for which allowed me to stay with my wife for over 20 years now.drinker

but I still enjoy a beer or a nice cognac once in awhile:smile:

Happy Holidays Kojackdrinker

kojack's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:36 AM
Merry Christmas everyone and thaks for replying .

FETTS61's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:40 AM
i had to sell my harley so my family could eat

then i sold my 55 chevy pickup to get a roof on the house

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:43 AM
I guess you could say living very frugally so I could go on all the trips Ive been on. Not eating steak but eating more hamburger, ramen noodles etc.

I also did this so I could save for the down payment on my house.

If you want something bad enough you will find a way!!!drinker

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:43 AM
Edited by littleredhen on Thu 12/18/08 09:44 AM
It hurts to much to talk about it, but it worked. My daughter has 2 degrees & a great job. She barely speaks to me, but she's got a great life.

choclablover's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:44 AM
Sold my Boston Whaler to send my daughter to college.ohwell

kojack's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:53 AM
I thought this would be a great topic at this time of year. This is the season of giving, and we all have given things up for family, friends or maybe ourselves. What I did is nothing in comparison to some of the replys, thanks for sharing everyone.

moonlight_ride62's photo
Thu 12/18/08 09:58 AM
I work two jobs...7 days a week and some of those days I works nights as well...I do this all for my kids...give it up no I am honored to have them they are great

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:18 AM
About 4 years ago I had to finally make the choice to sell my horses. After having 2 of them for 17 years it was one of the hardest things I believe I have ever had to do.:cry:

The only thing that put my mind at ease is the person that bought the two I had the longest only did it because they knew it was tearing me apart to have to make that choice. So after they bought them about a year later they actually donated them both to a Boys Home with the understanding that they were never to be separated from each other. Last I hear they were both still going strong and were well taken care of.bigsmile

Actually sold my horse trailer to buy my daughter's prom dress and I must say that I would do that again for she was Beautiful and did shine at prom.bigsmile

<--------heheh this is my daughter now at her College graduation she is one of my pride and joys.

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:38 AM
I gave up a home, 4 acres of land, 2 cars, alimony, child support and took my children, our clothes and the one car with the payment in exchange for a written promise never to hurt my children or me again! And for those who think this only happens in a certain class of people...he works for the gov't!

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 12/18/08 10:53 AM
I gave up a the man of my dreams due to his inner demons only to loose him to death a few months later.