Topic: What if you found out
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Thu 12/18/08 07:38 AM
shockingly that everything is a lie concerning what you learned. How would you deal with it?

Here are some examples:

Sun Block Cream doesn't actually prevent you from sunburns but actually helps encourage burns.

Toothpaste doesn't prevent cavaties but actually creates them.

All healthy food actually harms your body slowly and doesn't provide real nutritions it needs

Your country isn't the good guys of the world but seen more like a country that everyone fears as the bully

Exercise isn't healthy but actually increases heartattacks

All the News channels you watch are all lies (pre recorded) to make believable and doing the oppossite of what it is intended.

Everyone you are talking to on Mingle are not real people but Mike's and Vanchau's artificial intelligent programmed circuits to act like each individual.

and so forth and so forth

How would you deal with it if you found out the very truth that this would be true?

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/18/08 07:41 AM

shockingly that everything is a lie concerning what you learned. How would you deal with it?

Here are some examples:

Sun Block Cream doesn't actually prevent you from sunburns but actually helps encourage burns.

Toothpaste doesn't prevent cavaties but actually creates them.

All healthy food actually harms your body slowly and doesn't provide real nutritions it needs

Your country isn't the good guys of the world but seen more like a country that everyone fears as the bully

Exercise isn't healthy but actually increases heartattacks

All the News channels you watch are all lies (pre recorded) to make believable and doing the oppossite of what it is intended.

Everyone you are talking to on Mingle are not real people but Mike's and Vanchau's artificial intelligent programmed circuits to act like each individual.

and so forth and so forth

How would you deal with it if you found out the very truth that this would be true?
:smile: I am willing to accept that everything I believe to be true is wrong.:smile:

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 07:49 AM
Your attitude is a example of how many should be. Willing to adjust and learn if necessary. I applause you my frienddrinker

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:02 AM
I'd breath a sigh of relief & go ahead & eat that organic food...:tongue:

jdcolvin's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:08 AM
smiless knows the truth and must be destroyed...Every say by they will come to get him soon

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:11 AM
. Humm myself I would have to question whom ever said it was all a lie for in fact could they not be lying as well. Who could actually know for sure who was lying to you and who was telling you the truth?

Therefore one would have to come to their on conclusions on what not to believe and what we should believe.

But then in reality is that not basically what we actually in fact do. Unless we see the facts of research on the matter we tend to come to our own conclusions and that is in fact what we believe.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 12/18/08 08:12 AM

smiless knows the truth and must be destroyed...Every say by they will come to get him soon
pitchfork Thats rightpitchfork