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Topic: Fish
polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:20 PM

Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:20 PM

Queene123's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:24 PM
YUMMY SEAFOOD!!!!!!!!!!rofl rofl

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:27 PM

sparksley's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:27 PM
Hopefully all the Mercury in the Mississippi River catfish won't make me a mad hatter.

Actually, they would probably eat me first.. but I loves me some cornmeal-rolled deep fried catfish. It's the bomb.

imsingle951's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:34 PM

Hopefully all the Mercury in the Mississippi River catfish won't make me a mad hatter.

Actually, they would probably eat me first.. but I loves me some cornmeal-rolled deep fried catfish. It's the bomb.

Im in total agreement. yummmmmmmmmmmy

polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:38 PM


no photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:42 PM

Mr_Music's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:49 PM

sparksley's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:04 PM
And on the market stands unfolding
With all their willies and their wares
I shuffle by alert but numb
To all the glances and the glares
And I think of you unheeding
All the times I raise my cup
Its now I know that you knew that
Id soon end up end up

I wheeled around because I
Didnt hear what you had said
And saw you dancing with elihu
Up on leemors bed
And I was foggy rather groggy, you helped me to my car
The binding belt enclosing me, a sample in a jar

polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:54 PM

And on the market stands unfolding
With all their willies and their wares
I shuffle by alert but numb
To all the glances and the glares
And I think of you unheeding
All the times I raise my cup
Its now I know that you knew that
Id soon end up end up

I wheeled around because I
Didnt hear what you had said
And saw you dancing with elihu
Up on leemors bed
And I was foggy rather groggy, you helped me to my car
The binding belt enclosing me, a sample in a jar


Dan99's photo
Fri 12/12/08 01:57 PM

im getting a bit of deja fish going on here..

Riding_Dubz's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:00 PM

tears tears tears tears tears

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:12 PM
If it smells like fish, leave it alonelaugh laugh

no photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:16 PM

polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:36 PM


im getting a bit of deja fish going on here..

They can lock all the fish threads they want.

We shall overcome.

polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:36 PM

tears tears tears tears tears

I dont remember eating that.

7z3r05's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:37 PM

Dan99's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:38 PM


im getting a bit of deja fish going on here..

They can lock all the fish threads they want.

We shall overcome.

Im all fished out i think, its all about fish part 2 for me now. Fish is so last month now!

polaritybear's photo
Fri 12/12/08 02:39 PM


im getting a bit of deja fish going on here..

They can lock all the fish threads they want.

We shall overcome.

Im all fished out i think, its all about fish part 2 for me now. Fish is so last month now!


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