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Topic: Irked
Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:56 PM
You know what irks the ever-lovin' h*ll outta me? People who send me an email on here telling me how much they like my profile...then tell me to check out theirs...only to find one or two sentences that tell me NOTHING about them. Seriously folks...if you know yourself AT ALL you should be able to write a paragraph or two that tells people a little bit about you so we have something to go on in the begining. GEEZ...I, for one, am not going to sit and interview someone...feeding them quetions to answer so that I can find out a few miniscule things about them to see if there's a snowball's chance of the two of us "clicking". And recently, when I told someone this...they told me I was full of "drama and head-games". UGH! grumble grumble grumble explode explode explode

Whew...I feel better now... frustrated frustrated frustrated

Engraven_Image's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:58 PM
I typed a book!

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 12/11/08 11:59 PM
*l* me too...maybe that's my this irks me so darn much..

Engraven_Image's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:00 AM
I just pass up those profiles. If I catch a good vibe from the person, I add them to my favorites and 90% of the time they will message me and we talk from there.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:01 AM
You know what else I absolutely cannot stand??? Being asked, "so what do you wanna know?"

Engraven_Image's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:05 AM
I hate that too. It's like, just tell me a whole bunch of sh!t about yourself!rofl

JulieMP's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:07 AM
men can not type. they use two fingers and that is because they can not type. thus their profiles are lacking..not all but most.

you don't like what they type, than tell them. ask them to respond more thoroughly. give them a chance.

don't complain about them. Unless that is what you really want to do.

Is it better to date your complaint or a cute guy who can not type out his thoughts?


tat2dnurse's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:08 AM
Thing is, you can write all you want on your profile, and it's typically VERY obvious that they don't bother to read it. And generally, those who don't bother to read them... don't bother to fill out their own.

If they don't have time to read my profile, I sure as h3ll don't have time to talk to them.

Players... huh

squonk's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:10 AM
It's much worse when someone really likes your profile and they have a lot of information in there's but they never write back after that....

catwoman96's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:12 AM
i change my profile frequently. completly in everyway.

and ya i dont like it when a guy only has a few lines on his profile..boRing.

i like to talk to much to be with somebody that cant type out his thoughts a bit. or cant express himself easily. verbally. or through writing.

darkowl1's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:14 AM
i tell people, that you'll only get what you represent, and if you are lazy,(for that's what it really is) and don't write anything down, expect only lazy people that don't want to read, to scan your profile.

give us something to read, dammit!!!!

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:18 AM

You know what irks the ever-lovin' h*ll outta me? People who send me an email on here telling me how much they like my profile...then tell me to check out theirs...only to find one or two sentences that tell me NOTHING about them. Seriously folks...if you know yourself AT ALL you should be able to write a paragraph or two that tells people a little bit about you so we have something to go on in the begining. GEEZ...I, for one, am not going to sit and interview someone...feeding them quetions to answer so that I can find out a few miniscule things about them to see if there's a snowball's chance of the two of us "clicking". And recently, when I told someone this...they told me I was full of "drama and head-games". UGH! grumble grumble grumble explode explode explode

Whew...I feel better now... frustrated frustrated frustrated
flowerforyou I like your profile.bigsmile You should check out mine.bigsmile

darkowl1's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:19 AM
Edited by darkowl1 on Fri 12/12/08 12:30 AM

You know what else I absolutely cannot stand??? Being asked, "so what do you wanna know?"

just say to them;.... nothing! because you just became not worth my time, for a relationship.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:20 AM

You know what irks the ever-lovin' h*ll outta me? People who send me an email on here telling me how much they like my profile...then tell me to check out theirs...only to find one or two sentences that tell me NOTHING about them. Seriously folks...if you know yourself AT ALL you should be able to write a paragraph or two that tells people a little bit about you so we have something to go on in the begining. GEEZ...I, for one, am not going to sit and interview someone...feeding them quetions to answer so that I can find out a few miniscule things about them to see if there's a snowball's chance of the two of us "clicking". And recently, when I told someone this...they told me I was full of "drama and head-games". UGH! grumble grumble grumble explode explode explode

Whew...I feel better now... frustrated frustrated frustrated
flowerforyou I like your profile.bigsmile You should check out mine.bigsmile

Oh I did...that's why I had to block you bigsmile

notquite00's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:22 AM
You're right, some people don't write enough. On the other hand, some people write too much or just write one long paragraph.

For example, I looked at your profile. Would you mind breaking that paragraph up a bit? At least so things are separated topically? Sometimes when I see that, I don't even bother to read carefully and instead just skim through.

Now, am I losing something by not bothering to read your profile closely? Certainly, by not knowing you better, I am losing something. However, reading your profile doesn't have much to do with *knowing* you in the "grok" sort of sense, if you get my drift.

Anyway, it's not like my profile's all that great either, so who am I to talk? Well, I can only hope my opinion's worth at least 2 cents, right? ;-)

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:24 AM

You know what irks the ever-lovin' h*ll outta me? People who send me an email on here telling me how much they like my profile...then tell me to check out theirs...only to find one or two sentences that tell me NOTHING about them. Seriously folks...if you know yourself AT ALL you should be able to write a paragraph or two that tells people a little bit about you so we have something to go on in the begining. GEEZ...I, for one, am not going to sit and interview someone...feeding them quetions to answer so that I can find out a few miniscule things about them to see if there's a snowball's chance of the two of us "clicking". And recently, when I told someone this...they told me I was full of "drama and head-games". UGH! grumble grumble grumble explode explode explode

Whew...I feel better now... frustrated frustrated frustrated
flowerforyou I like your profile.bigsmile You should check out mine.bigsmile

Oh I did...that's why I had to block you bigsmile


scoundrel's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:25 AM
Grok was the kin of Turok, Son of Stone...right?

Wait. That was a 1960's comic book series. Off topic. Sorry.

catwoman96's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:26 AM
mirror's profiles are always intersting. I have to check it out at least once a month to see if hes made changes.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Fri 12/12/08 12:58 AM

You're right, some people don't write enough. On the other hand, some people write too much or just write one long paragraph.

For example, I looked at your profile. Would you mind breaking that paragraph up a bit? At least so things are separated topically? Sometimes when I see that, I don't even bother to read carefully and instead just skim through.

Now, am I losing something by not bothering to read your profile closely? Certainly, by not knowing you better, I am losing something. However, reading your profile doesn't have much to do with *knowing* you in the "grok" sort of sense, if you get my drift.

Anyway, it's not like my profile's all that great either, so who am I to talk? Well, I can only hope my opinion's worth at least 2 cents, right? ;-)

what is "grok"...and i edited, just for you...

no photo
Fri 12/12/08 05:31 AM

You know what irks the ever-lovin' h*ll outta me? People who send me an email on here telling me how much they like my profile...then tell me to check out theirs...only to find one or two sentences that tell me NOTHING about them.

About 97% of the profiles I read are completely useless -- so vapid, so boring -- if there IS any content at all, it's cliches that are used over and over in every other profile in the world.

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