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Topic: "Real": Tunnel Vision
Muchacho's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:25 PM
i want to be a real man i hope my fairy godmother grants my wish:angel:

(when u wish upon a starrrrr)laugh laugh laugh

kaadeshka's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:27 PM

i want to be a real man i hope my fairy godmother grants my wish:angel:

(when u wish upon a starrrrr)laugh laugh laugh

Hopefully she's not like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother...that woman would loose her head if it wasn't attached!

Muchacho's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:30 PM

i want to be a real man i hope my fairy godmother grants my wish:angel:

(when u wish upon a starrrrr)laugh laugh laugh

Hopefully she's not like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother...that woman would loose her head if it wasn't attached!

ROFLlaugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 04:25 PM

I don't know Lex...all the great novels I have read have very "real" flawed characters. And, many authors as well were...deep in not being "real" as defined by Lily's list. Do we "really" need a list for "real"?

Only within the context that's being used when someone complains about the lack of "real" people on the site -- we have no way of knowing what they mean unless they clarify. A list might be one way to do that. There are others.

As an author myself, I see huge gobs of truth in Lily's list -- for myself, for people on the site, for my own characters -- more to the point, it clarifies HER "real."

mariposakc's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:44 PM
So Lex, "real" is a matter of perspective. No right or wrong...just your own definition of "real" in a list written down on paper or etched in your brain as one filters the information..."Am I interested, not interested."
Yes, I agree...we all have our lists of what we want in our "real" person we are trying to find or not find. I must think that list is fluid...everchanging from past experiences. I hate to think that I am no different from who I was at age 20...my definition of "real" at that tender age has evolved. Hopefully to something more "real" than the last "real".

"My guiding light, may you shine bright upon the darkness of the shadows of my lonely plight in life. Take me far away from the stormy clouds and set me calmly right."

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:50 PM
Edited by smiless on Sun 12/07/08 07:50 PM
The problem is that no one is real online. You are talking to a computer system full of circuits who simulate millions of identies that act like the illustrations they post on the photo display. In actuality you are talking to a type of Sim City Simulation. I thought you knew this!laugh laugh laugh laugh

Everyone you are talking to are robots!laugh

okay that was weird I know. I just thought that would be a great beginning for a novellaugh

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:54 PM
I'm so real, you won't believe it.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:54 PM

So Lex, "real" is a matter of perspective. No right or wrong...just your own definition of "real" in a list written down on paper or etched in your brain as one filters the information..."Am I interested, not interested."

Exactly. When someone posts "Why are there no real men/women here?" we have no frame of reference for that comment. It's so subjective as to be meaningless without some sort of elaboration. But few take the time to do that; so we're left with nebulous remarks that we can't even really reply to because we don't know how the OP defines "real."

Yes, I agree...we all have our lists of what we want in our "real" person we are trying to find or not find. I must think that list is fluid...everchanging from past experiences. I hate to think that I am no different from who I was at age 20...my definition of "real" at that tender age has evolved. Hopefully to something more "real" than the last "real".

"My guiding light, may you shine bright upon the darkness of the shadows of my lonely plight in life. Take me far away from the stormy clouds and set me calmly right."

I think our experiences shape our lists, our perception of "real" (vs. "not real") in the same way they shape our lives as a whole. Yes, the standards evolve over time and through experience and observation. Hopefully, anyway. My standards today are certainly not the same as they were 10 years ago. 10 years ago, I had no idea what it was like to get involved with someone from a dating site!

mariposakc's photo
Sun 12/07/08 08:08 PM

So Lex, "real" is a matter of perspective. No right or wrong...just your own definition of "real" in a list written down on paper or etched in your brain as one filters the information..."Am I interested, not interested."

Exactly. When someone posts "Why are there no real men/women here?" we have no frame of reference for that comment. It's so subjective as to be meaningless without some sort of elaboration. But few take the time to do that; so we're left with nebulous remarks that we can't even really reply to because we don't know how the OP defines "real."

Yes, I agree...we all have our lists of what we want in our "real" person we are trying to find or not find. I must think that list is fluid...everchanging from past experiences. I hate to think that I am no different from who I was at age 20...my definition of "real" at that tender age has evolved. Hopefully to something more "real" than the last "real".

"My guiding light, may you shine bright upon the darkness of the shadows of my lonely plight in life. Take me far away from the stormy clouds and set me calmly right."

I think our experiences shape our lists, our perception of "real" (vs. "not real") in the same way they shape our lives as a whole. Yes, the standards evolve over time and through experience and observation. Hopefully, anyway. My standards today are certainly not the same as they were 10 years ago. 10 years ago, I had no idea what it was like to get involved with someone from a dating site!

Great exchange of thoughts...I will sleep on them tonight. Thanks:smile:

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