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Topic: "Real": Tunnel Vision
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Sun 12/07/08 07:03 AM
I've noticed a lot of posts lately, asking about if there are any "real" men or "real" women or "real" aardvarks, etc., here.

The problem is, not one of them ever takes the time to define what they mean by the term "real." The rest of us are either left to speculate, based on other references that may or may not be included in the post, or ignore the whole thing and go read another "nice guy" thread.

From what I've seen of these "real" posts, what the poster is actually trying to say is more along the lines of: "Is there anybody here who is the way I want someone to be?"

In other words, "If you're not the way I want you to be, you are, inherently, not real."

Which strikes me as a pretty damned narrow definition of the word "real."

Tunnel vision really only works well when you're in a tunnel.

Jules0565's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:04 AM
Agreed. I find those threads to be quite funny. flowerforyou

njmom05's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:07 AM
All the OP will get is sarcastic remarks, and it'll turn into a joke.

CATBW56's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:17 AM
if what they are looking for, in their mind as being "real" and somebody they want them to be....I dare say they are in for a rude awakening. We are all different in all aspects of personality, race, size etc. Nobody likes to be changed into something they are not. If you are looking for something "real" look within yourself first, from there you might get to know what you are really looking for in another person.

tanyaann's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:29 AM
I am 'real' :tongue: wanna find out sexy lexy? :wink:

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:34 AM
Edited by Ghostrider2u on Sun 12/07/08 07:34 AM
my question would be....that if I am not real....
am I therefore ....Artificial?.....
and if I am indeed artificial....does that make me unworthy?
However....even at artificial....would I not be "real" some other artificial life form???
Therefore I concur that I am real either way!!!

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:34 AM

I am 'real' :tongue: wanna find out sexy lexy? :wink:

Does it involve the doing of laundry?

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:35 AM

If you are looking for something "real" look within yourself first, from there you might get to know what you are really looking for in another person.

That is such an amazingly clear yet deep observation!!!

tanyaann's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:36 AM

I am 'real' :tongue: wanna find out sexy lexy? :wink:

Does it involve the doing of laundry?

laughlaughlaugh Well I didn't know you were that kinky! Sure we could involve laundry laughlaughlaugh

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:37 AM

I am 'real' :tongue: wanna find out sexy lexy? :wink:

Does it involve the doing of laundry?

laughlaughlaugh Well I didn't know you were that kinky! Sure we could involve laundry laughlaughlaugh

I'm not kinky at all, but I'm researching for a character in the next book....

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:38 AM
nice post :smile:

Lily0923's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:41 AM
Just for the record...

Lily's definition of "real" can pertain to both men and women.

1. Say what they mean and mean what they say.
2. Gives no mind to popular opinion (does the "right" thing. "Right" being what is "right" for them, and harms no one else in the process)
4. Deals with his/her baggage and does not victimize themselves with it.
5. Has problems and issues and deals with them head on.
6. Goes to work and pays his/her own bills and is working for their betterment. Is not a sponge and "lives" off of others for prolonged periods of time, also to include does not mate jump to allow such behavior.
7. Is not so strick and rigid in what is "right" and what is "wrong" that they have no room for emotional or intellectual growth.
8. Not addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, hobbies, habits, sports, or video games.
9. If he/she has children, is up to date with their child support has a good relationship with their children, and their children come first and foremost in their lives.

Any ?'s???

RKISIT's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:43 AM
i always thought Joan Rivers was not real, even physically...eeeew

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:47 AM

Just for the record...

Lily's definition of "real" can pertain to both men and women.

1. Say what they mean and mean what they say.
2. Gives no mind to popular opinion (does the "right" thing. "Right" being what is "right" for them, and harms no one else in the process)
4. Deals with his/her baggage and does not victimize themselves with it.
5. Has problems and issues and deals with them head on.
6. Goes to work and pays his/her own bills and is working for their betterment. Is not a sponge and "lives" off of others for prolonged periods of time, also to include does not mate jump to allow such behavior.
7. Is not so strick and rigid in what is "right" and what is "wrong" that they have no room for emotional or intellectual growth.
8. Not addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, hobbies, habits, sports, or video games.
9. If he/she has children, is up to date with their child support has a good relationship with their children, and their children come first and foremost in their lives.

Any ?'s???

I have a problem with #8

I seem to be addicted to ......Women....oh....and the Internet.

Lily0923's photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:50 AM
Ghost, tell the girl who's on the back of the bike in your pic that she needs alot more protective gear.

One good bump and she's gonna be chopped meat.

Really who rides a motorcycle like that?


no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:51 AM

Just for the record...

Lily's definition of "real" can pertain to both men and women.

1. Say what they mean and mean what they say.
2. Gives no mind to popular opinion (does the "right" thing. "Right" being what is "right" for them, and harms no one else in the process)
4. Deals with his/her baggage and does not victimize themselves with it.
5. Has problems and issues and deals with them head on.
6. Goes to work and pays his/her own bills and is working for their betterment. Is not a sponge and "lives" off of others for prolonged periods of time, also to include does not mate jump to allow such behavior.
7. Is not so strick and rigid in what is "right" and what is "wrong" that they have no room for emotional or intellectual growth.
8. Not addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, hobbies, habits, sports, or video games.
9. If he/she has children, is up to date with their child support has a good relationship with their children, and their children come first and foremost in their lives.

Any ?'s???

Every time someone posts "Are there any real men/women/etc.?" they should make a list like this. No ambiguity, no doubt about what the term means in this context.

no photo
Sun 12/07/08 07:54 AM

Ghost, tell the girl who's on the back of the bike in your pic that she needs alot more protective gear.

One good bump and she's gonna be chopped meat.

Really who rides a motorcycle like that?


I have actually seen some ride dressed like this...
of course they wouldnt be on my bike....
their just not.......


tanyaann's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:07 PM

Just for the record...

Lily's definition of "real" can pertain to both men and women.

1. Say what they mean and mean what they say.
2. Gives no mind to popular opinion (does the "right" thing. "Right" being what is "right" for them, and harms no one else in the process)
4. Deals with his/her baggage and does not victimize themselves with it.
5. Has problems and issues and deals with them head on.
6. Goes to work and pays his/her own bills and is working for their betterment. Is not a sponge and "lives" off of others for prolonged periods of time, also to include does not mate jump to allow such behavior.
7. Is not so strick and rigid in what is "right" and what is "wrong" that they have no room for emotional or intellectual growth.
8. Not addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, hobbies, habits, sports, or video games.
9. If he/she has children, is up to date with their child support has a good relationship with their children, and their children come first and foremost in their lives.

Any ?'s???

Every time someone posts "Are there any real men/women/etc.?" they should make a list like this. No ambiguity, no doubt about what the term means in this context.


Good idea! However, it wouldn't be a 'why can't I find real guys/gals'. It would be a 'here's what I am looking for...'

kaadeshka's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:12 PM
So if we're not real...does that make us imaginary?

mariposakc's photo
Sun 12/07/08 12:20 PM
I don't know Lex...all the great novels I have read have very "real" flawed characters. And, many authors as well were...deep in not being "real" as defined by Lily's list. Do we "really" need a list for "real"?

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