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Topic: does ever falling deeper in love eternaly scare you ladies
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Fri 12/05/08 12:24 AM
what was the question again???surprised

Fit2bFunVB's photo
Fri 12/05/08 12:42 AM

If I have love I need just enough income to have a home and the nessessities and thats every thing it takes to be happy . If having real love and a home and the nessessities is all you need to be happy then i would love to talk to you and see where it goes.

Regardless of the material items needed to survive, there are three essential people in any long-standing, committed relationship: he, she, and HIM (God).

Too many people forget that crucial fact.

lilwick86's photo
Fri 12/05/08 12:56 AM
Yes, size does matter, don't let any woman tell you differantly, preferable around her height so there ain't no kissing confusion or problems with sexual postioning

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 01:01 AM
I always thought it was he, she and a family pack of condoms???devil huh :banana:

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:21 AM
Edited by tv2enslave4life on Fri 12/05/08 02:52 AM
I hada job after school in high school and while I was getting my associates then I was employed by the federal government up till 2000 so as for others paying for me not I payed into the social security system. and wrong not every one gets turned down by the government when they apply for ssi i was diagnosed as with manic depression an ailment that one must cure themselfs just to get up out of a bed.( not bi polor moodyness)
a manic goes down for possibly weeks and weeks at a time. My problem is the asses that play like they need help , me being the type of person that wants to give people a hand so they can help them selfs is very rewarding to see them do better ,now days ha there are so many peolple running a game praying on big hearted givers that It pushed me into becoming manic. there were so many that deserved being helped that didn't because of these asses when someones greed takes you down so you can no longer help the less fortunate it tends to truely go to a place so it wont happen again. so now the only thing I can give is an ear to talk to and the fact that I never gave up on putting love first and if i can do it any one can unless the have gave up on love and jesus.and for those still injecting money and material things into love where is that garbage going to be in the next life not with you so learn to let it go or do you put it before love and can't if so I will be positive for you and know that you can . This life is where you learn to let go of the physical because there is none there only living energy in a eternal existance and energy can not be destoyed only changed to another form of energy. people putting money and material before love is what devistated the world economy and what is the goverment doing bailing out the ones that did wrong knowingly and kept on doing it do you believe that will change things and help the ecomomy not before a whole lot of people learn what truely makes them happy and what could that be when you only have enough money for a roof and food. the world economy that was based on greed will never come up again so get used to it and not having the lastest thing to brag about and show off just to be better that another. if you were one of the kids reeducated by the greedy corporations and the comercials designed to make you believe you had to have the latest shoe , clothes , tech or other popular item that begain in the early 1980s I truely feel for you because you were taught that being popular was to be loved and to be popular you had the latest thing. how many children got hurt or killed for what they wore because if you had it you were liked and loved. don't you believe that that mentality has to go . well so does anything that is slanted or changed for self benifit of one or a society look how religion got abused for the sake of power no more death, pain or hurt is acceptable in the name of god by anyone or peoples.

tv2enslave4life's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:54 AM

If I have love I need just enough income to have a home and the nessessities and thats every thing it takes to be happy . If having real love and a home and the nessessities is all you need to be happy then i would love to talk to you and see where it goes.

Regardless of the material items needed to survive, there are three essential people in any long-standing, committed relationship: he, she, and HIM or Her(God)

Too many people forget that crucial fact.

papersmile's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:02 AM
Is the reality of two people whos only care is to make the other one happy not enough.

that sounds more like an obsession to me, rather than a relationship.

most of us do have other cares in the world and if i were my boyfriend's sole focus, i'd feel quite suffocated.

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