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Topic: Pay It Forward
galendgirl's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:24 PM
Good movie but better life practice...

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:26 PM

awwww Good Girl Boogie!

Awwwwww thanks...

nothing he wouldnt have done for me...

im sure!

luv2roknroll's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:28 PM

awwwwwwwwwww, that was soooooooooo sweet. Thanks for sharing and boogie is sooooooo cute.flowerforyou

"Boogie" says...

"Flattery will get you everywhere Redgirl...heehee".

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:29 PM

:heart: that movie..

me and some friends did that last christmas...

a friend got me a VERY hard to find WII about 2 weeks before christmas one day..and just charged me what she paid for it and told me to pay it forward.

i got another friend a small christmas tree to set up in his house because he had been to busy and almost forgot about putting up a tree..

pay it forward...is a good way to live life.
every day..a random act of kindness
I think so to. I try to do a random act of kindness as often as possible. Today was weird though. If I hadn't watched that movie I wouldn't have been inspired to go out today and I shutter to think of what might have happened to that lady if I hadn't gone out today. I couldn't believe able bodied people were just passing this lady by and one kid that passed her was pointing and laughingmad

no photo
Sun 11/30/08 09:44 PM

Red is a guardian angel
good for youflowerforyou

helping others gives you a warm feeling inside
Yep, it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling

you are a true blessingflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Mon 12/01/08 04:58 PM

Red is a guardian angel
good for youflowerforyou

helping others gives you a warm feeling inside
Yep, it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling

you are a true blessingflowerforyou
awwwww, thank youflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 12/02/08 04:45 PM
One of the best movies of all time!!! I try to live by that motto!!!

no photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:58 AM
I went to Dunkin Donuts like I always do on Friday morning to have breakfast with a friend(our time to catch up). while standing in line a little old man was counting change to see if he had enough to get a coffee, being 6 cents short he started to walk away when my friend and I said excuse me to the lady behind the counter.
We asked the gentleman if he would mind having breakfast with us today,our treat.
With a tear rolling down his face he said Yes.
He told us that in the last 6 months he has lost everything,his job,home and wife,and has been living in shelters,and we were the first people to do something kind for him in a long time.
It took every ounce of strength not to cry as we sat there listening to him tell us his story.
Not only did we fill his belly,we also brought him to the nearest hotel and rented him a room for the night.

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 07:38 AM

I went to Dunkin Donuts like I always do on Friday morning to have breakfast with a friend(our time to catch up). while standing in line a little old man was counting change to see if he had enough to get a coffee, being 6 cents short he started to walk away when my friend and I said excuse me to the lady behind the counter.
We asked the gentleman if he would mind having breakfast with us today,our treat.
With a tear rolling down his face he said Yes.
He told us that in the last 6 months he has lost everything,his job,home and wife,and has been living in shelters,and we were the first people to do something kind for him in a long time.
It took every ounce of strength not to cry as we sat there listening to him tell us his story.
Not only did we fill his belly,we also brought him to the nearest hotel and rented him a room for the night.
I have tears rolling down my face now. That was so sweet of you and your friendflowers

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