Topic: To Mr Imis,
nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 04:55 PM
The poetry and dreaming section is up a few posts from here, Fanta...

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/12/07 04:57 PM
Or dave chappelle does a skit about a white family named you know what.I
saw a news story that rappers are doing artistic expression.Tell that to
Robert Mapelthorpe.

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 04:59 PM
the problem now will be that anytime you hurt someones feelings you will
be arrested, jailed and lose civil lawsuits.

Here come the thought police.

nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:02 PM
The modern thought police have been around for at least a half a
century--they're known as pollsters.

adj4u's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:06 PM
pollsters are thought monitors

those that belive them and allow an

injustice because of them are the police

wonder how many crakers are in the slop

just a thought

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:25 PM
As Rosie pointed out on the View, big business run this country not the
people. But to be honest I thing that's because we have sat still and
allowed it long enough. Enough voices protesting may make a difference,
but I fear those voices would have to come from a world market, not just
the red, white and blue of it.

nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:25 PM
And thought provoking you are, too. Like lambs to the slaughter in a
blissful ignorance that education could cure if only it were not run by
the same numbers that sniff out the mother's milk of politics.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:28 PM
F' that this is America, F the world, let them straighten out their own

nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:32 PM
Fanta-you been lifting weights?

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:36 PM
This is off of FOX news. I think its interesting;

Nobody Dies, Imus Still Fries. Imus' remarks might have been stupid, but
they didn't harm anyone.

Al Sharpton is the LAST person to demand an apology for other people's
remarks. At least nobody died. Sharpton can't make that claim.

He has made his name and his fame as the one to lead a protest movement
after every racially charged incident in New York over the last 30 years
(and many elsewhere in the U.S.) Especially early in his career, he
seemed eager to inflame racial hatreds at the risk of violence as long
as it gave him publicity and power (and money. There is always money).

In 1987, black teenager Tawana Brawley claimed that six white law
enforcement officers -- including then-assistant district attorney
Steven Pagones -- had abducted and raped her, scrawled racial insults on
her body and smeared her with feces. Sharpton compared then-state
Attorney General Robert Abrams, a Jew, to Adolf Hitler. He also linked
then-Gov. Mario Cuomo to organized crime and the Ku Klux Klan.

Within a year, a grand jury announced the story was a hoax and
specifically cleared a Fishkill police officer and Pagones. Pagones sued
Sharpton and two advisers for more than $150 million for defamation. He
was recklessly willing to use information he knew was very shaky to make
his political point.

His inflammatory remarks were also responsible for sparking the Crown
Heights riot of 1991, and a 1995 arson attack on a Jewish Harlem jeweler
that resulted in 8 deaths. That attack came months after Sharpton made
remarks about the "white interloper."

This guy, who has been hustling people since he was a seven-year-old
preacher, should be in prison, not holding himself up as the conscience
of the civil rights movement.


BigGlenn's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:38 PM
Imus is the mole.

nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:44 PM
...and the armadillo ate him.

no photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:46 PM
yeah F@#$ A world market.

That would just give us less freedoms and more tyranny.

We need to start over, with the traitors being removed.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 05:58 PM
damn I get into it.....laugh laugh laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:26 PM
also Jesse jackson with his "Hymie Town "remark.both play the race card
when it suits them.

nusalor's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:28 PM
Thank you cutelittledevilsmom! Now grab that duct tape and let's wrap
this up!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:30 PM
Did anyone else sense those girls were coached in their remarks?

dazzling_dave's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:36 PM
To answer the question of minority rule, the minorities scream the
loudest. This may be because most people in the minority have nothing
better to do with their time than stir the pot. The majority are too
busy working and trying to support their families to take the time to
fight what amounts to not much more than idiocy.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:36 PM
yeah and notice the white girls on the team who apparently dont mind
being nappy headed or ho s looked very uncomfortable.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/12/07 06:37 PM
hi dave..drinker