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tribo's photo
Mon 11/24/08 10:43 AM

I was lying in bed. I heard a sound inside my head which I can only describe as being like an enormous electric motor starting up. It began as a low pitched whine and increased in frequency until it went above audible range. At that point, I knew I was not "attached" to my body anymore. I sat up and swung my feet around to the right side of the bed and sat there on the bed with my feet on the floor for a couple seconds (Note: The bed was up flush against the wall on the right hand side.) Then I began to float upward. When I stopped rising, I was lying prone on my back. I though to myself "I can't see anything". So I made motions with my hands as if I were floating face up in water and wanted to turn over, which I did. At that point I was facing downward and looking at my body lying on the bed. It's eyes were open wide. At that point, I started floating down towards the body and rotating. As I reached the point where I was in the same location as my body and facing upward, my body inhaled, and I was once more "attached" to it.
that is incredible sky, i have not had an OB, the closet i came is when i was 12-13 and i had read a book of my grandma's and it had this 4" white pyramid printed on the page it was white surrounded by blue and it faded darker as it went away from the pyramid, you were supposed to stare at it and clear your mind and think about astral travel - leaving your body and travelling all over. well after about 10 min or so i felt this litning of myself as if i were about to leave my body - but it scared me so much i quickly opened my eyes and started shaking and put the book away and never tried it again, i felt as if i had done something i was not supposed to, i was a catholic kid at that time so i had some issues with it back then as to it being right, still i was curious about it and that's why i did it not expecting to really get results but really wanting to. well i got a taste of it and fear made me not continue, so i guess I'll never know now like you or others do. but i really do believe in it that its doable.

Within my belief system, there is a very good explanation as to why an OBE can be extremely frightening to people. The explanation relates to reincarnation.

Because moving out of the body is exactly what happens when your body dies, having an OBE can remind one of dying. And since death is so highly feared and avoided by most people, anything that seems like death can be very upsetting, just like being reminded of any other highly upsetting experience can be upsetting.

That's the theory anyway. happy

well later in life after i had thrown off my religious beliefs i tried again even under the influence, and could not even get close to what i had experienced earlier, so i just let it go along with many other experiences i had had when young. enough said - :smile:

Pink_lady's photo
Mon 11/24/08 11:05 AM
Ive enjoyed reading ppls experiences, and im sure there will be lots more to come!

I, myself have had a few paranormal experiences.....quite a few actually, so im not sure which 1 to tell u about first!

One of my earlier experiences (when i was around 5/6, it was in the morning) was seeing a guy in a black cape/hood, walking towards my bed, i got scared, closed my eyes, and when i opened them again, he had gone.

A couple of yrs later, i remember being sat in front of my dressing table, in front of the mirror, i was just staring at myself, and i felt my head go fuzzy, and for a few moments, life felt 'unfamiliar'. It scared me and i can still feel that feeling even to this day.

When i was in my early to mid twenties, i used to meditate whenever i could, by then i was reading tarot, and was gaining a fast growing reputation in my neighbourhood.

I stood looking out my window (12 floors up) and a cloud of smoke was blown in my face...nobody around, I sat and sent up thought to my spirit guide, asking wat his name was.....the colour 'red' and 'wolf' were the only things i kept getting. I only ever told 1 friend about wat i did, cos i knew i could trust her not to laugh at me!

A few months later, i was given a reading from a medium from the local spiritualist society, and i was told i was gonna be given as book, and it would provide answers.

I forgot about it and 2 or 3 yrs later, i was given a book on Native American Indians, called 'way of the spirit' In it, it describes all the different tribes and their history. My friend had also given me a bookmark which was a pair of praying hands.

I took it in the bath with me a couple of weeks later, and i decided to read it for the first time....i opened from the middle and just started reading the page in front of me.

It was the story of "Red Wolf", i was actually quite stunned, as it not only described the story of 'red wolf', but it also had pictures of diff tribal wear. I have been told by a good few mediums, that my guide is an Indian, and that his headress only has 1 feather in it. The story relates to the Kiowa Indians, and they wore a single feather in their headband.

Some may say this is coincidence, but to me, i know my question was answered.

Ive got more stories, but i would never get round to posting them if i done them all at once!!

tribo's photo
Mon 11/24/08 11:33 AM

Ive enjoyed reading ppls experiences, and im sure there will be lots more to come!

I, myself have had a few paranormal experiences.....quite a few actually, so im not sure which 1 to tell u about first!

One of my earlier experiences (when i was around 5/6, it was in the morning) was seeing a guy in a black cape/hood, walking towards my bed, i got scared, closed my eyes, and when i opened them again, he had gone.

A couple of yrs later, i remember being sat in front of my dressing table, in front of the mirror, i was just staring at myself, and i felt my head go fuzzy, and for a few moments, life felt 'unfamiliar'. It scared me and i can still feel that feeling even to this day.

When i was in my early to mid twenties, i used to meditate whenever i could, by then i was reading tarot, and was gaining a fast growing reputation in my neighbourhood.

I stood looking out my window (12 floors up) and a cloud of smoke was blown in my face...nobody around, I sat and sent up thought to my spirit guide, asking wat his name was.....the colour 'red' and 'wolf' were the only things i kept getting. I only ever told 1 friend about wat i did, cos i knew i could trust her not to laugh at me!

A few months later, i was given a reading from a medium from the local spiritualist society, and i was told i was gonna be given as book, and it would provide answers.

I forgot about it and 2 or 3 yrs later, i was given a book on Native American Indians, called 'way of the spirit' In it, it describes all the different tribes and their history. My friend had also given me a bookmark which was a pair of praying hands.

I took it in the bath with me a couple of weeks later, and i decided to read it for the first time....i opened from the middle and just started reading the page in front of me.

It was the story of "Red Wolf", i was actually quite stunned, as it not only described the story of 'red wolf', but it also had pictures of diff tribal wear. I have been told by a good few mediums, that my guide is an Indian, and that his headress only has 1 feather in it. The story relates to the Kiowa Indians, and they wore a single feather in their headband.

Some may say this is coincidence, but to me, i know my question was answered.

Ive got more stories, but i would never get round to posting them if i done them all at once!!


thats really cool!! being native american i really like that Pink!! thnx alot. now i will have to google red wolf and read of him also, how much better guide can you have than a native american huh???

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Mon 11/24/08 12:16 PM
When I was around 14 years old, some buddies of mine & I thought we'd mess around with conjuring spirits. We were using a deck of cards & were using them to ask questions. We asked one spirit for a sign & a card moved about four inches across the table.
After that, we called on the devil & asked for a sign. There was a chandelier above us with one light in the center and a bunch surrounding it in a circle. The middle light went out the moment we asked. Freaked us out so much that we immediately stopped.

Back in my druggie days, some friends of mine & I went to a guys house we'd never been to before for drugs. Pretty hardcore dealers lived here & the father told us that if we told anybody about them, he'd kill us & was serious about it. His son that stayed there (I think he was his son). The kid was friggin crazy & talked very strangly. Well, we got all messed up on a few different drugs & left to go to another friends house. This kid came with and started acting very weird. He touches one of my friend's many cats on the head and it stands stiff as a board. He then starts controlling it, as if the cat was a robotic toy or something. Freaked me out so bad I left in a panic. My friends other cats all start jumping on me as I leave. Very bad trip!!!!

The last time I ever did drugs, I overdosed for the second time, taking too much meth & marijuana. I found myself wandering the streets in the middle of the night & felt like I was going to die. I stopped at a church & knelt down asking God to spare my life. I looked up & seen thousands upon thousands of birds circling not too far above me in the night sky. That night, the meth we got was taken from a plastic baggie with a picture of the devil on it.

I seen a huge UFO when I lived in Oregon. I was maybe seventeen years old. We were riding in the back of my parents truck when someone saw it and had them pull over. We all got out and stared up at this thing, about five or six of us in all. It was a V shaped craft that could have easily been football field size. Large lights formed the V shape & it didn't make a sound as it slowly hovered away. Freaked the sh!t out of me!!! The skies were filled with planes that night after we seen it. Never seen so many airplanes in the skies there.

tribo's photo
Mon 11/24/08 12:50 PM

When I was around 14 years old, some buddies of mine & I thought we'd mess around with conjuring spirits. We were using a deck of cards & were using them to ask questions. We asked one spirit for a sign & a card moved about four inches across the table.
After that, we called on the devil & asked for a sign. There was a chandelier above us with one light in the center and a bunch surrounding it in a circle. The middle light went out the moment we asked. Freaked us out so much that we immediately stopped.

Back in my druggie days, some friends of mine & I went to a guys house we'd never been to before for drugs. Pretty hardcore dealers lived here & the father told us that if we told anybody about them, he'd kill us & was serious about it. His son that stayed there (I think he was his son). The kid was friggin crazy & talked very strangly. Well, we got all messed up on a few different drugs & left to go to another friends house. This kid came with and started acting very weird. He touches one of my friend's many cats on the head and it stands stiff as a board. He then starts controlling it, as if the cat was a robotic toy or something. Freaked me out so bad I left in a panic. My friends other cats all start jumping on me as I leave. Very bad trip!!!!

The last time I ever did drugs, I overdosed for the second time, taking too much meth & marijuana. I found myself wandering the streets in the middle of the night & felt like I was going to die. I stopped at a church & knelt down asking God to spare my life. I looked up & seen thousands upon thousands of birds circling not too far above me in the night sky. That night, the meth we got was taken from a plastic baggie with a picture of the devil on it.

I seen a huge UFO when I lived in Oregon. I was maybe seventeen years old. We were riding in the back of my parents truck when someone saw it and had them pull over. We all got out and stared up at this thing, about five or six of us in all. It was a V shaped craft that could have easily been football field size. Large lights formed the V shape & it didn't make a sound as it slowly hovered away. Freaked the sh!t out of me!!! The skies were filled with planes that night after we seen it. Never seen so many airplanes in the skies there.

thnx for that HMM, good stuff!!

Pink_lady's photo
Mon 11/24/08 01:59 PM
Dunno if u found anything, but this is the exact story i was talking about...


tribo's photo
Mon 11/24/08 02:35 PM

Dunno if u found anything, but this is the exact story i was talking about...

thnx for that pink, i just read it - i will add it to the native A post and go back and read on to see what else is there. - flowerforyou

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