Topic: 'Urine or You're Out'...
Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:59 AM
Don't let the buttheads get ya down!

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:02 PM

I don't agree that recipients of assistance should be given a mandatory drug tested. That is a discriminatory practice in that it assumes everyone who needs assistance is a drug abuser and that usage was what created the need. While I completely understand the frustration involved, I also must add that the cash assistance is not usually the only assistance one gets. Recipients usually get food stamps, assistance in paying for daycare, as well as free or very low cost medical assistance. Most are eligible for assistance with housing, but it's harder to get and many do not take advantage of that benefit. Then, of course, there is the assistance in paying for school and/or finding a job. It is what you make of it.
Public assistance is not meant to give anyone a cushy life, it's meant for survival and is meant to be temporary. And, yes, it is an absent parents responsibility to pay for the welfare of their child, but more often than not, it is tax payers who take on that responsibility.
I've done this work for 25 years and I have to say that there have been times when my clients had more spendable income than I did. Being a single parent is not easy on most.


other then the first two lines...I agree with you young see a urine test as discriminatory...I see tough love...a form of shown responsibility...

slaphead The first two lines were the only thing you could have agreed with me on! shocked

There, again, how much tough love do you give. You want them wearing ankle bracelets to be sure they are not spending the assistance on things we deem they shouldn't, IE., going to a bar?


Oh, and TOUGH LOVE? Are we punishing these folks?

Oh, and TOUGH LOVE? Are we punishing these folks? ...hardly...what you call punishment...I call tough love...:smile:

Wow, you're a tough nut to crack! tears


are you digging up your carrot cake recipe young lady ?
Sunrise!! Bring your rubber ducky locked and loaded!!!:smile:

not too sure about locked...but...definitely loaded !!...drinker

did you get the go ahead from the regards to the poor ...helpless rubber duckies ?...laugh ...gulp !!!
laugh Just ask laugh

nessuno commento !!...gulp !!...frown

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:05 PM

Don't let the buttheads get ya down!

that's singular.." butthead "

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:20 PM
You mean to tell me there is only one butthead in the world?

If that's true the butthead must be pretty damned busy because I see butthead tracks and leavings all over the place.

no photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:47 PM
You all can call me Beavis with Butthead tendencies.

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:02 PM

I have a good one liner that is sexual in nature but would likely get me banned again so I won't post it.

Feel free to imagine what that line was.

noblenan's photo
Wed 11/26/08 02:43 PM

I don't agree that recipients of assistance should be given a mandatory drug tested. That is a discriminatory practice in that it assumes everyone who needs assistance is a drug abuser and that usage was what created the need. While I completely understand the frustration involved, I also must add that the cash assistance is not usually the only assistance one gets. Recipients usually get food stamps, assistance in paying for daycare, as well as free or very low cost medical assistance. Most are eligible for assistance with housing, but it's harder to get and many do not take advantage of that benefit. Then, of course, there is the assistance in paying for school and/or finding a job. It is what you make of it.
Public assistance is not meant to give anyone a cushy life, it's meant for survival and is meant to be temporary. And, yes, it is an absent parents responsibility to pay for the welfare of their child, but more often than not, it is tax payers who take on that responsibility.
I've done this work for 25 years and I have to say that there have been times when my clients had more spendable income than I did. Being a single parent is not easy on most.


other then the first two lines...I agree with you young see a urine test as discriminatory...I see tough love...a form of shown responsibility...

slaphead The first two lines were the only thing you could have agreed with me on! shocked

There, again, how much tough love do you give. You want them wearing ankle bracelets to be sure they are not spending the assistance on things we deem they shouldn't, IE., going to a bar?


Oh, and TOUGH LOVE? Are we punishing these folks?

Oh, and TOUGH LOVE? Are we punishing these folks? ...hardly...what you call punishment...I call tough love...:smile:

Wow, you're a tough nut to crack! tears


okay...we can compromise...I'll trade you my tough love for your carrot cake it a deal ?...:smile:

A nasty little thought ran through my head when I read your reply, but I am taking Lynann's advise and keeping my Mingle membership in tack...unblemished, I might add! rofl


Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/26/08 09:45 PM
would that thought be my tough love...gulp !!...or...your carrot cake !!

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:24 PM


I want to say things I shouldn't.

Funny thing is I bet there are a few people here who wish I would...for a variety of reasons.

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:25 PM



I want to say things I shouldn't.

Funny thing is I bet there are a few people here who wish I would...for a variety of reasons.

say it !!!...come on...pretty

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:39 PM
Edited by Lynann on Wed 11/26/08 10:41 PM

/random offensive statement_01

Someone make Gio a carrot cake please then tie him up and tease him with a frosty moist sweet smelling bite.

Make him beg for the cake!

There ya public service for the day. Helping a conservative fulfill his dreams hehe


Please please...someone tell me they like pie!
(sorta a gamer joke)

Giocamo's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:42 PM


/random offensive statement_01

Someone make Gio a carrot cake please then tie him up and tease him with a frosty moist sweet smelling bite.

Make him beg for the cake!

There ya public service for the day. Helping a conservative fulfill his dreams hehe


Please please...someone tell me they like pie!
(sorta a gamer joke)

ahhhhhhhh....thanks....I owe ya'...

Winx's photo
Wed 11/26/08 10:53 PM


/random offensive statement_01

Someone make Gio a carrot cake please then tie him up and tease him with a frosty moist sweet smelling bite.

Make him beg for the cake!

There ya public service for the day. Helping a conservative fulfill his dreams hehe


Please please...someone tell me they like pie!
(sorta a gamer joke)

My mom makes an awesome homemade carrot cake with cream cheese icing. Will that do?laugh

Lynann's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:13 PM
Humm sounds fairly specific..

Whatcha think Gio?

Winx's photo
Wed 11/26/08 11:17 PM

Humm sounds fairly specific..

Whatcha think Gio?

She has dark hair too. Gio likes dark hair.:wink: laugh

Giocamo's photo
Sat 11/29/08 10:48 AM

Humm sounds fairly specific..

Whatcha think Gio?

actually...the only item missing from this years Thanksgiving a nice....big....juicy...moist...piece of........................................carrot cake....gulp !!...grumble

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/29/08 11:14 AM
I think Gio likes pie.

Any pie...

Giocamo's photo
Sat 11/29/08 11:17 AM

I think Gio likes pie.

Any pie...

cherry ...of course...cross my heart...:smile:

Lynann's photo
Sat 11/29/08 11:26 AM
Okay, the best possible replies to Gio's last would all earn me a ban.

Cherry pie eh?

OMG sometimes it's so hard to be good...must not be a smart ass...

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 11/29/08 05:53 PM

I think Gio likes pie.

Any pie...

There is one pie I will NOT eat..pitchfork sick