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Topic: No Kill Animal Sanctuary
Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:13 AM

1st I want to say you have a very noble idea,& I wish you the best of luck.

How much land to you own & how much money do you have?

How many animals do you plan on housing & do you know the housing & care requirements of each?

Do you know the manhours involved for caring for the animals you plan to house?

Do you know the laws regaurding kennels & livestock in your community? If you plan on adopting out the "bully breeds" are you aware of the liabilities you could face if one harms a person?

As a former shelter worker I know things are not so simple. In a perfect world there would be no need for euthanisia but I have had to do it.

Our shelter had 3 full time & 2 part time kennel workers caring for over 100 animals daily. That is 340 man hours a week just for basic care. This does not include management, animal control officers, office workers or volunteers.

We took in aproximatly 3,000 animals a year & the adoption rate was about 15%. Remember we only had room for 100 at a time. The math is horrible but unavoidable.

None of this scares me or deters me. We are ready to take on the state... Our goal is not to adopt animals out, if we can that is great. The goal is to let animals live out their lives in a non abusive environment reguardless of age, agression or breed. I have had to put an animal or two down myself, but it was never because I didn't have the time or I couldn't afford to care for it. It was always to ease their suffering. We have no land and we have no money, but despise not the day of small beginnings... God grants miracles every day and I know it will all fall into place eventually. It may take years, but I am willing to work hard and get there as are my girls that are involved with me. It is sensless for any animal shelter to euthanize an animal... There are so very many people out there willing to help, they just don't know how to advertise and people don't know how to help. Look at that link that Fear posted, it is possible to do it. It just takes a few dedicated people to build a foundation on which to grow...

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:16 AM

Too many animals are euthanized for no good reason, and pitbulls are not at all dangerous if raised right..

Pitbulls are adorable! I am totally going to adopt one when I get out of vet school. My family has watched a few for Stray Rescue of St. Louis and they were the most lovable dogs. They're not monsters at all, unless some prick makes them that way. My roommate is so against them because one drowned her grandma's little yipey Yorkie. Yorkie's are cute, but I want a real dog... one that can bark instead of sounding like a squeaky toy. I can't seem to get it through her head that that could have been any dog that got her grandma's dog, but she insists the only reason that dog attacked was because it was a pitbull. And she thinks they're ugly. It pisses me off to no end. It almost makes me want to adopt a pit for next school year since I can have a dog, maybe she won't bring her stupid little chiuahuah with her then, in fear that my dog with eat it for breakfast, lol. I'm not a fan of little dogs. And banning pits just ticks me off even more! Seriously, it's like discriminating against people of different races. The dogs didn't do anything wrong, it's the jerks who give them the wrong image. I wrote a paper about pits, it's a touchy subject with me.

Currently in Denver Colorado the police have murdered 1200 Pitbulls or dogs with Pitbull Charictaristics. This is wrong, they are going door to door and removing these animals from peoples homes for no good reason!!! This has to stop, more people need to stand up and fight!! If a cop came to the door and tried to kill my Pit/Akita mix, they would have to shoot about three people first, including my 83 yr old grandfather...

The time & resources would be better spent going after the people who train & fight dogs!

Now that is the truth... If we can end genocide for humans, why not for animals too?

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:18 AM
If you want to start a business Contact the Small Business Administration. They have classes and all sorts of assistance for taxayers to benifit from. They can also get you a counselor from Senior Corp of Retired Executives to mentor you.

Some of the shelters zoos do offer Summer diocent programs where you are provided room and a dorm and meals for paying a small fee to work on their facility and learn. Look under working vacations on Google.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:23 AM

If you want to start a business Contact the Small Business Administration. They have classes and all sorts of assistance for taxayers to benifit from. They can also get you a counselor from Senior Corp of Retired Executives to mentor you.

Some of the shelters zoos do offer Summer diocent programs where you are provided room and a dorm and meals for paying a small fee to work on their facility and learn. Look under working vacations on Google.

That is very helpful!! Thank you!!

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:27 AM
Please don't think I didn't try to save many of the animals I had to put down.

The dog in the picture is Olive my terrier & she was the 15th dog I took into my own home to save. The others all went to good homes. By taking a dog home each night I was able to increase the shelter capacity by 1. Olive was supposed to go on TV but I could not give her up after bottle feeding her. I worked with breed rescues & personally drove one dog half way across the state to place it with a breed rescue.

I have been called a nazi in the local paper. How do you think that feels after working 8 hours & volunteering 2 more to try to save these animals?When you have all your kennels full & every sheler worker has animals at home, the local boarding kennel has donated room & board for 2, & Animal control comes in with 12 more what do you do?

If you don't adopt you will eventually run out of room. Like I said it is not as simple as you think.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:30 AM

Too many animals are euthanized for no good reason, and pitbulls are not at all dangerous if raised right..

Pitbulls are adorable! I am totally going to adopt one when I get out of vet school. My family has watched a few for Stray Rescue of St. Louis and they were the most lovable dogs. They're not monsters at all, unless some prick makes them that way. My roommate is so against them because one drowned her grandma's little yipey Yorkie. Yorkie's are cute, but I want a real dog... one that can bark instead of sounding like a squeaky toy. I can't seem to get it through her head that that could have been any dog that got her grandma's dog, but she insists the only reason that dog attacked was because it was a pitbull. And she thinks they're ugly. It pisses me off to no end. It almost makes me want to adopt a pit for next school year since I can have a dog, maybe she won't bring her stupid little chiuahuah with her then, in fear that my dog with eat it for breakfast, lol. I'm not a fan of little dogs. And banning pits just ticks me off even more! Seriously, it's like discriminating against people of different races. The dogs didn't do anything wrong, it's the jerks who give them the wrong image. I wrote a paper about pits, it's a touchy subject with me.

Currently in Denver Colorado the police have murdered 1200 Pitbulls or dogs with Pitbull Charictaristics. This is wrong, they are going door to door and removing these animals from peoples homes for no good reason!!! This has to stop, more people need to stand up and fight!! If a cop came to the door and tried to kill my Pit/Akita mix, they would have to shoot about three people first, including my 83 yr old grandfather...

The time & resources would be better spent going after the people who train & fight dogs!

Now that is the truth... If we can end genocide for humans, why not for animals too?

Well unfortunatly we havn't ended genocide. You know the answer for animals, spay & neuter.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:35 AM

Please don't think I didn't try to save many of the animals I had to put down.

The dog in the picture is Olive my terrier & she was the 15th dog I took into my own home to save. The others all went to good homes. By taking a dog home each night I was able to increase the shelter capacity by 1. Olive was supposed to go on TV but I could not give her up after bottle feeding her. I worked with breed rescues & personally drove one dog half way across the state to place it with a breed rescue.

I have been called a nazi in the local paper. How do you think that feels after working 8 hours & volunteering 2 more to try to save these animals?When you have all your kennels full & every sheler worker has animals at home, the local boarding kennel has donated room & board for 2, & Animal control comes in with 12 more what do you do?

If you don't adopt you will eventually run out of room. Like I said it is not as simple as you think.

I don't think you are a Nazi, we need people who care. It is the shelter in general. It is like a business... Most people don't know how to open their home as a Foster home. Most people don't even know that 60 million animals are euthanized every year in this country. They need to market... Billboards, not just a website, advertise commercials, not once a month for an adoption event. Every day should be an adoption event. And honestly, Breeders should be shut down for three years just so these animals have a better chance. If it isn't available people will be forced to love an animal for the animals personality not the breed!! I don't think bad of you at all. I am just disgusted at the statistics and want to do something about it. And letting you know you don't scare me with the horror stories... Nothing is worse than knowing that one day, possibly soon, an officer can come into my home and murder my dog that has not done one thing to any human, Or know that horses that are not sick are being slaughtered by the thousands, or that cats are being hunted by a crazed lunatic of a neighboor. These animals deserve life as much as a human does. They just don't have a voice to tell us so we have to do it for them!!

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:38 AM

Too many animals are euthanized for no good reason, and pitbulls are not at all dangerous if raised right..

Pitbulls are adorable! I am totally going to adopt one when I get out of vet school. My family has watched a few for Stray Rescue of St. Louis and they were the most lovable dogs. They're not monsters at all, unless some prick makes them that way. My roommate is so against them because one drowned her grandma's little yipey Yorkie. Yorkie's are cute, but I want a real dog... one that can bark instead of sounding like a squeaky toy. I can't seem to get it through her head that that could have been any dog that got her grandma's dog, but she insists the only reason that dog attacked was because it was a pitbull. And she thinks they're ugly. It pisses me off to no end. It almost makes me want to adopt a pit for next school year since I can have a dog, maybe she won't bring her stupid little chiuahuah with her then, in fear that my dog with eat it for breakfast, lol. I'm not a fan of little dogs. And banning pits just ticks me off even more! Seriously, it's like discriminating against people of different races. The dogs didn't do anything wrong, it's the jerks who give them the wrong image. I wrote a paper about pits, it's a touchy subject with me.

Currently in Denver Colorado the police have murdered 1200 Pitbulls or dogs with Pitbull Charictaristics. This is wrong, they are going door to door and removing these animals from peoples homes for no good reason!!! This has to stop, more people need to stand up and fight!! If a cop came to the door and tried to kill my Pit/Akita mix, they would have to shoot about three people first, including my 83 yr old grandfather...

The time & resources would be better spent going after the people who train & fight dogs!

Now that is the truth... If we can end genocide for humans, why not for animals too?

Well unfortunatly we havn't ended genocide. You know the answer for animals, spay & neuter.

We ended the Holocaust, that was what I was referring to... I know Darfur is going on and I wish I could do something about that too, that is scary S*it

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:42 AM
I am not trying to discouage you, I think you have a wonderful idea. I just want you to be realistic about your capacity. Try to work with all the resources in your community & don't alienate shelters that have to euthanize as a last resort. Remember they love animals as much as you do & they are not evil people. When the time comes someone has to take responsabiliy when the owner of the queen or ***** that should have been spayed didn't.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:47 AM

I am not trying to discouage you, I think you have a wonderful idea. I just want you to be realistic about your capacity. Try to work with all the resources in your community & don't alienate shelters that have to euthanize as a last resort. Remember they love animals as much as you do & they are not evil people. When the time comes someone has to take responsabiliy when the owner of the queen or ***** that should have been spayed didn't.

I alienate the ones that deserve it. The one closest to me does not practice any sort of caring. Even the people that work there are mean. They euthanize found pets the same day and in some cases adoptable dogs are only available for a day. I know there is no room, but if I knew two years ago or a year ago what I know now, I could have saved more animals. But I didn't know where to look and it wasn't shoved in my face like viagra so I was ignorant. Not anymore though. I am on a mission!!!!!!!

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:49 AM
I would be checking into that too. I would bet it isn't legal. We had to keep any strays a minimum of 6 days by law.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:54 AM
Hey cowgirl, I need to get to sleep it's 3 am here is Wisconsin & I am an old lady! I hope you know I am on your side, I just have had the baptism by fire & was trying to share my experience with you. I hope to chat with you again soon. Good night.

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