Topic: Bailout of the Auto Industry.
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Mon 11/17/08 06:16 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/17/08 06:18 PM

JMO, and I reserve the right to be wrong with itlaugh Obama will push for the bailout of the auto industry for one reason...he sold his butt to the unions to get elected. Saw tonight on the news (abc) that it costs GM $71 in hourly wage per person to produce a car. It costs Toyota $56 an hour. GM blew it on their business paradigm for the last ten years. Let them pay the price for their errors, or they will just continue on with the same bad decision making. I am sorry for the employees, but, perhaps their decision-making by embracing a company that has been losing money for years shows that perhaps part of their problem is of their own making?
Businesses do fail Look at all that were big but gone, Governments fail....We are protected under the Constitution. But are not we already doing it?

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:36 PM

Do you think the American Auto Industry should be bailed out?

I don't think so.

What do you think? huh

This one hits close to home as my best friends work for GM.

They are my age & I certainly do not want them to be out of work at this stage in their life....

BUT......NO.....Enough is enough.

But, was it not in the news recently that GM was going to buy out another car dealership (for lack of better words) THUS.. I do not understand this giving GM "bail out" money...or am I wrong on that one?



I don't understand either.

Just like I didn't understand bailing out AIG while their executives were partying as their company was being bailed out by the government! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

It seems that the government doesn't give a crap about the poor or middle class, who are drowning in debt!!!

So why should we care about these corporations!!!!

My friends are really confused....every year they get laid off for a few weeks at a time - a couple times a year......poor management??????

willy_cents's photo
Mon 11/17/08 06:51 PM

You have no idea what you are talking about. Many bad decisions by the auto industry is not the fault of the workers. Those were corp. decisions. They should not be bailed out only to leave their debt to the taxpayer in addition to leaving working class people jobless.

That is not free enterprize but corp. welfare. blaming thw workforce is not going help find solutions anymore. Americans have sacrificed too much for years & it's time they had a voice again. ALL workers...not just unionized.

I was not blaming the workforce for bad corp decisions. I was suggesting that perhaps they should have seen the writing on the wall when the big three were losing money ten years ago and "jumped ship" before the decisions got so bad that the companies went broke. I did it myself years ago....saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship. Six months later the company folded and the employees got nothing, not even wages.

tribo's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:34 PM
Edited by tribo on Mon 11/17/08 08:41 PM
It really is a catch 22

i can sympathize with both sides on this.

There is no doubt that the good old corporate boys club, fumbled the ball for two decades now[ really since the mid seventies] as to what they should have done just like the rest of the businesses that should have looked at alternative energies then, but yet pressure was not kept on them to do so after the gas crisis was over back then - so who's to blame really?

Then there's the problem of the subsidiaries who supply the big 3 with parts be it here or over seas mfg.'s, there businesses[ though dependant on the big 3] were sound, they were not in trouble, nor were they asking for bail-outs of any kind. those are the ones that will really be hurt and they number more than those working for GM or the others, that's what makes it both scary and sad.

The answer really isn't as simple as it looks or seems. No matter what road is taken, calamity is going to follow.and it doesn't stop with their suppliers, for they support other businesses and companies as well, nationally and locally. this will affect even very small specialty businesses who have grown and been dependent on GM and others for there very existence.

You can say it's there own fault, and i can't disagree, it is our "we the people"' who let it get to the point it has without stepping up to put a stop to it and depended on those we chose to govern and handle these thing that have gotten us into the present situation, but the fact is we are now here and answers have to come, decisions have to be made, we all will have to take our lumps - like it or not. i see the worst to come yet, maybe as bad as the great depression, who knows, and all the Obama's in the world cant stop it, if the wrong choices are made.

how long do you think it will be before japan and china or europe, etc., stop investing in us as they have been if they see things getting worse? and then what? calling in there held IOU's from there investments here? i don't think anyone has a real clue as to what bad shape we are really in.
how bad bush and the whole administration has F**ked things up for everyone, and again we have no one to blame but ourselves.

I'm sure the Taliban and the rest are smiling from ear to ear over our situation here, and saying your defeating yourselves, we don't have to.


no photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:37 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 11/17/08 08:37 PM
they should be forced into Chapter 11. Then the law will require them to reorganize the finances and management. That'll drag em kicking and screaming out of the 70's

Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:41 PM

they should be forced into Chapter 11. Then the law will require them to reorganize the finances and management. That'll drag em kicking and screaming out of the 70's

Sort of like A little "fine tune-up"rofl
Oh, is bedtime....


Lindyy's photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:48 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:26 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/17/08 11:28 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad

I apologizeflowerforyou Im living around forclosed homes that tripled in value in 3 yrs. The one next me solf for $200,000 now on the market on a short sale for $50,00 and cant sell. Been sitting empty over a year. Just one example!!! The value of my home? I even own it without the paper.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:03 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad

What people fail to realize to is the Auto companies in the late 80s early 90s changed the way they did business. It started farming out its production to smaller less paying factories. Parts on demand...Parts from all over in all makes of cars.American made huh, it has japanese parts in it, as do the japanese cars have American parts. These smaller factories thrived then and larger ones were closed. The Auto industries affect a lot more than just the manufacturers

Winx's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:31 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad


I've spent a chunk of money fixing my house up too. My house is also worth less today then it was before I fixed it up.

captainkirk56's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:45 PM
with the crap the big 3 build, a tax payer funded bail out is an insult to US.!!!

try to keep your big 3 car on the road for 4-5 yrs.. costs are outrageous. I don't call that quality!!!

Time of reckoning is at hand. Go chapter 11, re structure and get there Sh*t together and make a affordable vehicle for the 21th century..

These companies force suppliers to cut costs, make parts at marginal or no profit, and dictate the rules.. Well time they step up to the plate and suffer the consequences..

Burn baby Burn so long Gm, Ford, and that ex Dailmer company.

Winx's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:47 PM
If they get bailed out, does anybody have any idea if the cost of new cars will go up or down?

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:51 PM

If they get bailed out, does anybody have any idea if the cost of new cars will go up or down?


sorry Winxie, I'm laughing with you not at you

up up up

Winx's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:54 PM

If they get bailed out, does anybody have any idea if the cost of new cars will go up or down?


sorry Winxie, I'm laughing with you not at you

up up up

Then we're screwed twice.:angry:

Once for the bailout and again with higher prices.

They already made money with the high prices of new cars.:angry: I've never had a new car.

captainkirk56's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:54 PM
cost of new cars will go way down...

can get a russian lada for 9000 dollars...LOL
new cars will be cheap and toasters, kettle, computers, the whole frigging world is becoming disposable...including our jobs, homes, future...

captainkirk56's photo
Tue 11/18/08 12:57 PM
make a deal with castro...bring back all those 50's cars in*t...there still run, and easy to fix...and look great too...

i would love to have a 57 chevy....for 700 bucks...not 60000 like those collectors want.

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 03:47 PM

If they get bailed out, does anybody have any idea if the cost of new cars will go up or down?


sorry Winxie, I'm laughing with you not at you

up up up

Then we're screwed twice.:angry:

Once for the bailout and again with higher prices.

They already made money with the high prices of new cars.:angry: I've never had a new car.
We do ned to wake upfrustrated Winxflowerforyou

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:17 PM
I have a Hyundai and its the best car ever!!

Lindyy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:05 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad


I've spent a chunk of money fixing my house up too. My house is also worth less today then it was before I fixed it up.

I just do not understand how it happened.....if we fix up/remodel our homes....HOW can they be worth less???????sad :angry:

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:21 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 11/18/08 06:22 PM


Libby the housing market really hit home to me. Florida is at the top of what really needs to be look at. me Lindyy:heart:

Housing.....4 years ago I spent $50,000 remodeling my worth LESS today than it was thenslaphead sad


I've spent a chunk of money fixing my house up too. My house is also worth less today then it was before I fixed it up.

I just do not understand how it happened.....if we fix up/remodel our homes....HOW can they be worth less???????sad :angry:
I bough my house in 1989 and worked my as... off to pay off ahead of time and have equtity in it when I retire to do something different. I cant put it on the market for what I paid and I have put an aditional 40 grand into it. There are 6 on my street either florclosed on, short sale.. Which those arent even selling for a third of what the were sold for and owed on.Out of 6 homes 4 were families who lost the job and had lived their atleast 5 years. I heard by the end of the year up to 40% of all morgages will be for more than the value of the home templter