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Topic: why?
oldsage's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:25 AM
Gwen always said, "Man plans & God laughs; you must be one of his
favorite comics." Could you be one also?

bigpappa4331's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:27 AM
ok just so you don't get confused here's one for you to show it's
sometime's not so difficult as we would make it,,,,,,,,a man is drowning
and a boat comes by and says "mister you need some help" the man says
"no god will save me" i bit later another boat same thing the man say' s
"no god will save me"ok the guy drown's goes to heaven ,,and say's "god
?????why didn't you save me ?????????????" god say's .............well
you dummy ........... "I" SENT 2 BOAT'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the_Skinney's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:34 AM
laugh laugh laugh drinker

devin112's photo
Tue 04/10/07 06:52 AM
you need dr phill,i can arrange something for you bro.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 04/10/07 09:56 AM
Sometimes it takes us a long time in life to understand that things are
not handed to us that we must work for what we want. Then once we have
it we must work to take care of it to keep it in the condition or better
or it will finally gathere dust and start to become dull looking. As
with love when we find the one that we are in love with it is an even
harder road for now unless both understand these things and strive to
work together to maintain what they have received and keep it as it was
in the beginnning it will not work. With and item it is up to only one
person to take care of it and see that it remains a beautiful item. With
love it takes two no matter how you look at it kinda like a boat and you
divide the chores to one takes care of the front half and the other
takes care of the back half. In time if one lets there half go and don't
do what it takes to keep it in good shape and it gets a whole in it does
not matter how well you took care of your half the whole boat will sink
regardless. Love once you find it must be keep polished per say in order
to keep the sparkle of things. But finding it and realizing what we have
at the time is harder than it sounds for most of the time we don't
realize what we had till it is too late and we have lost it. bigsmile

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