TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:54 PM

There are many things that women wish that guys knew, but will never
tell them. The problem is that if the girl has to tell the guy, it will
ruin the relationship. For guys, this seems like an impossible position
? ?she knows what she wants, but won?t tell me.? Here are the top ten
things that women wish guys knew.

1. Lead ? Women won?t tell men that they want them to lead, because just
having to say it means that the guy does not lead. A leader does not
need permission; they take the risk and just do it.

2. Ask her advice ? This may seem contradictory to number 1, but it is
not. Women want men to lead, but they want to be part of their lives and
they want to be respected. The best way that to accomplish both of these
is for the guy to decide what they want to do, tell her, then ask for
her opinion.

3. Women choose guys on how they make them feel. Any guy who can make a
girl feel appreciated, protected and cherished is on his way to winning
her heart.

4. Make her laugh! Don?t take life too seriously. It can be tough being
a woman. There are many roles to play ? daughter, sister, wife and many
goals to meet - good-looking, thin, coordinated clothing, etc. Give her
a break! If a guy can show her that she does not have to be perfect to
be accepted, he will be an unusual guy and she will love him for it.

5. Hold the door ? Its something that women?s upbringing may tell them
is not needed ? after all she is independent, but women will usually
like it anyway. Guys do not have to knock her down to get to the door
first every time, but getting in the habit of opening doors when he can
is a good thing.

6. Never start a conversation with an apology ? ?Excuse me??, ?Sorry to
bother you??. She may think the guy is polite, but he is violating rule
number 1.

7. If a guy is in a loving relationship, hold hands! It shows that he
cares for her and that he is not afraid of showing it in front of
others. She will never tell him, but if he does it, he will have a
happier life.

8. Call Her!! After every date, call her within a few days. Email,
voicemail and text messaging do not count. Calling her as soon as he
gets back to the apartment may be too soon, but any time later will be

9. Even if she asks for the absolute truth, be careful about criticizing
her appearance. If a guy builds a fence around the back yard and asks a
woman, ?What do you think?? he does not want her to check the plumb on
every post and let him know how he might improve his fence building! He
wants her to say that it looks good! Same with her appearance. Guys, be
very careful of how you answer!

10. Be passionate about something ? in addition to her. This goes back
to leadership. Men should have a sense of what they want to accomplish
and how they are going to do it. Share your dreams and plans with her.
This is one area where it is OK for guys to talk about something at some
length. Even if she does not share his dream, she will respect him for
having one.

It is one of the problems in dating, that there are things that most
women want and expect in a man that not all men understand. The rules of
dating and behavior are being constantly rewritten and can seem
confusing. The rules above have withstood the test of time and are as
valid today as they were 200 years ago.



bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

meaty23883's photo
Mon 04/09/07 05:59 PM
Nice. Thanks for looking out for us. We apprechiate it.:wink:

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:03 PM
I wouldn't say they're "wrong," but there are a few in there I simply
can't identify with.

Here's a little list:


1. I have NO problems WHATSOEVER telling a guy what I want. Lack of
communication skills is not an issue for me. Can be a detriment at
times, but ...oh well.

2. I do NOT want him to lead and then ask for my advice; in any
relationship I'm involved in, we both lead together. He's my partner,
not my padre.

3. I want him to hold the door for me, but not because he's supposed to
be chivalrous, but because it's polite. I'd hold the door for him, too,
or anyone else who was entering after me.

4. If I ask for the truth, I want the truth. Opinion is not truth; it's
just an opinion. But no need for rudeness. If, say, you don't like the
red dress on me, you can say, "I like the blue one on you a lot better."
You don't have to say, "You look like a tomato in that dress."

seahawks's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:05 PM

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:33 PM
part of the reason im still single lol
1 we dont want to open up right off the bat) we would like to know you
first so to judge weather or not to trust enough to go in detail with
2 be patient we dont always want in your pants the first night
3 im not the last guy an cant be him im me
4 i think men should hold the door open for all women old young ugly an
pretty its a respect thing .
5 dont tell us you love us right off the get go it scares the living
sh_t out of us an we may never return
6 open up a little at a time talk to us
7 a hug never killed us would be good to come home to once a day
8 dont lie to us we may not like it but at least we can trust u
9 yea we look at women walkin past if we didnt we,d be gay or impotent
10 we do have a heart even if you have to dig for it .
these are just my opinion
and the one more
11 if a man beats you leave his ass he aint worth it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:38 PM
Damn now Jean I expected you to add to the post lmao. But... I must say
everything you said is right on the money. I also feel the same way you
just said it. I do have an opinion and Gawd knows I have no problem in
voicing it. Like ya said I also am not one to yell and hate argueing but
love a debat and can normally hold my own. I love to bartter back in
forth just joking around and if I say so myself can hold my own very
well. Now in life and dating also we must learn to keep the humor in it
all and the conversatiion going. lolbigsmile

Now I did post this but I did not write it lol. That is why the things
you pointed out I do agree with them all the way.bigsmile

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:40 PM
hey, grizz..a ? for you..

as to No. 5

Well, obviously it would scare the living shi* out of anyone to be told
"I love you" from the git-go but...

At what point would it NOT scare the living shi* out of you?

It scares the living shi* out of a woman to not know whether or not it's
okay to say it to him, even though she may be feeling it very strongly.

So...when's the right time, if ever?

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:44 PM
Grizz those also are great points too. See things like this and getting
the guys to put there opinions in also man that really helps us as well.
Ya see we may at times act as if we have a crystal ball but we don't and
can not read minds no more than a man can.

Grizz I've been single for many many years now. I don't believe it is
because I'm a bad person or all the guys are assholes either. Myself I
believe that the right one just has not come along yet. Thought a few
times he did but well it did not work out. But now there are a few I
still talke to once in a while only as friends we parted that way and
would like it to remain that way. Like I said very good

Rel82me's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:44 PM

Good advice.. Let me add to it:

- Build trust! If she can't trust you, she's not going with you.
- Keep giving her those good feelings after each interaction. This will
leave her with positive thoughts of you
- Don't argue with females - you'll never get what you want that way. If
you must give her a piece of your mind, do so, but don't expect anything
else from her.
- When you meet, or talk, does she talk about negative things first?
I.E. "I've had this problem, yada yada" or "This guy blah moo" If so,
keep away from her.
- Don't solve a womans problem, if you do, you become her problem.
- Play the numbers game - it's the only way.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 04/09/07 06:54 PM
Awwww more good points come on guys bring them on this is great. Love to
see others opinion on things heck we don't know unless ya spill ya guts
and talk to us. Besides this is good therapy for all lollaugh laugh