Topic: The future of mankind | |
we are all doomed to be slaves to a race of that John Travolta film a few yrs ago,cant think of the name of it but its a keeper
I think the world will see much starvation as not enough food will be available . Many wars erupt around . Technology will lose its steam as man gets what he needs and more . No aliens and no outer space values whatsoever . New diseases will appear and most of today's will still be around .
Religions will disappear for good . Most men and women will be walking nude in the streets when it is hot . America and the west will see a depression after another as the losses of jobs and bankruptcies will be by great numbers and common . China will continue to consume rats , mice , dogs....etc. Russia will be more accepted around the globe than in our time . India and Pakistan will advance while Europe will fall backward in everything .....etc. |
we are all doomed to be slaves to a race of that John Travolta film a few yrs ago,cant think of the name of it but its a keeper
Battlefield Earth? |
This is somewhat of a "science fiction" topic, but what might we expect to see happening to the human race in the next 50-500 years? Will there be a global government? Will we colonize other planets? Will there be inter-stellar travel? (Will we lick the "speed of light" problem?) Will we colonize other planets? Will there be an ice age? Will the poles reverse? Will we find a clean source of unlimited energy? How would any/all of those things (or any others you can think of) affect mankind as a race? (All "doomsday" scenarios are invited to be posted in a different thread.) Science Fiction?.. Or... Facing reality. Colonizing other planets is not a 'could we do this'. It is rather something we MUST do. One earth which is subject to probalities of occurences that could destroy us... and should I mention that we are quickly OVERPOPULATING earth... History has shown that an overpopulation usually results in an expansion of the known world. I don't believe in 'doomsday' scenarios... We are humans... Our spirit will not allow us to quit. Something allways happens that allows a portion of us to continue/survive/grow. |
My best guesses (we know how guesses of the future go)
In the Next 10 years we will reach the climax of standard integrated circuits, we will need to make use of Quantum circuits and Nano chips entirely within 20 years. Within 20 years we will start to gain amazing computing power and reclaim Moores law but using light, qubits, and Nano tech. (we are still on track for moores law, but having trouble keeping pace using our old tech to create smaller and smaller chips) Once we are constructing fully functional devices at the nano level that are on par with living machinery we will overcome biological mortality via nano bots, but this wont be cheap initially. We can make this cheap once we can set our own machinery to auto correct from backup DNA. If Moores law holds up we will have immortals within 50 years of the time that we have a comprehensive library of all human proteins and there functions (we are working on this now, given 20 years of fully funded stem cell research I see no reason why we couldn't keep pace with the above mentioned computer tech, so again 20-70 years we gain biological immortality. (if the human brain does not develop psychosis due to unnatural life spans, then there is no reason this cant work) If the fusion reactor in France works out, then we could have a near unlimited supply of energy within the same 50 years. Lets hope that we do not nuke ourselves into oblivion before all this occurs. |
Well, we humans have a brain, 80% of it we don't even know how to use. If we learn how to use more of our brain, the sky is the limit.
Well, we humans have a brain, 80% of it we don't even know how to use. If we learn how to use more of our brain, the sky is the limit. |
I really like this topic. I actually think much of Christianity will be dead 500 years from now. Due to new scientific breakthroughs with evolution etc. It will finally put to rest creationism. And i think a lot of whats explored in 2001 a space odyssey would be helpful on the topic.
we are all doomed to be slaves to a race of that John Travolta film a few yrs ago,cant think of the name of it but its a keeper
Battlefield Earth? ![]() |
I thought the world was supposed to end on Dec. 21 2012? Possibly, the world as we know it? ![]() |
I thought the world was supposed to end on Dec. 21 2012? Possibly, the world as we know it? ![]() and I feel fine... |
As for the speed of light problem: Reaching it is highly improblable because as anything approaches the speed of light the energy required to go any faster is exponentially increasing. However it would be alot more effecient to figure out if gravity is instantaneous or not. If gravity isn't instantaneous... it's really really fast. Quite a conundrum there though.. how do you measure how fast something is if you can't turn it on and off? |
I thought the world was supposed to end on Dec. 21 2012? Possibly, the world as we know it? ![]() and I feel fine... Just wanted to note the very fine R.E.M. reference. ![]() ![]() |
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's thought of it.
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Edited by
Tue 11/18/08 09:57 PM
I just want to throw in my two cents here.Having lost two members of my family to dieases that there is no cure for I fear that the answers are being held back because of the large amounts of money being made on medications.JMO
I hope that as changes occur that we as humans can have compassion for others.I am not all about doom and gloom.I have had a rough past, but now wake to sunshine and I love the snow. You can always remind yourself there are always two ways to look at a situation either as a disaster or a challenge.Never give up hope with out hope we have nothing.(Hope I didn't quote someone there.)carol |
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Edited by
Tue 11/18/08 10:19 PM
I'll protect you mirror lol
I'll protect you mirror lol ![]() |
I'll protect you mirror lol ![]() We can hide under one of my quilts I just finished. But if the world is coming to an end then I guess I didn't need that math anyway lmao |