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Topic: Turbulance-Heir To Revolution
EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:55 AM
what trifle is this?
purged stinking brown
is it there sinking in the ground?

where pain is sheer
always at hand
do tears fall, as do I from my stand

remembrance gone
embedded forever, in every space
these splinters work backward yet, forward with pace

choice is for not
when the echo is loved
more than the being, seen from above

escape becomes it
as a lover will
the reality is, nothing is still

halt it now, stop
rest be a fairytale
the myth of life is for sale

clanging, wretched needs
bore holes in my mind
nothing is left alone, not in mine

each molecule screams
the smiling does slip
pulled into something resembling lips

this time has been spent
a millennium gone
what be the math of this, if all is One?

Being of light
and darkest ideas
what if the dark is all that there is?

Be shunned from the airy
nay, push away uncomfortable chill
sometimes spent, is all of the will


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:55 AM
plunged into the cosmos
diamond dusted soul
diving among starlit paths
then, glance from the comets tail

far and far
speed mythos,
at once universal
kiss the newborn

created atoms burst
wedding light and shadow
then, float...
we are given this, try...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:56 AM
Beaded shatter
one the site, marked
within a hairs breath
and, missed by the sun

the flare of fire
be combustions tale
one shout...
throat ripped

required nuclear
singular target
of the whole
blasted white metal

veins run rivers
estuary brightness
combined vivid artery
the pulse of livid


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:56 AM
Every breath intake
is you and you and you
exhale rebirth among the lost
blanket cries
rest among beasts
the burden nonexistence
wine on lips
stained of richness
become altered
against odds
throw the dice
and bones rattle
snake eyes see
with all minds
scented old and old
ages numbered abacus
renders' paint images
of contemplations
varied myriad turns
motivations backward
wanderers travel
with tongues


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:57 AM
Revolving doors
'round, 'round...
come around to me
halted breakers
push against tides
force weighted, strong
gleaming sweat,and grimaces
face me along the merry go round
jeers of the fools mask
darkened, yet
depth not be there
the door goes
it's purpose one
to give way
to let go
taking me where I am
against odds
and ends


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:57 AM
Gone away ever, ever
yet, blood ties carry you
surging, pumping
amongst newly created
Histories tales
knots of kin, links
setting sail, begun
from ago, houses to dust
Crooked gated streets
alleyways for the choosing
puzzles locked
hindsight lessons
Pieces speaking secrets
clues of error, and victory
voices of experience
rage and laughter
Keys like sand
grasp meanings, or
let knowledge flow
see freedom, and release
Answers not harried
meticulously applied
and savor All
nourishment in learning
Be the journey


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:57 AM
Rubies flew from her hair
diamond studded cheeks
emerald eyes gleaming
Crystal chimes of frost
her voice emitting pleas
like shimmering tiny stars
Onyx pupils repelling
light compelling depths
gem not, stony stare


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:58 AM
red hands stinging
her face a bloody zebra
she goes away...

ancient stains
mark her heritage
she goes away...

fragments of violence
grinding bones
she goes away..

calcified scars
survival badges
she halts...

breathing spaces
arms stretched wide
she stands...

bashful glances
rapid heart
she stands...

shining eyes
discovering laughter
she walks...

returned senses
feeling pain
she runs...

echoed voice
sing of allwhere
she flies...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Mon 04/09/07 08:58 AM
While i wasn't looking,
breathing came in hitches
Acute feeling rained
Fear of this new thing
spread throughout
like hot-wired fingers
fleet and sure
while I was not
in the beginning
be harsh and unsure
How this survival happened
and never known it
careful not to flee
working acceptance slowly
resisting the urge
to look over my shoulder
Doe-eyed, staring ahead
should I grasp this thing?
Perhaps wade along...?
This one moment
Perhaps this be only
chances offered
and hardened being
struggled to achieve
and, asking why
brushes time away
to be wakened,
knowing it was missed...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/10/07 01:16 PM
the crossroads are many
journeys end alike
for all the winding paths
and bridges
within us is home
carry upon your back
lifetime, and more
while seeking along
the road to you
and what searches have you?
to what ends do we wander?
what beginnings, is there
envisioning the last step
where the road ends on the quest
this time...
and, does it mean and ending at all?
many paths, worn or begun anew
to all-where
changes come and go
the way
and on wayward spirits
run from or to
or, can be it both?
chapters pages, just
like maps tracing directions
winding roads, straight as the crow
has flown
toward destiny or destiny made...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/11/07 05:46 PM
Born in promises broken
shattered lives blow away
into winds of future madness

Somewhere 'long the way
splinters flew
and skewed the crazy with sadness

Cover the babe with taint
she wears it well
fashionably sensate girl

Behind her, drags her history
black and blue, and red
weighted hemline twirls

Becoming anchored unto fear
adrenaline habitual drug
like storms, her eyes emitting

Set upon the world, this one
created Frankenstein screams
to whom she belongs, no admitting


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:37 AM
Cracked mortar
seeping life
escape this prison
holding walls
cells within cells
bleeding her out
sideways creeper
slide along the flats
like slippery, black shadows
touch her shoulder
and cringe back
behind the mirrors
and reflect light
like spirit beams
burning holes
through tainter's
forward thrusts
move her ahead of herself
snatch back
and grab her, again again
her that stands back
against the walls
large blank eyes
knowing nothing
and everything
all at once
she moves...


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 05:39 AM
Staring at turned backs
always the away people
forgotten real faces
recalling details of parts
eyes, do thy see?
or dull and meaningless
lips stilled
do they say anything at all?
or, more lies lost to winds?
skin, paste and pulp
dimensional views
expressionless, frozen captures
she turns the page
will this be a back, too?
she doubts, she feels, she sees
too many backs
time to see face to face
what the future can be


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 04/13/07 12:58 PM
yet be longing for answers
to that star, that planet, that comet
frozen in time more than us
oh, but us all, everyone
travel through space and time
on spirit wing
unencumbered by skins, or ideation
of humanity put upon us at conception
we struggle to freedom, once time at hand
yet, that which we seek is there
the man in chains, beaten, near death
takes flight out of mind, shell
the woman discarded, laying face up
stars shine upon dull eyes
she leaves that shell
spirit goes where we can and must
to stars and back
where we choose to see that which is
all around us, more


EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sat 04/14/07 03:25 PM
well, found it is
yet, what to grasp?
air, and promises
less than, perhaps
waking day by
sleeping night by
noone but self
and imagined lover beside her
down stairs she treads
begins another day
wondering what gives
and who takes away
and who has the right
and wrong measures of those
noone is wrong without intent
but what is right? with intent...
what she sees is forever
and today she feels
when before was
null and void
numbness for herself
walking empty baggage
to fill with one who's true
waiting too many lifetimes...
to live, and just to be

after a time
without, within, unfilled
she pours herself out
onto another's fear
to soak in wastelands


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