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Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:58 AM
Ever been told not to think about something .. and that's ALLLLL you can think of?


Our company, a non-profit, is going to be doing major layoffs tomorrow. Yes. Exactly. You feel my pain. No way of knowing if my position or project is on the chopping block.

As one Vice President put it, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth tomorrow ... scared tears

No way does stressing about it help. But when you are supporting 3 kids and have 1 getting married in 4 weeks from Sunday .. no way you CAN'T think about it.

I trust in God. He's always always always kept me and my children. I am holding onto His promises to me. :heart: love

But ya ........ there's this PINK ELEPHANT thingy goin on in my head ....... frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

beachbum069's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:00 AM

Ever been told not to think about something .. and that's ALLLLL you can think of?


Our company, a non-profit, is going to be doing major layoffs tomorrow. Yes. Exactly. You feel my pain. No way of knowing if my position or project is on the chopping block.

As one Vice President put it, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth tomorrow ... scared tears

No way does stressing about it help. But when you are supporting 3 kids and have 1 getting married in 4 weeks from Sunday .. no way you CAN'T think about it.

I trust in God. He's always always always kept me and my children. I am holding onto His promises to me. :heart: love

But ya ........ there's this PINK ELEPHANT thingy goin on in my head ....... frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

My prayers and thoughts are with you.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:02 AM
Thank you Sam .. it's so hard. Our country is in much worse shape right now .. worse than most of us want to think about:cry:

mommyof1's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:04 AM

you are forever in my prayers!

I have been praying for you on this for a while, and I will keep praying until I know that your job was NOT one that got chopped!

I love youflowers flowers flowers flowers :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:07 AM


you are forever in my prayers!

I have been praying for you on this for a while, and I will keep praying until I know that your job was NOT one that got chopped!

I love youflowers flowers flowers flowers :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I love you too ruth and thank you ever so much!

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:07 AM


tanyaann's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:14 AM
Judy, your faith is strong, give it to God and let go!

I have learn a personal lesson lately. I stressed myself out about 2 months ago to the point where my blood pressure was alarmingly high. My blood pressure is usually fairly constant and never that high. But when I saw how high my BP was, I let it all go. When I did that everything fell into place. Is my situation any easier or all better, not really, but when I let go being in the middle of it, I can see why I shouldn't have worried two months ago and I can see that everything will work out for the next couple months. Over and over again as a christian we are taught to let go of control and let God do what he needs to do. Maybe this is a time for God to make some changes with you and where he wants you to go.

:heart: ya Judy

And no matter what you know that you have supports here!

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:17 AM
Thank you all .. yes MsChoice I too have been in much worse. But it is what it is right now.

I know I have a 'nail fastened in a sure place'


lilith401's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:18 AM
Awww I am thinking happy positive thoughts about you. We all are, I'm sure. You are a wise, strong perservering woman.

flowers I am sorry this has to happen, the stress of not knowing. I know that would drive me bonkers. Please let us know how it turns out so we can celebrate for you, okay?

Ruth34611's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:21 AM
(((Judy))) I am so sorry. I went through this at the beginning of the year. Everyone just sat around all day as they went from one department to the next and you didn't know if it was going to be you next as they called people in one by one. 50 people out of 300 employees got laid off that day. So, I feel your pain. :cry:

My prayers are with you today. flowerforyou

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:27 AM

Awww I am thinking happy positive thoughts about you. We all are, I'm sure. You are a wise, strong perservering woman.

flowers I am sorry this has to happen, the stress of not knowing. I know that would drive me bonkers. Please let us know how it turns out so we can celebrate for you, okay?

I will Lilith. Yes I keep smiling no matter what, but the spirit and morale at my work is really really down. Because everyone knows that it's coming .. it's like waiting to hear the footsteps come down the hall yanno?

The waiting is the worst part .. absolutely SURE about that.

Just do it .. yanno?frustrated

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:29 AM
One day at the quarterly staff meeting of all 3 clinics, the executive director, and executive medical director told us that we had lost %50 of our funding, and that there would be a corresponding %50 reduction of employees. Senority would not be an issue, if they didn't need that position, it would be gone. It was real difficult to see two grown men on the verge of real tears. My wife at the time found out the same day that she was going to be let go from here job too. On top of that, I found our cat dead in the drive way that morning, the wife had ran her over the night before. Sometimes when it rains, it really pours. We never missed a meal, didn't lose the house, no one took away our birthdays. He always provides an umbrella.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:33 AM

Ever been told not to think about something .. and that's ALLLLL you can think of?


Our company, a non-profit, is going to be doing major layoffs tomorrow. Yes. Exactly. You feel my pain. No way of knowing if my position or project is on the chopping block.

As one Vice President put it, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth tomorrow ... scared tears

No way does stressing about it help. But when you are supporting 3 kids and have 1 getting married in 4 weeks from Sunday .. no way you CAN'T think about it.

I trust in God. He's always always always kept me and my children. I am holding onto His promises to me. :heart: love

But ya ........ there's this PINK ELEPHANT thingy goin on in my head ....... frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Let go and let God

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:35 AM

One day at the quarterly staff meeting of all 3 clinics, the executive director, and executive medical director told us that we had lost %50 of our funding, and that there would be a corresponding %50 reduction of employees. Senority would not be an issue, if they didn't need that position, it would be gone. It was real difficult to see two grown men on the verge of real tears. My wife at the time found out the same day that she was going to be let go from here job too. On top of that, I found our cat dead in the drive way that morning, the wife had ran her over the night before. Sometimes when it rains, it really pours. We never missed a meal, didn't lose the house, no one took away our birthdays. He always provides an umbrella.

wow .. that was over the top eh? God bless you that you saw it glass 1/2 full anyway! drinker

Please let us know how it turns out so we can celebrate for you, okay?

Yes Lilith I am holding onto the hope we will celebrate BIG TIME. No matter what happens I will never lose my joy for life.

And ya .. if I remain it will make me ever more grateful for the job I've had for the last 12 years .. I really do LOVE what I do.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:36 AM

Ever been told not to think about something .. and that's ALLLLL you can think of?


Our company, a non-profit, is going to be doing major layoffs tomorrow. Yes. Exactly. You feel my pain. No way of knowing if my position or project is on the chopping block.

As one Vice President put it, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth tomorrow ... scared tears

No way does stressing about it help. But when you are supporting 3 kids and have 1 getting married in 4 weeks from Sunday .. no way you CAN'T think about it.

I trust in God. He's always always always kept me and my children. I am holding onto His promises to me. :heart: love

But ya ........ there's this PINK ELEPHANT thingy goin on in my head ....... frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Let go and let God

AGREED!!!! drinker

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:49 AM

Keep your chin up girl. You can't stop thinking about it, it's impossible. But, try to keep the worry to a minimum.

My sister works for Chrysler and is going through the same thing. She's been told her job's on the line, it could go anywhere between now and New Year's, or maybe not at all. And the job market in Detroit is pretty well non-existent so she's doing the same thing you are.

Hang in, it's got to get better flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:53 AM

You know I will not cease my sweet.....and all is going to be fine I feel it to my bones....

When Testing Comes

Sometimes you allow us Lord
To go through times of testing
And often, Lord, it may come to us
After a time of blessing

You let those times we go through
Be times of deeper work
To teach us Lord to trust in you
Even though we may hurt

We try so hard to understand
Just what is going on
And why we go through such a low
When before we felt so strong

And when our bodies are in such pain
And our minds are in the dark
Why do doubts of your word, Lord
Creep into our hearts?

We wonder where you are, O God
In the midst of all our doubt
And why you even allow such trials
That seems to cloud you out

It often seems so hard for us
To trust you in these times
We want you to remove the pain
In our bodies and our minds

And yes, O God, I know you heal
And give us hope to believe in
Then other times you allow us to
Go through difficult seasons

But you know what’s best for us
And you see the bigger picture
You’re always there to walk with us
Into a brighter, hope filled future

tanyaann's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:54 AM


Keep your chin up girl. You can't stop thinking about it, it's impossible. But, try to keep the worry to a minimum.

My sister works for Chrysler and is going through the same thing. She's been told her job's on the line, it could go anywhere between now and New Year's, or maybe not at all. And the job market in Detroit is pretty well non-existent so she's doing the same thing you are.

Hang in, it's got to get better flowerforyou

The job market has been non-existant in michigan for a long time... but its getting worse.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:56 AM
I's talking about the Pink Elephants and all. Okay, get ready, I am gonna be "serious" for a moment here.shocked Yeah...shocking eh?rofl

Last year, I thought I was gonna lose my Granny. This woman is so special to me. A woman who raised five children, who drove a school bus for over twenty years, and while she did that, she cared about every kid that rode her bus. A woman who has loved the Lord all her life, and always trusts in him. Well, anyways, I went to see her and I was close to losing it. I knew things were getting bad, but she just put her hand on my, ever so lightly, and said something I won't forget.

"Son...why are you down? I am the one who is sick and look at my face. I am a happy, content woman, and no matter what happens, God will either take me home or he will leave me here for HIS purpose."

I laughed, cause then I felt foolish. She hugged me and told me to always remember what she just said. And I have. I learned to live my life and just deal with it as it comes. And that no matter what is happening, if I trust in God then things will work out.

Judy, I don't have to tell you this though. You are one of the most positive people I know. Yes, times are grey right now for you. Things are up in the air. Life has thrown you for a curveball right now, and all you wanna do is get a hit. I'm praying for you girl. flowerforyou flowerforyou

Marley's photo
Thu 11/13/08 06:59 AM
My company has cut its workforce by 10,000 within the last five years. I knew some of those people. People with whom I have worked for as many as twenty years.

I wish you well and hope that you retain your position. As difficult as it maybe, maintain a positive attitude because that can count for a lot.

Besides, you sound as if your a survivor anyway.
Good luck and don't fade to black.

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