Topic: A Greeting For Our New Friends
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Sun 04/08/07 08:45 PM
<------Ducks at the flying biscuits...exits room quickly!laugh

transientmind's photo
Sun 04/08/07 08:50 PM
Thanks, good to be here, the crew seems to be enjoying themselves. Hmm,

BLAKJAQ's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:02 PM
better bisquits than eggs.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:02 PM
thank you lexflowerforyou

Meeshep's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:10 PM
Welcome to JSH, sit back relax take a load off and have a good time. I'd
watch out for those hot flying biscuits though. LOL!

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:15 PM
Ahhhh, my new home! Thank you for taking us in! Looking forward to
getting to know you.

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:17 PM
Artgurl! So happy to see you! I saw your post get nuked today! They did
it at the same time that they nuked my Goodbye thread! Happy your

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:20 PM
Lovely to see you jj! flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:22 PM
Oh Sherrie!!!!

Oh!! Oh!!! Oh!!!OKAY!!! Where's the swoon and crying button...

Now I can rest...only Andrea to go that I can see....:heart: love
:heart: flowerforyou

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:25 PM
Oh my Jess ... there you are, I have been looking everywhere!
flowerforyou love flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:26 PM
I got all caught up in the masturbating thread....bigsmile

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:26 PM

Hey all...Nice to see you all!!!!!!!!!!!

ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:28 PM
Look at all the pretty ladies just piling through the door woooo

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:30 PM
Scotty -- why do you think I started this thread??


ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:31 PM
Lex my friend YOU ARE THE MAN

ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:32 PM
Oh yeah sorry about throwing that biscuit at you, couldn't help myself

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:33 PM
That's OK, it couldn't get through my biscuit-resistant force field

transientmind's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:34 PM
They're smart as whips too...

ScottyBravo's photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:34 PM
So what did you do , drive around with a bus and pick up all these
lovely ladies

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 09:36 PM
As if anybody would ever let me drive a bus!