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Topic: Crazy Talents-Whats yours?
Cinderella75's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:12 PM
What is a crazy talent that you have?

alisha07's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:13 PM
i can open a starburst with my tongue:angel:

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:14 PM
Blow air out of my eyeball........

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:14 PM
I've got a 10 inch tongue
and I can breath through my ears

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:14 PM
...and eating a peach :smile:

Cinderella75's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:15 PM

...and eating a peach :smile:

mmmhh eating a peach?? How is that a crazy talent??lol:P

Milotent's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:16 PM
Edited by Milotent on Wed 11/05/08 08:18 PM

i can open a starburst with my tongue:angel:

I guess that makes me a luck man

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:16 PM
Where do you live.... I'll be right over :tongue:

...and eating a peach :smile:

mmmhh eating a peach?? How is that a crazy talent??lol:P

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:18 PM
i can fart the entire 1812 overture in one outing...can even do the cannon blast toolaugh laugh

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:20 PM
i can read

krupa's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:20 PM
Wow...Cinderella....When you know what eating a peach are gonna be a happy camper!

Just still stunned on that one.

My secret thing....everyone of my friends know all the freak sh*t I can do....My toes are as long as my fingers...and I can sexually position a woman with my feet as easily as I can with my hands.

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:21 PM
I can blow multiple bubbles inside the bubble of bubble gum

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:24 PM
I can fart the entire Beat To the song "I'm in love with a stripper"

The remix bro


CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:26 PM
I can watch Spanish porn without getting confused about the plot line.

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:27 PM
specially if your using a spanish to english hand held Franklin brand translator......went to Mexico and guess what.....yup.....I was eating rice fer a week cause that was the only thing I knew what to sayohwell

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:28 PM
j/k not really but it sounded good fer a second

MalenaC's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:30 PM
laugh laugh I lie so good,,,,that everybody around believe me bigsmile bigsmile

Dan99's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:31 PM
I can beatbox the beat to the A-team whilst humming the tune through my nose, riding a unicycle.

krupa's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:31 PM

My hands shake like a nervous chihuauhua...I have to do my art in tiny lil dots....

This is my freakshow talent.

IamMewhoRU's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:32 PM

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