Topic: addiction
MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:46 AM
I smoked pot everyday till the age of 26 and could not imagine life without it. My company announced a new test soon coming to all employees, called a Drug Test. I actually thought about getting a different job. I smoked my last joint 21 years ago.

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:46 AM

Addicition is all a mind thing if you really think about it, if i found a cigarette smoker whos addicted to smoking I could stop him, its all in the mind it really is

Science disagrees with you.flowerforyou


JonjonTheItalian's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:46 AM
I just hate when people say its a addiction and feel bad about it why your the one who just kept on goin ya kno

buttons's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:47 AM
i say both... but cant say for sure which one comes first.. its like the chicken or the egg..... your mind would not be addicted if in fact you never had the chemical<the physical part>.. but you have to use your mind and strength to quit using too.. as an ex smoker now <day 39> i know the only thing that got me to quit was my mind.... and harder than hello!!! the addiction i beleive the physical part trys to take over your mind when u quit and it controls you while u use too.. i got sick of not being able to control my own mind and being that is why i quit... never really liked it anyway made me dislike myself... one wonders though... after 34 yrs of addiction and not really knowing a different life but when a child 11- how could one finally get a grip on their mind? its all a mystery to me...

izzie's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:48 AM
everyones body reacts differently to different chemicals..

i have tried drugs and drink on occasion.. but due to family heredity i SHOULD have become addicted to both..
however i did not become addicted to ether...

heredity is not 100% of what causes addiction..they have yet to find the particular part of the brain that causes addiction..
there is still about 75% of the human brain that is unmapped.. and we use about 10% of our brains.. depending on WHAT 10% you use and HOW you use that 10% also factors in to what and if you will become addicted to anything..

and you will have to excuse me if i find it incredibly hard to beleve that a dr would subject you to drugs or alcohol (cigaretts included) just to see if you will become addicted.. that is illeagal.

rebel58's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:48 AM

i'm addicted to sex

blushing blushing blushing blushing

YEP.....Me too!!! :banana: :banana: pitchfork

ME TO........bigsmile

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:48 AM

on a real real level,

addiction is all about endorphins,

And seratonin and dopamine.

JonjonTheItalian's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:49 AM
well what a goverment dosent kno cant hurt them can they?

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:51 AM

I just hate when people say its a addiction and feel bad about it why your the one who just kept on goin ya kno
Its both!!!! The mind is a funny can actually train your mind to like or dislike things. Its been proven. Once for example your brain is addicted to say, methamphetamine, it changes the structures in the brain and most of it cannot be changed back.

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:51 AM
Once addicted, you're always addicted. It's majority chemical.

That's why once you're addicted to cigs and quit, it's best not to smoke another one. The same with drugs and alcohol.

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:51 AM

i can see it as both...i'm addicted to coffee/caffeine...if i don't have it, it's in my mind, but i do get a headache

gimme coffee, and no one gets hurt! :banana:

COFFEE!! Gimme, Gimme, Gimmedrinker drinker drinker

Winx's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:51 AM

i say both... but cant say for sure which one comes first.. its like the chicken or the egg..... your mind would not be addicted if in fact you never had the chemical<the physical part>.. but you have to use your mind and strength to quit using too.. as an ex smoker now <day 39> i know the only thing that got me to quit was my mind.... and harder than hello!!! the addiction i beleive the physical part trys to take over your mind when u quit and it controls you while u use too.. i got sick of not being able to control my own mind and being that is why i quit... never really liked it anyway made me dislike myself... one wonders though... after 34 yrs of addiction and not really knowing a different life but when a child 11- how could one finally get a grip on their mind? its all a mystery to me...

Day 39!!!!

Awesome.bigsmile :banana: :banana: :banana:

JonjonTheItalian's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:54 AM
you know what addiction i thought would be fun to have for a day?


would that be a bad thing or good thing?o.O

buttons's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:58 AM
laugh from what i heard all 18 yr old boys are sex addictslaugh

JonjonTheItalian's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:59 AM
well Im not Im actually a romantic addict if you get that hah sex is fine but its not a real big thing for me im not liek SEX SEX SEX hah I enjoy nights on the beach and romantic dinners but I can never do that :( nobody ever wants to

buttons's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:59 AM

i say both... but cant say for sure which one comes first.. its like the chicken or the egg..... your mind would not be addicted if in fact you never had the chemical<the physical part>.. but you have to use your mind and strength to quit using too.. as an ex smoker now <day 39> i know the only thing that got me to quit was my mind.... and harder than hello!!! the addiction i beleive the physical part trys to take over your mind when u quit and it controls you while u use too.. i got sick of not being able to control my own mind and being that is why i quit... never really liked it anyway made me dislike myself... one wonders though... after 34 yrs of addiction and not really knowing a different life but when a child 11- how could one finally get a grip on their mind? its all a mystery to me...

Day 39!!!!

Awesome.bigsmile :banana: :banana: :banana:
and ty ty!!! i have to control my own mind daily still remind myself that there is nothing good about it etc... and especially the mind control!! that may be the worse part!! id like to think for myself thankyou lol!! not a damn ciggarette think for me!!!!laugh laugh

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:01 AM
I'm addicted to Coke a coladrinker

no photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:03 AM

i use to be addicted to crack..the crack between my ex girlfriends legs..but since the break up ive been cold turkey for three years if theres any females out there with some spare crack just lying around..hook a brother up...just kiddin...:laughing:

JonjonTheItalian's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:04 AM

i use to be addicted to crack..the crack between my ex girlfriends legs..but since the break up ive been cold turkey for three years if theres any females out there with some spare crack just lying around..hook a brother up...just kiddin...:laughing:


no photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:04 AM

is it chemically a problem or a mental thing?

to me addiction is all in the mind. I could never see how one gets addicted to anything unless their minds want that. I just control my thoughts better then one who chooses not to so i see it simpler then the restsmile2
Their are micro fibers that get attached to certain cells in your brain from repetative behaviors if you can train your thoughts and actions you can beat addiction.