Topic: Why is it the more you apen up
Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:32 PM
The more you get hurt, why so people have to treat yo udifferently when
they fin out more about you, the more honest, caring and loving you are
the more you get pushed away, should i try the Asshole approach, and
see, please advice is wanted.

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:39 PM
nah sooner or later you'll find someone, women go thru the same thing
believe meflowerforyou

CATBW56's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:40 PM
Don't change who you are, it's the others that need to change/ If they
can't except you for you are then move on. You'll find someone who will
except you for you and only you.

Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:43 PM
Thanks ladies, the think is i hear that alot and yet still no real
interest from the site or elsewhere. I am just tired of being hurt and
overly frustrated with being nice.

SCRAPPY29's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:43 PM
i know what your saying! just hang in, and dont change who you relly
are. good things will come, sometimes it just takes a day or so.

wanttachat's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:49 PM
Patience is a virtue. Stay the path. Never forget who you are.
Never be anyone else. There is only one you so be the best you, you can
be. happy

Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 06:53 PM
I hear you but after some of the things i have been through, i just

sweetcountrypie's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:00 PM
Cant agree with you more Born!!!
The more you give, do and bend over backwards the more they you know
dump on ya. I thought about being an alcoholic and seeing if everyone
liked that better, than the kindness and love they were actually
Hear ya

Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:03 PM
I hear you but i am not a drinker, but i have thought about fighting
recenlty boxing that is, i have alot of anger inside, i figure if
nothing else at least i can take it out on the other guy right.

buckethand56's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:07 PM
Born, you be yourself no matter what, it will eventually show anyways,
so why put up the facade. If they don'tlike you the way you are you
don't need them in the first place.

Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:10 PM
Thanks bucket, it just seems that all the great girls out there are with
the real asses of the world and it hurts and posses me off.

sweetcountrypie's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:11 PM
Now that wouldnt be the way to handle things...punch the bag only to get
rid of your frustrations. Have no answers for you, I am struggling with
that kinda stuff too...dont be to quick to be giving...asess the
situation first before being overly nice.
Sometimes just being less is ok too....hope you know what I mean?

Born1976's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:17 PM
I guess, but all in all, nice guys lose when it comes to love, they wind
up getting the bad ones,a nd ****ted on.

mdl7070's photo
Fri 04/06/07 07:26 PM
hate to say it born1976 but your not going to get a lady this way.

by this way i am talking about the feeling sorry for your self, have
seen a couple of your post and it looks like your in a bit of a funk

my advice (not that i am a pro) is stop trying so hard to find someone.
my experience has been when your not looking and happy with who and
where you are in life then some special lady will just walk into your

MikeMontana's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:01 PM
Honestly? Give consideration to what you mean by "opening up". It could
be that the way you are perceived is more like "dumping upon". As the
cliche goes "its not what you say, its how you say it".

Give us an example scenario.

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:04 PM
laugh wanttachat i love the pic of the cat thats hilariouslaugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 04/07/07 07:56 AM
We have all been there done that. Just be yourself and enjoy life don't
look so hard. They will show up when you least expect it. Never know
they could be around you now and you have not taken the time to really
look. Next time you go anywhere take the time to make eye contact and a
hello never know who you have been seeing on a daily or weekly basis and
never really looked at them. All good things takes time. bigsmile

no photo
Sun 04/08/07 12:44 PM
Born1976 - You have MORE than just two options here, its not just (1)
continue as you have and (2) be an asshole/be fake. You can 'be
yourself' and still change the way you communicate with people, the way
you express yourself, the way you approach relationships. If your
current approach is not working, maybe you are right to think of
changing your approach. Thats NOT to say 'be an asshole', its going to
be a different answer for different people, but I think MikeMontana is
onto to something there.