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Topic: What's your opinion on Snakebite Peircings?
no photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:10 PM
Thanks for the links Cpcheek.

M2K22 I don't find them attractive at all, but I guess I am old fashioned. I tend to think that if you have to ask you probably don't want them that badly. What's the risk of infection? If you change your mind will they close without scars?

Tromette's photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:11 PM


Ok so everyone is mostly negative on the Idea, Guess I'll hold it off for awhile longer lol

Dont listen to these people, they have no idea what piercings are like. I had 00 guages in my ears, tongue, nose and labret all at one time. It's fun and not permanent so just do it already!

You have no signs of previous piercings on you?

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:13 PM


Ok so everyone is mostly negative on the Idea, Guess I'll hold it off for awhile longer lol

Dont listen to these people, they have no idea what piercings are like. I had 00 guages in my ears, tongue, nose and labret all at one time. It's fun and not permanent so just do it already!

No, I admit I don't. I am asking questions with an open mind though.

m2k22's photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:28 PM


Ok so everyone is mostly negative on the Idea, Guess I'll hold it off for awhile longer lol

Dont listen to these people, they have no idea what piercings are like. I had 00 guages in my ears, tongue, nose and labret all at one time. It's fun and not permanent so just do it already!

Thanks for those encouraging words msmyka
I think I am going to try just one on the bottom lip and if I end up liking it I will just add the other

breathless1's photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:33 PM
Edited by breathless1 on Mon 11/03/08 11:34 PM

Thanks for those encouraging words msmyka
I think I am going to try just one on the bottom lip and if I end up liking it I will just add the other

You have flopped more than a docked fish on here, dude...

how about you just GROW a PAIR and decide for yourself! laugh

If you want to puncture your face...just go for it! :banana:

usernamefayou's photo
Mon 11/03/08 11:44 PM
I won't even wear a watch. Can't stand anything on me. How you wouldn't constantly be messing with them is beyond me.

Cpcheek08's photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:03 AM
The risk of infection for piercings in the mouth are relatively small. You make spit all the time which kinda keeps them clean but rinsing with some Listerine makes sure you're good.

I say go for it. Msmyka's right. If you dont like them, take them out. I had a 4G in both ears and my tongue pierced at one point, tongue healed fine and when I downgraded my earrings to a 12G, my ears just closed in around them.

pyrochik's photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:04 AM
msmyka is right; they close up when you take them out, no harm done. You have to take care of them (obviously), but they're not permanent like tats. I had visible piercings when I was younger; when I grew up, so did they. Now the private ones...that's a different story lol.

m2k22's photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:21 AM

Thanks for those encouraging words msmyka
I think I am going to try just one on the bottom lip and if I end up liking it I will just add the other

You have flopped more than a docked fish on here, dude...

how about you just GROW a PAIR and decide for yourself! laugh

If you want to puncture your face...just go for it! :banana:

Sorry can't grow one, but I have decided for myself. Just read the last thing you quoted

Pink_lady's photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:25 AM
What are the risks with body piercing?

The most serious risks are infections, allergic reactions, bleeding, and damage to nerves or teeth. Infections may be caused by hepatitis, HIV, tetanus, bacteria, and yeast. If the piercer washes his/her hands and uses gloves and sterile equipment and you take good care of your piercing, the risk of infection is lowered (but still exists).

Did you know that...

* You CAN get and/or spread a serious infection including HIV, if the piercing equipment hasn't been sterilized properly.
* Infections caused by bacteria getting into the puncture of the piercing may also happen later, even after the piercing has healed.
* If the studio uses a piercing "gun" to do body piercings, LEAVE!! Piercing guns cannot be sterilized and should NOT be used for body piercing.

Another cause of problems from piercings is the wrong kind of jewelry for the area pierced. If the jewelry is too small, it can actually cut off the blood supply to the tissue, causing swelling and pain. If the jewelry is either too thin or too heavy or if you are allergic to the metal, your body can sometimes reject the jewelry (your body reacts against the jewelry because it is a "foreign object").

Know the risks before you have your body pierced…

* Bacterial infection (where you had the piercing)
* Excessive (a lot of) bleeding
* Allergic reactions (especially to certain kinds of jewelry)
* Damage to nerves (for example, you may lose feeling at the area that gets pierced)
* Keloids (thick scarring at the piercing site)
* Dental damage (swelling and infection of tongue, chipped and broken teeth, choking on loose jewelry)

*Just summit i found...

Oh yeh, and i have piercings, but i think its good to do ur research first!

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