Topic: How will McCain get things done when congress is democrat???
cdanny47's photo
Mon 11/03/08 07:58 PM
Army for me

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:00 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 11/03/08 08:00 PM
I bet that's really frustrating

to come up with some really good insults that'll pee off everyone

and have all your posts just dissapear like that


no photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:01 PM
yanno what the Navy calls marines?


George4402's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:02 PM
Having said that, I hold no animosity or haterd among fellow service men or women. I just hope that this great country of ours can begin to form true bonds not just in the military, but in civilian life as well.

cdanny47's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:03 PM
It will never work with people like you around

no photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:03 PM
even the rednecks?

cdanny47's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:06 PM

even the rednecks?
Point well taken,,,,,,:smile:

Thomas27's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:07 PM
Love thy neighbor

cdanny47's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:08 PM
I really think obama will win but I am going to vote for McCain?????

markecephus's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:09 PM

Okay, i will ask again, please return to the topic.


Thomas27's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:09 PM
I think McCain will pull it off, I'm going to vote for McCain.

cdanny47's photo
Mon 11/03/08 08:10 PM
I am sorry Mark !!!!!! I will let it go and go to bed....:smile:

AndrewAV's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:40 PM
I'm voting McCain but I secretly want Obama to win. for once, I want the democrats in power with a majority in both houses.

...that way when we're even deeper in the ****ter there's going to be nobody to blame but themselves.

I'd like McCain in the white house but with a 57 dem senate and majority in the house, he'd be a lame duck before he took office and get 100% of the blame like w did.

Winx's photo
Mon 11/03/08 09:58 PM

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:32 AM

Osama may win and the war will be here !!!!!!

If the leopard doesn't lose his tripes I'm afraid you are correct & it will be a hollow voctory. I really do hope I'm wrong. I'm willing to have a wait & see attitude.

It's not like I don't understand why (some) people are voting the way they are. There are people on BOTH sides of the isle of GOOD faith. If DEMS act loonie, REPS have a good chance as long as they start addressing the WORKING class in America in the next election.

If not ????????

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 11/04/08 06:36 AM

Having said that, I hold no animosity or haterd among fellow service men or women. I just hope that this great country of ours can begin to form true bonds not just in the military, but in civilian life as well.

We were never so divided as we were after the clinton seems that OBAMA has done nothing to bridge that gap, & for pelosi & co. to label super majorites of LIBS as bi-partisan is the biggest joke of all.

This radical banana republic type of govt. is not good for anyone. You don't get peace by letting the enemy in thru the front the French did Hitler. OK? Sometimes it takes peace thru strength...against FOREIGN enemies, not fellow Americans. (That I had to explain that speaks volumes of the ignorance of so many Americans!!!!!)

JACKSTRAW666's photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:42 PM

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 12:57 PM

How will McCain get things done when congress is democrat???

So we shouldn't elect McCain, because he will be stymied at every turn by the Democrat Congress? Hell, that's a selling point to me. Nothing coming out of the White House or Congress for 4 years except hot air, that sounds to me like what the founders intended.

JACKSTRAW666's photo
Tue 11/04/08 01:21 PM
Given the last twenty years or so... I think it's pretty obvious whom the Republicans are representing. Corporations and the good-ol'-boy network are alive and well! Obama brings the first ray of hope for peace and prosperity normal middle class Americans have had in a long eight years! And these people who say, "I'm voting McCain, but I want Obama to win,?" What's up with that mentality? And who seriously could support someone like Sara Palin?? For real?? If I was a Republican, I'd be embarrassed by McCain's choice! Not because she's a woman,(I'd have voted for Hillary Clinton proudly!) but because she's an idiot! Actually though, from my "proud to be liberal perspective", I am relieved that McCain demonstrated his lack of good judgment early on before we made the mistake of electing him.
Don't misunderstand me here. I respect John McCain for his service to our country, and am sad he endured such horrors we can only imagine in captivity as a POW. My Father is a Vietnam Vet, and I see how he still suffers from his experiences there. Men like them are heroes! But that isn't enough to be elected President. McCain is known for his short temper, which in my "opinion" wouldn't play well on the international front as we find ourselves confronted with new challenges in this unsettled world.
Obama has demonstrated calmness and well thought out points of view, and strikes me as someone who would think about the outcome of his actions, and surround himself with competent people to advise and assist him in bringing about this timely change! He's not a fly off the handle hair trigger kind of guy. I feel he will help provide great stability in an unstable world. PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!! (Buh Bye King George and all your Merry Men rich crone friends! Buh Bye tax breaks for the top 5% and oil companies while the rest of us go belly up!! Hello peace and prosperity and the return to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans!! )

no photo
Tue 11/04/08 01:37 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Tue 11/04/08 01:37 PM
my favorite line of the day...

no matter who wins half the people will be dissapointed

just like sex