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Topic: obama money trail
t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:45 AM

when I was young...we vacationed in Bourne Scenic Park...for two weeks...being from Illinois...I remember it as being so beautiful...fishing with my father on Cape Cod...using squid as bait...and...fighting the sea gulls who were in a constant attack mode...they LOVE squid...lol..actually...we caught a sand shark...threw it back of course...

Massachusetts is beautiful and October my favorite month here. Unfortunately due to work, I was out of state for much of peak foliage... Dallas and Orlando were not so scenic.

the seasonal changes are breathtaking in New England...my parents seem to always head east...for our two week vacations...upsate NY...Vermont...New Hampshire...the good old days...

I'd recommend skipping the Fall-Winter changeover...

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:47 AM
And now we have the subprime Obama campaign fundraising......

What is he hiding?

t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:49 AM

And now we have the subprime Obama campaign fundraising......

What is he hiding?

Give it up. You sound desperate and pathetic. You don't think there's questionable financing of Republican PAC's in this election?

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:56 AM

And now we have the subprime Obama campaign fundraising......

What is he hiding?

Give it up. You sound desperate and pathetic. You don't think there's questionable financing of Republican PAC's in this election?

Desperate about what? Pathetic? Answer the question - What is he hiding? We know a whole lot more about MCain's contributors than Obama's.

t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 07:58 AM

And now we have the subprime Obama campaign fundraising......

What is he hiding?

Give it up. You sound desperate and pathetic. You don't think there's questionable financing of Republican PAC's in this election?

Desperate about what?

McCain's election prospects.

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:06 AM

And now we have the subprime Obama campaign fundraising......

What is he hiding?

Give it up. You sound desperate and pathetic. You don't think there's questionable financing of Republican PAC's in this election?

Desperate about what?

McCain's election prospects.

I'm desperate to get you to answer the question - What is Obama hiding? Must be his subprime financial campaign fundraising. Just release the info....Obama

t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:09 AM
I don't think he's hiding anything. What do you think he's hiding? Contributions from Bin Laden or Ahmadinejad? Good luck with that.

Lynann's photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:10 AM
I've contributed to campaigns in the past not using my real name.

Why? Because I had a boss who may have fired me if he knew who I supported.

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:19 AM

I don't think he's hiding anything. What do you think he's hiding? Contributions from Bin Laden or Ahmadinejad? Good luck with that.

Obama emerged quickly with such popularity because he was suppose to represent a new era of truthfulness in polititcs. He is not going to change Washington - Washington has already changed him.

Legitimate questions are being raised about his donors and I would like to see it investigated with some co operation for a change.

JACKSTRAW666's photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:23 AM
Edited by JACKSTRAW666 on Sun 11/02/08 08:48 AM
What's **** Chaney hiding about his energy policies? Why all the secrecy surrounding that issue? Perhaps because it was a plan to help make their rich friends in the energy industry lots of money on the backs of hard working Americans?
Speaking of Republican lies, what about this war in Iraq? Where were those WMD's? We still haven't found any.... Oh well, maybe that's not the reason we were there... maybe it was to eliminate Saddam? Ok we... we achieved that goal... now why are we there? Oh yes... to establish a democracy. Ok... hows that working out? Did we achieve that goal? Now why are we there... to secure the Iraqi Government? Ok... the surge worked. NOW why are we there? Oh yes. We will be there until the Iraq government and the people want us to go. Hmmm. Seems to me that the Prime minister recently agreed with Obama's plan for a time table to be out in the next couple of years. Yet still, we remain. I for one would like a little "Straight Talk" on these issues!

t22learner's photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:26 AM

I don't think he's hiding anything. What do you think he's hiding? Contributions from Bin Laden or Ahmadinejad? Good luck with that.

Obama emerged quickly with such popularity because he was suppose to represent a new era of truthfulness in polititcs. He is not going to change Washington - Washington has already changed him.

Legitimate questions are being raised about his donors and I would like to see it investigated with some co operation for a change.

How do you propose to accomplish that? Tens of thousands of people have contributed. You'd like to investigate them all?

no photo
Sun 11/02/08 08:34 AM

I don't think he's hiding anything. What do you think he's hiding? Contributions from Bin Laden or Ahmadinejad? Good luck with that.

Obama emerged quickly with such popularity because he was suppose to represent a new era of truthfulness in polititcs. He is not going to change Washington - Washington has already changed him.

Legitimate questions are being raised about his donors and I would like to see it investigated with some co operation for a change.

How do you propose to accomplish that? Tens of thousands of people have contributed. You'd like to investigate them all?

The 1st step should have already come from Obama himself - tell his campaign people in charge of accepting the donations under $200 to just release the names. I'm betting that just like the internet the fraud with show it's ugly head.

JACKSTRAW666's photo
Sun 11/02/08 09:02 AM
I'm sure if there is any little thing out of line, Republicans will magnify it into something terrible! I remember when Dubya was selected... I was willing to give him the opportunity to do his job (what choice did I have?) and tried to view his term in office with an open mind. I quickly realized that my worst fears about him were true, and pretty much predicted he would get us back into war in Iraq, create policies to help the rich and neglect the rest of us, and would generally be an economic disaster for our country. I hope your fears don't come true about Obama, and, like me, you will have an open mind and be willing to give him the chance he deserves.

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