Topic: Is it any wonder I found peace through you?
FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:17 AM
Why do questions arise when thoughts flood into the mind about a person you may be interested in, how do you deal with those thoughts either positive or negative? If and when a lot is on your mind, how do you seperate the thoughts into priority? What thoughts come first for you?

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:20 AM

Why do questions arise when thoughts flood into the mind about a person you may be interested in, how do you deal with those thoughts either positive or negative? If and when a lot is on your mind, how do you seperate the thoughts into priority? What thoughts come first for you?
Their real person, their truth.
I ask A LOT of questions,lol, and try to really feel their hearts.
But,,I do have a very BAD TRACK RECORD with my picks so far..

You might try something else,,,,,loldrinker

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:20 AM
Youre asking how the brain functions????huh This could take a looooooooong time lucy~~!!!noway laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:21 AM

Youre asking how the brain functions????huh This could take a looooooooong time lucy~~!!!noway laugh

If that is what you get from the question, I was just wondering on a personal level what you do.

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:22 AM
I have worked very hard to be able to control my thought process, I know that if I am doing something that requires my 100% concentration, then that is what my mind does first. It will push all the unnecessary thoughts that is not needed at that time to the back of the mind. Sometimes I will forget about them, while others will come back to me while I am relaxing, like I am doing now.

Did any of that even make any sense? huh

Etrain's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:23 AM
Time to build my wall...thats how I dealsmokin

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:24 AM
Interesting question.

I suppose that when the thoughts are positive I enjoy the moments.

If thoughts are negative I try to determine if they are real. By that I mean, am I being reactionary based upon unconscious programming. Am I dealing only with the truth of the situation at hand or am I bringing old stuff to the mix. Has an unhealed tender place been exposed?

I tend to be a pretty positive person so that is what I look for...the good in people, situations etc. Where negativity creeps in, I am usually shown an opportunity to heal something within myself.

Our thoughts are just our own perceptions. Knowing that helps me look with softer eyes.

lavos28's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:26 AM
is that a quote from that smashing pumpkins song eye?

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:26 AM

is that a quote from that smashing pumpkins song eye?


lavos28's photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:27 AM
hehe thought so...

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:29 AM

Youre asking how the brain functions????huh This could take a looooooooong time lucy~~!!!noway laugh

If that is what you get from the question, I was just wondering on a personal level what you do.
Ok....lets see.....our thought processes come from perceptions, right or wrong, subconscious and conscious, old wounds, past/present/future...........and ego.

no photo
Sat 11/01/08 10:31 AM
Ive also used......the quieting of the mind....just breathing in their essence....their aura? how do they make me feel??? Their vibration.