Topic: It's Friday
chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:28 AM
Supermom2, you need a day out! just try to enjoyed it the best way u

Supermomto2's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:33 AM
I agree with you but that is kind of hard when I have my son with me all
of the time. But I would not change spending time with him at all. He
the joy of my life.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:34 AM
supermom,we need more moms like u,moms that will stay home wit there kid
and show love,rather than drop him off wit some sitter so u could
party,i give u mad love and respect.

chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:44 AM
I hear u, I have my kids with me also and i just go out once in awhile
with my friends.

JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 06:58 AM
Thanks for the comments, people.

I'd known this guy for 15 years. We had a brief yet intense
relationship back then, and have stayed friends. He joined this MC club
a few years back. I'm not into the hard core club thing anymore, but
we've had our 'private moments', if you know what I'm saying.

We've got another friend who just came home on R&R from doing private
security work in Iraq, and there was a get-together for him. My buddy
was there, and left at 7 p.m. (still daylight) to head home. He was on
the bike, no passenger, no brothers riding with him, hadn't had a drop
to drink. Just riding along a 5-lane (2 lanes each way with a center
turn lane) when this boy turned right into his path. You can't stop a
bike like you can a car...and Lou t-boned the front quarterpanel. Hit
the windshield and was sling-shot off to the road.

With massive head and chest injuries, he somehow made it through
surgery. But as they wheeled him to the recovery room, his heart
exploded. Not a heart attack ~ it ruptured from trauma.

The headline in the paper said, 'POLICE READY FOR BIKERS: Motorcyclist
was reportedly a Hells Angel Official". The young man has been charged
with mesdemeanor death by motor vehicle.

chica42ny's photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:06 AM
OMG, Justkat58, It was terrible, did he had kids. Atleast they caught
the guy and did not ran off. If he has family or children paid them a
visit of respect and remember the good side of him. I send u a big hug

Supermomto2's photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:07 AM
Kat that is soooooo sad that the police have acted like that. The
person that hit him should be charged with alot more then that. We have
a lot of bikers here in my area and I do know some of them and they are
great friends. Would do any thing for you type.

For the people that said the sweet stuff about me staying home with my
kids. Thanks that was very nice of you to say. I have my kids with me
12 out of 14 and this is my week-end. So it will be family time with
movies and board games. Anyone want to join. We do have alot of fun
but I will warn you my kids cheat. LOL

Have a great day everyone. I'm off to work in a few but will be back
later on today.


JusKat58's photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:21 AM
Thanks, Hon. He was a booger, but I miss him!

No, he never married and never had kids. In fact, it's like he was
destined to be alone from the get-go. His parents had two children, and
Lou came along 22 years AFTER the 2nd child! Kind of like he had 4
parents, which sucked. His folks were emotionally 'done' with raising
kids when he came along, so he was kinda left to his own devices. I
think that's why he joined the club ~ to have a feeling of "belonging"

Yes, he was a "bad boy" as far as the public perception goes. I just
hate anyone's funeral being made into a media circus.

Thanks again.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 07:29 AM
Sorry for your loss...hang in there!

andreww38's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:45 PM
the weekend?

geeze, i work sat and sun.

Andrew Wee

unsure's photo
Fri 09/22/06 04:53 PM
hey hey it is friday!! My boys are home, I love the weekends with them,
I have not been out for geesh over a year! Tomorrow is the big Notre
Dame game, so thats our family time--Michigan King I am not
saying a word after Michigan smoked us last weekend. I just hope Brady
Quinn has better aim this weekend :)

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:00 PM
im going dan-sin tonite!!

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:05 PM
Anyone haven a beer yet? I'm just nursen a Guinness.

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:06 PM
nope. had mine lastnite

unsure's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:08 PM
No alcohol for me...having a sprite though! No dancing for me either,
have a good time though!!

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:10 PM
no dan-sin 4 u??... it will keep u in shape.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:12 PM
Unsre. Can you have a non- Alcoholic beer?

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:13 PM
dont know????... lol

unsure's photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:15 PM
When I went to Mexico, I did drink virgin pina colada's all the
time---fell in love with those things!!
Nope I am not going dancing any time soon, just had surgery on sept
6th...still healing up!!

no photo
Fri 09/22/06 05:17 PM
wow. hope u r feeling