Topic: A weird poem
RandomTandem's photo
Wed 10/22/08 06:57 PM
Edited by RandomTandem on Wed 10/22/08 06:59 PM
Someone who's a member here encouraged me to post this; thank you, bro.

It's weird.. more 'technical' than anything else I've ever written.. almost robotic in fact. Oh well, here goes..

Chemical Reactions

Physical attraction, and intimate interaction,
could all be in the mind, or maybe just a distraction.
How do you even measure such subjective a notion,
when each time you try, you're limited by emotion.

You never know if someone's gonna fit your bill;
make you crazy with desire; or even love-sick or fulfilled.

A "strange attraction" at first can often grow and grow,
when you're nose-to-nose; cheek-on-cheek and toe-to-toe.
A girl I once thought was plain, gave me quite a surprise,
The attraction rose tenfold when I looked in her eyes.

We never can tell if there'll be "anything there",
'til we get "up close"; feel her skin; smell her hair,

So intimate attraction, and physical interaction,
Could all be in the mind, or a kind of self-coercion,
Whether you reject it or decide to face it,
You have nothing to lose if you choose to embrace it,
Try to "know" it's cause and explore the reasoning,
Variety as they say, is life's spicy seasoning.

So at first, what we think of as just physical appeal,
has more to do with chemistry and how two people feel,
"The brain's the greatest sex organ" a Sage once said,
And that's not part of your body, it's inside your head

RandomTandem's photo
Thu 10/23/08 05:27 AM
Oh well.. last time I'll post a poem in here I think. :]

cableguy8900's photo
Thu 10/23/08 06:41 AM
Don't you dare!!! Don't you dare give up..... I like this and I am a weird guy. Do you know I incensed theory of relativity? It's all perception.

d4tc's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:23 AM
I like. happy

no photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:33 AM

Oh well.. last time I'll post a poem in here I think. :]

Don't do that. Realize that sometimes the time of day can change the responses we get...and realize too, that lots of people read and never post responses. It is not a reflection on your ability. The poem was wonderful and I encourage you to post more. Welcome:smile: flowerforyou

RandomTandem's photo
Thu 10/23/08 08:55 AM
Thank you all, you're very kind. :]

cableguy8900's photo
Thu 10/23/08 05:39 PM