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Topic: a subject of gravity
scoundrel's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:03 PM
I'm just stopped at home for a moment, and back to work.
It occurred to me how much more interesting and adventurous things could be if we explored the idea of gravity in relationships.

Earth's gravity = 1
Pluto = 0.06
Moon = 0.17
Mars and Mercury= 0.38
Venus, Saturn,
and Uranus = 0.9

This is probably boring for some to consider, as in fun at the beach, or having sex...etc.
But...being lighter on one's feet can be fun.
After all, it opens up the imagination.

Have a great day, everyone!!!!

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:07 PM
I actually had to research the gravity of Neptune when I was working on my first book. I found it fascinating that it is only slightly more than that of Earth -- considering how much bigger Neptune is. But apparently, it relates more to mass than size....??

I have "Neptunian Gravity" listed as one of my interests in my profile....

bergeia's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:07 PM
thatd be fun i think. we could bounce everywhere, bones wouldnt hurt so badly. old people and larger person could move better.

dia_licious's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:11 PM
lack of gravity would make having sex a little difficult, dont you think?


it would be fun though...

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:20 PM
Absolutely. But gravity does have much more to do with mass than dimension....

Intersting ponderance:

We consider density to be a negative quality in a person...we think of it in terms of mental capacity or attitude. However...physics-wise....the greater the density of a body, the greater the attraction to it by other objects, matter, etc....

Most interesting....

s1owhand's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:34 PM
getting my bungee cords out for the "experiment"


no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:37 PM
the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:40 PM

getting my bungee cords out for the "experiment"


Getting them out????? You told me they were already in place!!!devil devil devil smooched

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:46 PM

the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

Again with the fat and skinny.....noway

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:52 PM

the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

Again with the fat and skinny.....noway

Laura..sometimes it falls on deaf ears and that is all they are concerned with..... But on another note, how are you?

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 03:53 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 10/22/08 03:56 PM

I actually had to research the gravity of Neptune when I was working on my first book. I found it fascinating that it is only slightly more than that of Earth -- considering how much bigger Neptune is. But apparently, it relates more to mass than size....??

I have "Neptunian Gravity" listed as one of my interests in my profile....

Correct, its about mass and how close you can get to the center of mass.

Some planets have more mass, but take up more space . . . you at the surface are not so close to the center of mass, and thus it may have the same gravity as a planet with less mass, but more compact and radius. This is more pronounced with Neutron stars and especially black holes!

Here is a good explanation vs my not to great explanation.

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:11 PM

the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

Again with the fat and skinny.....noway

Laura..sometimes it falls on deaf ears and that is all they are concerned with..... But on another note, how are you?

I'm outstanding! Thanks for asking!! and you?

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:14 PM
Doing very well over here, enjoying the colors of the leaves changing.......hating the raking them up!!grumble grumble

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:15 PM
I have pine needles where I am. However I am dealing with increased squirrel activity.

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:18 PM
Uh oh....does that mean a bad winter is coming??

(Sorry, I know this is offtopic bigsmile bigsmile )

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:21 PM

Uh oh....does that mean a bad winter is coming??

(Sorry, I know this is offtopic bigsmile bigsmile )

That's what the Farmer's Almanac says.....if you believe them Farmers...hehe. They say this year's winter is suppose to be early, long and hard.

Now if Winter were only a man.......laugh

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:25 PM

Uh oh....does that mean a bad winter is coming??

(Sorry, I know this is offtopic bigsmile bigsmile )

That's what the Farmer's Almanac says.....if you believe them Farmers...hehe. They say this year's winter is suppose to be early, long and hard.

Now if Winter were only a man.......laugh

laugh laugh laugh

tngxl65's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:34 PM

I'm just stopped at home for a moment, and back to work.
It occurred to me how much more interesting and adventurous things could be if we explored the idea of gravity in relationships.

Earth's gravity = 1
Pluto = 0.06
Moon = 0.17
Mars and Mercury= 0.38
Venus, Saturn,
and Uranus = 0.9

This is probably boring for some to consider, as in fun at the beach, or having sex...etc.
But...being lighter on one's feet can be fun.
After all, it opens up the imagination.

Have a great day, everyone!!!!

(deleting attracted to Uranus joke)

no photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:48 PM

the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

Again with the fat and skinny.....noway

Laura..sometimes it falls on deaf ears and that is all they are concerned with..... But on another note, how are you?

Seeing how my comment was in response to yours, you can thank yourself for the fat and skinny of things drinker

eileena9's photo
Wed 10/22/08 04:50 PM

the amount of gravity between how much a fat person emits versus a skinny person is so nanoscopic that it can be said that gravity plays no role in human attraction lol

Again with the fat and skinny.....noway

Laura..sometimes it falls on deaf ears and that is all they are concerned with..... But on another note, how are you?

Seeing how my comment was in response to yours, you can thank yourself for the fat and skinny of things drinker

WTH are you talking about??? My comment was to s1owhand about his bungee cords!!!!!

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