Topic: Tandem, A Tale Of Murder
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Fri 10/17/08 08:16 AM
You are the Master
I am but a mere servant
Of your needs and desires
Your voice hisses and whispers through the night air
Sending terrifying chills down my spine
Yet I can never deny your wishes and demands
Feeling the icy touch of your hands
Pulling me closer into your embrace
Enraptured at your every word
Listening intently to your demands
Oh how you whisper furiously into my ear
Telling me of my own desires
My taste for blood, my fascination with death
The urge I have to damage their flesh
Feeding my desires with your whispers
Your hand stroking my arm, making my vein stand out
Piercing it with your nail,breaking the skin
Injecting my blood with your vile poisons
Whispering over and over into my soul
"Kill my love you must kill, eat of their flesh, suckle of their blood, kill my love you must kill"
As if you were reading my thoughts, my mind, you see inside, the hidden part of me
That must annihilate and ravage the innocent ones, my secret hidden desires
To kill and go unnoticed by society
"To kill, yessssss killl I must killl
I hear you Master, I hear and obey Master"

I stand in the crowd , unnoticed, as I watch them
The innocent ones, the fragile and tender
My lust for flesh and blood insatiable
I bide my time until I know I can swiftly move in unnoticed
Hands curling and uncurling with anticipation
Breathing becoming ragged and hurried
Eyes glaze over, mouth slack as drool spills from my mouth
Your whisper still ringing in my ear, urging me onward
To kill, to ravage and annihilate, taste the sweet flesh of the innocent ones

Unable to contain the lustmord built up inside of me
I stalk my prey, following their every move, listening to their every word
So innocent, so blind, their souls I shall forever bind to my Master
Patting my pockets, feeling the blades and wires
Knowing that soon the time will come, before the setting of the sun
Their cries of pain and death will fill the air, music to my ears

Alone now, as I watch them, now , it is the time
I swiftly run across the grass, surprising them as I come upon them
Cowering now, huddled together,holding tightly, begging me to spare them
I cackle maniacally, whispering "Its too late, for I have come, your lives now are mine, your flesh I shall eat, your blood I shall suckle."

Lunging and grabbing, my howl pierces the air, my nails sinking deep into tender flesh,unable to control my lustmord
Sinking my teeth into her neck, biting on to her jugular
Blood spitting and spurting as I suckle, my knife slipping from my pocket, as if on its own accord
Held against her neck, tracing its way slowly up her cheek
Slipping the blade now between her eyeball and socket, popping it out with ease
Listening to her terrified screams as I open my mouth, my tongue slithers out, wrapping around her eyeball,sucking it into my maw
Chewing slowly, relishing the taste, the feel.....

** to be continued** devil

no photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:31 AM
scared scared now I am in the mood for Halloween.pitchfork pitchfork bring it on

Differentkindofwench's photo
Fri 10/17/08 08:40 AM
Hmmm, wondering where that guy is who used to post the "demon slayer" short writes. It would be interesting to watch you two play off each other.

d4tc's photo
Fri 10/17/08 09:28 AM
Sweet Write! happy

To be continued... :banana:

BonnyMiss's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:52 AM
I await the unfolding..................

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 10/18/08 06:22 PM
I'm skeered ... but need to find out what happens ... scared