Topic: Searching for True Love...
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Thu 10/16/08 05:12 AM
Edited by Draco7 on Thu 10/16/08 05:19 AM
First off, I've made some posts under Music, Movies, and Religion, so if you want to get to know a *lot* about me, please give my posts a serious look. Also, see my profile for some more information about me. I regret I have no recent picture of myself to put up, since most of my recent pics were destroyed during a storm this past summer, along with the only camera in the house. However, here is a bit about me that you won't learn in either my profile or my posts...

What do I look like? A bit like Gary Oldman and a little like Gaias Baltar from the reimagined show of Battlestar Galactica. At least, since I grew my beard. Lol. Some tell me, I look like Jesus!
So, if you think Gary Oldman, Baltar, and Jesus are sexy, you'll absolutely love me. Big time! :)
I'm average built, in very good shape for my age. I am not overweight, nor am I *too* tall either.
Normal, is the best word that describes me. ;)
I am 34, by the way, as is listed in my profile.

What am I like as a person? Well, one side I do not show much online, is that I have a very silly sense of humor. Monty Python-esque, actually. So, I tend to joke a lot and sometimes act very silly.
But when I am serious, I am very serious, and all my posts thus far on this site have been serious.
To me, love is not a joking matter, and so you'll rarely hear me making silly jokes on this site.
I am very spiritual, and I absolutely adore both nature and the outdoors (aren't they one in the same, though? Ah, well!). I have a fun side, but it's good, clean fun. Playing video games, seeing a good movie, going on a hike, or long walks when the moon is out. I love the night, and I love the Autumn. Call me weird for that, I do not care! :D
I only hike in the woods during the day, though. Bears, you understand. I don't wish to get eaten.
Plus it is always best to view the fall colors in bright, technicolor sunlight. As God intended it, and as the *tiny* iscription on tree bark states.
Lol. (See? That was a sample of me being silly!)
I enjoy reading, and I am an artist who does as much work for free as pay work. I just love art, for art's sake, and I love poetry too. I write a lot in my spare time, and perhaps someday I may even write a book for publication. Who knows? In this economy, that will probably end up being my *only* means of income! Lol. I am very deep, and not a shallow person in any way. I look at the very heart and soul of a person, I never judge by all the shallow things most men see in a woman.

One thing you may notice in some of the poetry I have posted to this site, so I'll just get to it:
I admit it freely... I am lonely as all heck, and looking for love. What's wrong with that? Nothing.

What am I looking for? A woman who will love me as much as I am willing to love her, which is a *lot* indeed! I am lonely, because I haven't been with anyone in nearly seven years, now. In the small town I live in, it is hard to meet someone since there are mostly a lot of old people and a lot of kids. Hence, why I am posting here at all!
Actually, it is probably smaller than Smallville, and doesn't have cute chicks like Lois Lane, Lana Lang, or Kara Zor-El (Powergirl) to speak of. ;)

If you call it desperate to be anxious to meet someone after being lonely for so long, then fine I am desperate! But I have my standards, and here they are. All of them, are perfectly reasonable:

1. Must not drink or do drugs. I never did... so for me the perfect woman is a woman who is clean.
I am a very moral person, so please respect this!
There is *no* way I'm going to compete with some addiction for someone's affections. It isn't good.

2. Must be compassionate and understanding. I've met a lot of cold, cruel women before. Not again!
A relationship must be based on love, not discord.
Love and affection should be a part of a normal, happy and healthy relationship. Just my opinion.

3. Must have an open mind. The biggest problem I have had in the past, is that some people are so narrow-minded. The universe is too big for that!
I have rather expansive and unique beleifs, so I myself have a mind open to new possibilities. ;)

4. Must be able to drive, and willing to take the relationship offline. This is so we can meet when the time is right... not really a standard per se.
Allow me to explain something, here:
No, I can't drive. But no, I'm not a weirdo or a cripple or anything like that. I just always got *too* nervous behind the wheel to pass getting a liscense. Since I work from home, and send my art in for submission to my employer, I never had to go out to get to work, plus anywhere I wanted to go, my family or friends took me. And, living in a *very* small town, it's easy to walk to most places anyhow. Shopping online is a god-send, in that our town has lousy stores. At least this way I can order most things and have them delivered right to my door. I do love our local library, though. I am friends with everyone there, and it is a very family-oriented place to study or hang out. I used to be a mentor to a girl that went there a lot. Charming young lady. Good memories!

5. Must be normally built; not fat and for God's sake not too skinny. As I said, I am not shallow but as I also said: I do have my standards. I do not care about hair color, hair length, eye color or all that nonsense. Those things don't matter. To a certain degree... beauty is and beauty does.
While I must admit, I would find a woman who has a more feminine style of dress more attractive, I understand everyone has their own style and their own tastes, so I'm easy about it. Be you, I say! Just, be the best you that you can be, of course.

6. Must consider a loving, romantic relationship more important than marriage. I was married once before, and one thing I learned out of it is: the marriage paper isn't worth the paper it's printed on. A paper doen't say you're happy or that you want to be with someone forever. Your heart does. And so, I hope the right woman will agree with me when I say: I'd rather have a relationship that lasts forever than a marriage that's over swiftly.

7. Must be willing to put romance first, friends second. A lot of relationships get ruined because people listen to their friends and not their soul.
I say this: if you end up loving me, and I end up loving you, that is what is important. Not other peoples' opinions. Friends can be jealous... and may not always have your best interests at heart. You can have your friends, just don't let them rule what you decide is best for your happiness.

And those are the only real 'rules' I have for a relationship. Why seven? Well, there are seven Wonders of the World, seven Virtues and seven Sins, supposedly seven Heavens too. And let's not forget Seven of Nine (Hubba Hubba)! So, rather than argue with Cosmic Principle, I'll just go with that truly great and venerable number (7).

That said, I'm off to work on my latest piece of art. Black and white sketches this time, of some fantasy/sci-fi characters. So: farewell for now!