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Topic: Matchmaking Game - part 148
Mentork's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:16 AM
Hello all

I'm here...

TelephoneMan's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:21 AM
<<peeking in the door, TelephoneMan enters the thread for the first time...>>

<<walks in and simply sits in a vacant chair>>

<<a bit nervous, looks about the room and hopes to find a safe place for conversation and niceties>>

<<Finally decides to speak...>>

Hi folks,

I hope everyone is having a nice day. And if you're not having a nice day that somehow you are given the Grace to cope with it.

I suppose I should introduce myself because I don't frequent the forums all that often. By saying "I don't know where to start"... I think I would be saying a cop-out. I am very creative, and I have already started for one thing... For another, its like this... If you've never learned how to dive in the water, then you can still get into the pool. All you do is jump off the dicing board... and you're in. Might have made a bigger splash than a perfect professional dive, but your in.

Here I am.....


(bubble, gurgle, oops, got water up my nose...) LOL

<<as I tread water and look at all the other swimmers in the matchmaking pool...>>

Well, I'm 47, single, I live alone with my doggie Koko (a black lab mix mutt that I love to death - her pic is on my profile). I am currently going to college full-time. It is the biggest thing in my life right now, so you'll probably hear me write (well, actually SEE me write, since writing is a visual sport) about my college stuff quite a bit.

I started full-time college in May of 2003 and I have no intentions of quitting until I earn my PhD. Currently I have earned an associate's degree in Computer Networking, and in December '08 (weeee... TWO MONTHS...) I'll graduate with my Bachelor of Science in Technology Management. I am lined up for a Master of Science in Human Resources and Organizational Development to start in January '09... it should take about one year to complete. Then I am moving out of Michigan... to somewhere that it is WAR-R-R-R-RM... to study for my PhD.

My goal is to become a full-time college professor.

I never drink alcohol, I do not smoke cigarettes, and I don't do drugs. So... there's the big three for ya...

I'm an amazingly talented guitarist and singer. Right now I am giving guitar lessons at my home in Michigan to pay the rent.

By trade, I am a contract telecommunications engineer. Basically, what folks like me do for the telephone company is... OK, so say a phone company (any phone company) wants to implement a new DSL service. By FCC regulations, they must offer the same service to everyone in the city at the same time, so they hire contractors to come in to survey the lay of the land and to draw construction drawings to tell the cable construction crews where to (stick) their cables. (That doesn't sound just right...)...

Anyways, the diggers and backhoe guys... the folks who attach the telephone cables to the poles and place the stuff undergound... all have a set of my plans in their hands when they go to the field to construct a new telephone cable route. My job consists of what is called "Outside Plant" or "OSP" engineering... OSP engineering consists of the cabling and electronic features that start at the first manhole outside of the central office, and continue in the ground or on the poles all the way to the customer's premises.. Folks who use my designs are ... well, anybody who picks up a telephone... everywhere in the world... anybody who gets a dial-tone, or high-speed Internet, or ISDN lines, or any services you buy from the phone company... I'm the guy that makes the decision on how the cabel gets from the phone compnay to the customer.

There... now you know why I call myself "TelephoneMan... :-)

But you could call me "the guitar man" too... or, just call me "Jam Handy" because that is my stage name when I step up to the microphone to sing the blues. I have been playing guitar for 33 years, and... well... I can play. I have learned one thing about musicians... it is summed up in this original quote of mine...

"EGO and TALENT... a person with a lot of one, has very little of the other."

It has been my experience that the guys who run around spouting off about their guitars, amplifiers and equipment are usually full of ego, and have little talent. I'd rather just say "I can play" and leave it at that.

I have a MySpace page if anyone is interested...

I have a bio and stuff on there...

Hmmm... what else....

I have long brown hair and blues eyes... and a very hairy chest... haha

I love to smile, and I think a smile means a lot. I love to see women smile, too. A smile can be a major factor in profile pictures and such, too. I don't understand why people would post pics of themselves with a big *****y scowl... (????) LOL

I am a Christian and I have a very sincere, passionate relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have been to many Christian denominations, and I am a member of none of them. I am first and foremost simply a Christian. A follower and disciple of Jesus Christ. If you ask me what "church" I belong to, I would tell you I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus. I don't believe there is going to be any denominational name over heaven's door when I get there. I'm going to run inside, and hunt down my man Jesus and give him one heckuva body hug. Then hopefully, I can jam on guitar )or several cool instruments) in heaven, and sing praises for about the next bah-zillion years.

With "denominations" people get hung up arguing about stuff like baptism and communion and prophecies and tongues, and all kinds of stuff. To me, my faith is (as Paul said) "Jesus Christ and Him crucified"... If I look at the Christian churches, I see how they have nailed some kind of denominational sign over their doorways ... but if I look at the people inside... I find the prayer warriors... I find the folks who truly "get it"... and are truly the redeemed of the Lord. In every true Christian church I can find the true believers. THESE are they that are the CHURCH. It is not the brick building, it is the one-on-one relationship each person develops with God through the man Jesus Christ.

I am a warrior for Christ, and I do not back down on my faith, but I also do not feel it is ever necessary to argue about religion in God's name. Instead, I would hold the person's head in my hand, tell them, "I love you, friend" and then encourage them to look very closely at my life. If they watch me long enough, they are going to witness God's miracle in my life one way or another. I exist on faith, everything I do, I do for Jesus, all that I am is about Him... and I don't need to defend God from some heathen. Evil will not prosper. No matter what fallacies the World designs, nor matter what darts the Enemy of Gos throws at me, He is my fortress. If you don't believe, then watch my life. God will make a believer out of you if you see how I live.

I am by no means perfect. I have tons of flaws, and I struggle through life just like any other human being. I have a very matter-of-fact manner of conversation with people when I speak about God. I'm never a Bible-basher, I feel everyone has their right to free choice. Some people are going to choose to go to hell, and there will be nothing I can do about that...

I am the seed planter. I'll often quote scriptures and don't tell people it is a "scripture"... the truth will make them free. God's Word is truth. I will live and die a Christian, and I will one day see God face-to-face. I believe the Christian walk is a one-on-one with God. Going into a church building is just a place to say hi to others folks who believe in Jesus. Once you walk OUT of the church building, then you carry your faith everywhere, you don't leave it at the doorstep of the church and live like a heathen. If you desire to be a Christian, I don't think you want to live like a heathen anymore. That has to do with God making you a new creation in Christ.

I am here to find my soul mate. I don't know if I'll find her here. But I do know that if you don't look, you'll never find anything or anybody. It would be like complaining that you never win the Lottery, and at the same time, you had never bought a Lottery ticket.

I am a down-to-earth kind of guy. I love nature, I talk to all of the animals and birds and critters and probably talk to the trees and the grass, to on occasion. I love nature and natural beauty and natural things. I prefer rural living to city living. I'm a country boy but I don't listen to country music (ever). I have a cool cowboy-looking hat, but it is actually a felt (material) Harley Davidson hat I bought at the Harley Davidson store. I have never owned a motorcycle, but I am fascinated by them.

I am a romantic man, and a gifted writer, which includes long posts like this one, songs, lyrics, and poetry. If someone truly touches my heart, they can ignite my poet within. I will seduce you with my poems once we are falling in love. :-)

I believe friendship... long term friendship... should be developed for a considerable time before physical intimacies. The f 5 senses are the window to the soul. It is also possible to engage the human hormones before their time. It is possible for someone to engage the physical part of a man/woman relationship prematurely, before a developed friendship has occurred. When you are old, and not so able to enjoy sex and stuff, it is better to have a buddy to wheel around next to in your wheel chair.

I want to BUILD a relationship, not just hop into bed with the first woman I find. I think many men are sex whores, but I am not. I have never, and would never be unfaithful to the woman I love. Unfortunately, I have not received the same in kind in return in my realtionships. At times I have wondered if their are any faithful women left on Earth... I am in no way an un-sexed prude, either. I am a very passionate man, and I can show that in a long-term relationship. But these are the intimate things two people share with one another, and I will hold out until I find the right girl. I deserve to have a good woman find me, and I find her.

Then we pull out all the stops, nothing held back... watch out for nuclear fireworks... haha...

I don't own a TV and I haven't owned a TV for 7 years. I like to watch movies, and I have my living room set up with a media center PC that I can pop a DVD in if I want. My dad's TV broke down when my stuff was in a mini-storage one time, and I sold him my TV for like $200. I just never bought another one. NOT a very influential part of my day, huh? I don't miss the blab box at all. Constant noisy gunk in the back ground... ick... Screaming commercials... blech...

I have none of that at my house... imagine that...

Which means I am probably one of the only men on Earth that give ZERO about sports. Haha. I could care less about any and every sport. I couldn't tell you one player in football, basketball, baseball, or NASCAR. I also don't miss the trash TV gunk like Oprah, Jerry Springer and Dr. Phil. I have no use for any of that total crap. I am also not up on the latest detective shows, crime dramas or sitcoms.

There is one heck of a LOT more to life than sitting in front of the boob-tube.

Have you ever been walking through the yard and saw a line of ants doing their thing on the ground? How fascinating!! The line stretches from here to who-knows-where and the little critters are going both directions on the path. Much more entertaining than Oprah...

Don't need no stinking badges?... ha... well, "Don't need no stinking TVs..."

Some people have a TV in every room... I don't evenb have one in my house anywhere.

I'm not like against TVs or anything... but it SURE IS PEACEFUL without one... If I so choose, I can read my news on the Internet... Sometimes I subscribe to the Wall Street Journal... I don't need a TV.

I'm not a mechanic. I'm not a plumber, I'm not an electrician, I'm not a drywall guy, I amd NOT "Mr. Fix-it". If stuff breaks, then I pay somebody to fix it, or I live without until I can afford to have it fixed. I assessed the situation years ago and decided that I am just not mechanically inclined. Doesn't mean I'm not a man, as is the stipulation in stereo-typical America. I am very firm and strong in many areas. I am every bit of a man. (Did I mention I have a very hairy chest... haha). My philosophy is "you can never beat a man (or woman) at his (or her) trade." In the time it would take me to figure out what the heck is wrong, a professional fixer-upper will have driven to my house, diagnosed the problem, drive back to town for parts, started the fix, went back to town for maor parts, and then got it done. The RIGHT way the first time. In the time it would take me to figure out what was wrong. You can't beat a man at his trade (or... politcally correct... a woman)

But chances are, I am NOT going to be compatible with a woman fixer-upper. Been there. Done that. Doesn't work. Gotta hire the fix-it person to come in... life sucks when stuff breaks... for everything else their is Mastercard. <LOL>

Hmmm... not sure what else I can type that will make you run away... haha

OK, how about this... I hate arguing of any type. I also hate drama that seems to persist every single last day of existence. I am such a peaceful person. My home is quiet, my dog rarely barks, I live in peace. I expect that in my soul mate. If you have anger management problems, then go see a therapist and leave me alone. I have a zero-tolerance for drama. Some people cannot live one day without exhausting their entire caloric intake by maintaining some dramatic feature story. Look in the mirror, do you seem to be very anxious, emotionally unstable (other than normal girl stuff...), do you yell? Do you need to raise your voice more than once a day? Do you scream at your kids? Then you are NOT for me. If you had raised your kids right in the first place, you wouldn't need to scream at them (well, not everyday,. anyways... LOL).

Dang... "give it to God and let go"...

Also... I refuse to walk on eggshells for any woman. There will be peace in my home (I say this as "the man" of the household) or you will not be here. I am an old-fashioned guy who is willing to step up and be the leader of the household, but that doesn't mean you will ever have to walk on eggshells, either. That isn't love, that is control, and in like fashion no woman will ever control me. Only God can control me, and me must control me, but manipulators will be found out and blocked/deleted, etc...

I am going to find a happy, healthy relationship with a wonderful woman. I'm holding out for the best.

If everything above ^^^^ scares you, then you aren't the one. That's OK... God has somebody for you, too. If this post was too long for you, then you aren't the one, either. I like to write, and you don't have to read any of it. Just pass by peacefully, and there are no reasons whatsoever to write a snarky "that was so long, I didn't read it...". Blah... what is up with some people? If you didn't like it, then I could care less. I'm not looking for a negative relationship, I am looking for a woman who has time to investigate who I truly am. Part of those things I can reveal through the written word. I consider it a blessing to be able to write.

Count on long, dreamy e-mails and lot's of poems. :-)

If that isn't for you, then simply move on in peace.

Well, now I feel the inspiration to click "Post Reply"... so I'm out....

OK, Debbie... do your stuff...



no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:23 AM
Telephoneman (((((((((((((((((JIM)))))))))))))) ya making me read all that lol :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:26 AM
Ok all Deb told me to let you all know that Telephone man aka Jim is a special VIP so treat him well for us an have fun

blackxbird's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:27 AM
Good afternoonflowerforyou

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:28 AM

Good afternoonflowerforyou

hey Blackbird welcome back i around but someone is always here

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:30 AM
Oh my gosh Deb is trusty me me personally with one of her V I P's uh oh we in trouble now think ya all better hide me some where rofl rofl rofl rofl

romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:32 AM
Hello hello my friends the most flirtacious and romantic man is back again

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:44 AM
Since telephone is a VIP, all the ladies send him an email to say hi! flowerforyou

romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:44 AM
omg, you mean there is actually life in here>????noway what

no photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:45 AM

Since telephone is a VIP, all the ladies send him an email to say hi! flowerforyou
hey there he is an Deb left me in charge of that one man i think he in for some trouble now lol

romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:46 AM
boy do i feel like chopped liver and onions, just an old sneaker that someone wants to throw out LOL:wink: laugh

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:49 AM

boy do i feel like chopped liver and onions, just an old sneaker that someone wants to throw out LOL:wink: laugh

you got matches or at least should be getting email from matches... so no chopped liver stuff! :tongue:

romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:51 AM
well actually tanya i only got one email, i guess the others just well idk.... but i am waiting patioently as i always do

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:51 AM

well actually tanya i only got one email, i guess the others just well idk.... but i am waiting patioently as i always do


romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:52 AM
i know that mamma deb is working hard and has someone in particular in mind for me

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:53 AM

i know that mamma deb is working hard and has someone in particular in mind for me

well good! she always has things going on behind the scence!

beachbum069's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:55 AM
I'm done with lunch now it's afternoon break

tanyaann's photo
Thu 10/16/08 09:57 AM
eating lunch now b/c I had to run across campus to observe on of the SI leaders.

romeo1975's photo
Thu 10/16/08 10:00 AM
sitting around doing nothing till i go to work

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