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Topic: Will the REAl OBAMA Please stand UP!
Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:01 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Thu 10/09/08 07:02 AM
Makes one wonder why, if OBAMA has so much integrity would he not denounce these tactics?

Oh! Right! He's in with these scams. these are OBAMA's "affiliates."


CLEVELAND - Two Ohio voters, including Domino's pizza worker Christopher Barkley , claimed yesterday that they were hounded by the community-activist group ACORN to register to vote several times, even though they made it clear they'd already signed up.

Barkley estimated he'd registered to vote "10 to 15" times after canvassers for ACORN, whose political wing has endorsed Barack Obama, relentlessly pursued him and others.

Claims such as his have sparked election officials to probe ACORN.

"I kept getting approached by folks who asked me to register," Barkley said. "They'd ask me if I was registered. I'd say yes, and they'd ask me to do it [register] again.

"Some of them were getting paid to collect names. That was their sob story, and I bought it," he said.

Barkley is one of at least three people who have been subpoenaed by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections as part of a wider inquiry into possible voter fraud by ACORN. The group seeks to register low-income voters, who skew overwhelmingly Democratic.

"You can tell them you're registered as many times as you want - they do not care," said Lateala Goins, 21, who was subpoenaed.

"They will follow you to the buses, they will follow you home, it does not matter," she told The Post.

She added that she never put down an address on any of the registration forms, just her name.

A third subpoenaed voter, Freddie Johnson, 19, filled out registration cards 72 times over 18 months, officials said.

"It feeds the public perception that there could be [fraud], and that makes the pillars fall down," said local Board of Elections President Jeff Hastings.

Registering under a fake name is illegal. But officials usually catch multiple registrations and toss them.

The major risk of fraud growing out of mass canvassing involves the possibility of ineligible voters filing absentee ballots, and thus avoiding checks at polling places, said Republican National Committee chief counsel Sean Cairncross.

The subpoenas come as Republicans have ramped up criticism of ACORN. Officials in Nevada raided ACORN's Las Vegas office Tuesday, accusing the group of signing people up multiple times - in some cases under phony names, like those of Dallas Cowboys.

ACORN's Cleveland spokesman, Kris Harsh, said his group collected 100,000 voter-registration cards; only about 50 were questionable, he claimed.

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:03 AM
The Republicans are going wild with acts of desparation.
McCain is finished.

Winx's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:05 AM
And why did the kid fill out registration cards 72 times over 18 months? noway

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:09 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Thu 10/09/08 07:15 AM
For the benefit of those who can't read...people were being pressured even AFTER they told these guys they already voted. DUH!

That's aDUMBOCRAT for yu...OBAMA & ACORN... Patrners in crime...

You keep believing those loonie leftie lies.

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:15 AM

For the benefit of those who can't read...people were being pressured even AFTER they told these guys they already voted. DUH!

That's aDUMBOCRAT for yu...OBAMA & ACORN... Patrners in crime...

You keep believing those lies.

not Acorn, not Obama, not McCain is responsible for others breaking the law -- pressured my eye

Like being pressured to rob a bank - look at all the pretty dollar bills spock

more mudslinging

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:16 AM
More truth...the only ones mud slinging are from the OBAMA camp.

REPS are the ones bringing out OBAMA's real intentions. If his intentions are so good why he is trying to cover it up?

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:19 AM

More truth...the only ones mud slinging are from the OBAMA camp.

REPS are the ones bringing out OBAMA's real intentions. If his intentions are so good why he is trying to cover it up?

good thing I never went to camp then

I speak on what I see, read, hear, make my own decision, opinions, and usually try not to blame groups as every individual is responsible for their own actions, especially leaders (jmo)

jtip1977's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:21 AM
Okay - we get it!!! You are a Republican. Geez

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:34 AM
It's not about being a REP... it's about voting for the person who will keep us safe & not let our enemies thru the front door.

I don't hate OBAMA...I think he's a nice man. I don't ascribe to his politics & I think his background is very questionable at a time when we are very vulnerable.

I also don't think he's telling people what his real intentions are.

God bad or otherwise? I know McCain has a record. You can criticise it but then give crediblity to the arguement that OBAMA is not telling the truth & has done nothing to deserve this position.

This is my reason for posting these things for people to consider.

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:36 AM

Okay - we get it!!! You are a Republican. Geez
Three posts and the shes the only one defending her own position..We dont need poles to see whos winning..laugh

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:37 AM
No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:52 AM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:56 AM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

If you can truly sit there and say the whole REP party tells the 'truth and reveal their intentions' you are truly misguided and extremely gullible.

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 07:58 AM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

If you can truly sit there and say the whole REP party tells the 'truth and reveal their intentions' you are truly misguided and extremely gullible.

Since I am one I can say that their record speaks for itself & they stand on it. They don't do one thing & say another...unlike DEMS who campaign like REPS to get elected & govern another way.

What is naive are those who believe the lies DEMS tell.

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 08:06 AM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

If you can truly sit there and say the whole REP party tells the 'truth and reveal their intentions' you are truly misguided and extremely gullible.

Since I am one I can say that their record speaks for itself & they stand on it. They don't do one thing & say another...unlike DEMS who campaign like REPS to get elected & govern another way.

What is naive are those who believe the lies DEMS tell.

what would you do if that party just disappeared tomorrow, where would your allegiance go as you follow groups not your own mindset?

it's not a party thing, never has been, it's a common sense thing (whats good for me may not be whats good for you and vice versa)... we dont have to agree and doubt we will... does that make us eternal enemies? does that make me ANTI american because I dont agree/follow as you? No, it does not

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 12:34 PM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

If you can truly sit there and say the whole REP party tells the 'truth and reveal their intentions' you are truly misguided and extremely gullible.

Since I am one I can say that their record speaks for itself & they stand on it. They don't do one thing & say another...unlike DEMS who campaign like REPS to get elected & govern another way.

What is naive are those who believe the lies DEMS tell.

what would you do if that party just disappeared tomorrow, where would your allegiance go as you follow groups not your own mindset?

it's not a party thing, never has been, it's a common sense thing (whats good for me may not be whats good for you and vice versa)... we dont have to agree and doubt we will... does that make us eternal enemies? does that make me ANTI american because I dont agree/follow as you? No, it does not

There are ways to know who Anti Americans are... people who are against all that is good about america. People who want to cower to thug govts & turn on their own people instead of defending them. People who lack self control or concern for others. People who disguise their politics behind self serving compassion which is just as political as any of their other rhetorik.

BTW...I noticed how my questions seem to always get avoided by REP bashing so I guess I will have to ask again....

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 12:43 PM

No politician has ever only spoken the truths Quik, none. They speak the 'truths' as they see it or as it benefits their ultimate goal.

If you truly meant just to provide information and facts about both parties, why do you go beyond that and add name calling to your posts?

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???

If you can truly sit there and say the whole REP party tells the 'truth and reveal their intentions' you are truly misguided and extremely gullible.

Since I am one I can say that their record speaks for itself & they stand on it. They don't do one thing & say another...unlike DEMS who campaign like REPS to get elected & govern another way.

What is naive are those who believe the lies DEMS tell.

what would you do if that party just disappeared tomorrow, where would your allegiance go as you follow groups not your own mindset?

it's not a party thing, never has been, it's a common sense thing (whats good for me may not be whats good for you and vice versa)... we dont have to agree and doubt we will... does that make us eternal enemies? does that make me ANTI american because I dont agree/follow as you? No, it does not

There are ways to know who Anti Americans are... people who are against all that is good about america. People who want to cower to thug govts & turn on their own people instead of defending them. People who lack self control or concern for others. People who disguise their politics behind self serving compassion which is just as political as any of their other rhetorik.

BTW...I noticed how my questions seem to always get avoided by REP bashing so I guess I will have to ask again....

Not true...REPS always tell their intentions...they could do what DEMS do & lie to people but they don't. That's why REPS are taken to task while DEMS get a free pass.

The fact is that the perseption that DEMs are for "the little guy" is so way off. I keep asking & never get an answer from DEM supporters here...what have DEMS done for the working class in this country when they are for illegals & every other thing going on in the country??? Spreading the pie thinner & thinner...come on???

Do they ever think...we have to take care of our own first? I think the idea of natl. healthcare is the biggest cop out from DEMS who have given up on the working class in this nation.

So now? What have DEMS done for the working class in this country???


you are amusing, I am neither a Rep nor a Dem I am humanwaving - I follow my instincts, my gutt, my personal feel not that of political parties. I dont follow blindly behind anyone, if anyone does, there are sure to step in muck (to say the least) I dont have to nor do I feel I have a need to expand on anything about either party. My responses have always been my views not based on political party.

There are those blinded and misguided by political affiliations, to those I wish a moment of clarity. flowerforyou

Everyone should vote, go out and vote, go out and vote for your best interest - do not fall victim, take responsibility and if it's change you want, participate dont just follow behind meekly.

*This message has been approved by Frances*

:banana: :banana:

People who disguise their politics behind self serving compassion which is just as political as any of their other rhetorik.
very well put why not practice?

Quikstepper's photo
Thu 10/09/08 12:57 PM
As one can justify the lieing perseption that DEMS are for the working class.

You can insult me for no reason & call my posts hate to avoid real answers.

franshade's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:01 PM
People who disguise their politics behind self serving compassion which is just as political as any of their other rhetorik.

As one can justify the lieing perseption that DEMS are for the working class.

You can insult me for no reason & call my posts hate to avoid real answers.

The Victim Syndrome huh

I actually love your quote People who disguise their politics behind self serving compassion which is just as political as any of their other rhetorik. I think it's deep and so true. Never have I nor will I call you out of your name, but what makes you think anything has to be justified to you?

One woman to another

What's with the chip on your shoulder? the world is not out to get you, everyone is not against you, respect others and they shall respect you too.

As I respect your views, avoid those I really dont agree with, but truly loved your quote.

Who/what are you hiding from?

no photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:02 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 10/09/08 01:02 PM

As one can justify the lieing perseption that DEMS are for the working class.

You can insult me for no reason & call my posts hate to avoid real answers.
Tell me what the reps have done?..The middle class has suffered so much in the last 8 yrs..So you tell me...

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